Sat Feb 1 | Thu Feb 6 | The First International On-line Knot Theory Congress | | Mathematics | |
Tue Jan 14 | Fri Jan 17 | Lean Together 2025 | | logic in computer science mathematical software Mathematics | |
18-Dec-2024 | Luxembourg Number Theory Day 2024 | Université du Luxembourg | algebraic geometry number theory | |
14-Nov-2024 | 29-Nov-2024 | Course on Abelian Varieties and Isogeny Graphs | Université du Luxembourg | algebraic geometry number theory | |
21-Nov-2024 | 22-Nov-2024 | 23rd Northeast Probability Seminar | Columbia University | probability | |
21-Oct-2024 | 30-Oct-2024 | Second Virtual Workshop on Double Categories | | category theory | |
11-Oct-2024 | 12-Oct-2024 | MAAGC 2024 | | algebraic geometry combinatorics | |
08-Oct-2024 | 11-Oct-2024 | Higher structures in Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Algebra | Université de Lille | algebraic topology category theory K-theory and homology operator algebras quantum algebra representation theory | |
29-Sep-2024 | AI and Mathematics: Current Trends and Future Directions | | artificial intelligence mathematics education general mathematics history and overview | |
23-Sep-2024 | 27-Sep-2024 | Symmetry and shape. Celebrating the 60th birthday of Prof. E. García Río | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela | differential geometry | |
14-Sep-2024 | 18-Sep-2024 | Hypercomplex Seminar 2024 | | Chemistry Computer science Mathematics Physics | |
09-Sep-2024 | 13-Sep-2024 | Summer School on Tropical Linear Spaces | | algebraic geometry combinatorics | |
09-Sep-2024 | 13-Sep-2024 | GAP XIX — Rome: Moduli spaces and higher structures | | mathematical physics algebraic geometry algebraic topology differential geometry quantum algebra | |
02-Sep-2024 | 12-Sep-2024 | Quantum Optics and Related Topics | Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | optics quantum physics | |
09-Sep-2024 | World of GroupCraft IV | | group theory | |
12-Aug-2024 | 14-Aug-2024 | Richmond Geometry Meeting 2024 | Virginia Commonwealth University | mathematical physics algebraic geometry geometric topology | |
29-Jul-2024 | 02-Aug-2024 | 14th GTSS Geometry-Topology Summer School | İstanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences | mathematical physics differential geometry geometric topology metric geometry | |
22-Jul-2024 | 26-Jul-2024 | Celestial Holography Summer School 2024 | Perimeter Institute | HEP - theory | |
17-Jun-2024 | 28-Jun-2024 | Rethinking Number Theory | | number theory | |
24-Jun-2024 | 27-Jun-2024 | Latin-American Conference on Astrophysics and Relativity | | astrophysics general relativity and quantum cosmology | |
24-Jun-2024 | Goal-Directed Behavior in Life and Non-Life | | biochemistry bioinformatics chemical biology evolution computational and theoretical chemistry supramolecular chemistry | |
17-Jun-2024 | 21-Jun-2024 | Additive Combinatorics Workshop | Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics | combinatorics number theory representation theory | |
14-Jun-2024 | Physical Mathematics Celebration of Albert Schwarz's 70 Years in Science | Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques | Mathematics Physics | |
10-Jun-2024 | 14-Jun-2024 | Summer School: Additive Combinatorics | Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics | combinatorics number theory representation theory | |
03-Jun-2024 | 07-Jun-2024 | NCTS/NTNU Conference on Fractional Integrals and Related Phenomena in Analysis | | analysis of PDEs classical analysis and ODEs functional analysis | |
22-May-2024 | 24-May-2024 | Combinatorial and additive number theory (CANT 2024) | CUNY Grad Center | combinatorics number theory | |
16-May-2024 | 17-May-2024 | Groups in Galway 2024 | | group theory | |
24-Apr-2024 | Professor Ivo Babuška - Mathematician of World Importance - We Remember | | Mathematics | |
25-Mar-2024 | 29-Mar-2024 | Lean for the Curious Mathematician 2024 | | general mathematics | |
04-Mar-2024 | 15-Mar-2024 | Seminar-Type Workshop on Noncommutative Integrable Systems | | mathematical physics | |
29-Jan-2024 | 02-Feb-2024 | Fourier Analysis and its applications -- Workshop | Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics | classical analysis and ODEs functional analysis spectral theory | |
09-Jan-2024 | 12-Jan-2024 | Lean Together 2024 | | logic in computer science mathematical software Mathematics | |
18-Dec-2023 | 19-Dec-2023 | 4th ItaCa workshop | | category theory | |
11-Dec-2023 | 15-Dec-2023 | Winter School on Low-dimensional Topology and Related Topics | Institute for Basic Science | mathematical physics algebraic topology geometric topology quantum algebra symplectic geometry | |
10-Dec-2023 | 15-Dec-2023 | Young Dynamics Snowference | | dynamical systems chaotic dynamics | |
04-Dec-2023 | 08-Dec-2023 | Frontiers of Holographic Duality-5 | Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | general relativity and quantum cosmology HEP - phenomenology HEP - theory | |
24-Nov-2023 | 08-Dec-2023 | Workshop on Quantum-Hardware Systems 2023 | | condensed matter cryptography and security networking and internet architecture quantum computing and information Mathematics nonlinear sciences computational physics quantum physics | |
01-Dec-2023 | 02-Dec-2023 | MAAGC 2023 | Virginia Commonwealth University | algebraic geometry combinatorics | |
30-Nov-2023 | 01-Dec-2023 | Combinatorics in algebraic structures: Invariant Theory and its Applications | | commutative algebra algebraic geometry combinatorics rings and algebras representation theory | |
03-Nov-2023 | 04-Nov-2023 | 19th Prairie Analysis Seminar | Kansas State University | analysis of PDEs | |
26-Oct-2023 | 29-Oct-2023 | Kickoff Workshop for Simons Collaboration on Celestial Holography | Harvard University | general relativity and quantum cosmology high energy physics | |
17-Oct-2023 | 19-Oct-2023 | Workshop on Algebra in l’AQuila 2023 | | Mathematics | |
17-Oct-2023 | 18-Oct-2023 | Combinatorics in algebraic structures: PI-algebras II | | rings and algebras | |
13-Oct-2023 | 15-Oct-2023 | TORA (Texas-Oklahoma Representations and Automorphic forms) XII | | number theory representation theory | |
05-Oct-2023 | 06-Oct-2023 | Around Frobenius Distributions and Related Topics IV | | number theory | |
30-Aug-2023 | 29-Sep-2023 | Seminar-Type Workshop on Topological Solitons | Nagoya University | high energy physics mathematical physics nonlinear sciences | |
04-Sep-2023 | 05-Sep-2023 | Hopf Days in Brussels 2023 | Université Libre de Bruxelles | commutative algebra category theory quantum algebra rings and algebras representation theory | |
04-Sep-2023 | World of GroupCraft III | | group theory | |
31-Aug-2023 | 01-Sep-2023 | Representations of Lie Superalgebras and Related Topics | Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) | Mathematics Physics | |
21-Aug-2023 | 01-Sep-2023 | Mapping the Interdisciplinary Horizons of AI: Safety, Functional Programming, Information Geometry | Baltic Institute of Mathematics | computational geometry machine learning programming languages differential geometry information theory data analysis, statistics and probability | |
24-Aug-2023 | 25-Aug-2023 | DANGER3: Data, Numbers, and Geometry | University of Nottingham | machine learning mathematical physics algebraic geometry algebraic topology | |
23-Aug-2023 | 25-Aug-2023 | Early Number Theory Researchers Workshop 2023 | Bielefeld University | algebraic geometry combinatorics number theory | |
31-Jul-2023 | 04-Aug-2023 | Geometric Variational Problems - Diversity & Common Patterns emphasising General relativity | | Mathematics Physics | |
17-Jul-2023 | 29-Jul-2023 | 11th GTSS Geometry-Topology Summer School | İstanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences | algebraic geometry complex variables differential geometry geometric topology metric geometry symplectic geometry | |
24-Jul-2023 | 28-Jul-2023 | Acceleration and Extrapolation Methods | ICERM | general mathematics | |
20-Jun-2023 | 28-Jul-2023 | Data Science and Social Justice: Networks, Policy, and Education | ICERM | general mathematics | |
21-Jul-2023 | 22-Jul-2023 | Educating at the Intersection of Data Science and Social Justice | ICERM | Computer science mathematics education | |
09-Jul-2023 | 15-Jul-2023 | Hypercomplex Seminar 2023 | | Computer science Mathematics Physics | |
10-Jul-2023 | 14-Jul-2023 | LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory (LuCaNT) | ICERM | number theory | |
07-May-2023 | 07-Jul-2023 | Random Matrices from Quantum Chaos to the Riemann Zeta Function. | University of Bristol | Mathematics | |
29-Jun-2023 | 01-Jul-2023 | UNIST Workshop on String Theory, Geometry and Machine Learning 2023 | Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) | machine learning HEP - theory mathematical physics algebraic geometry computational physics | |
26-Jun-2023 | 30-Jun-2023 | Modern Applied and Computational Analysis | ICERM | Mathematics | |
26-Jun-2023 | 30-Jun-2023 | Complex analysis and geometry: celebrating the 70+1th birthday of Laszlo Lempert | Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics | complex variables differential geometry | |
20-Jun-2023 | 23-Jun-2023 | From Impact Factor to Influence Factor: Data Science and Policy for Social Justice | ICERM | Computer science Mathematics | |
19-Jun-2023 | 23-Jun-2023 | Contemporary Analysis and Its Applications (CAIA'23) | | mathematical physics analysis of PDEs classical analysis and ODEs | |
12-Jun-2023 | 16-Jun-2023 | Mathematical and Computational Biology | ICERM | computational biology general mathematics | |
12-Jun-2023 | 16-Jun-2023 | Arithmetic, Birational Geometry, and Moduli Spaces | Brown University | algebraic geometry number theory | |
14-Jun-2023 | Microlocal sheaf theory and the work of Pierre Schapira | | Mathematics | |
05-Jun-2023 | 10-Jun-2023 | Wall-Crossing Structures, Analyticity, and Resurgence | Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques | algebraic topology | |
07-Jun-2023 | 09-Jun-2023 | Mini-workshop on symplectic topology | Imperial College London | symplectic geometry | |
05-Jun-2023 | 09-Jun-2023 | Mathematical and Scientific Machine Learning | ICERM | Mathematics | |
02-Jun-2023 | 04-Jun-2023 | Richmond Geometry Meeting 2023 | Virginia Commonwealth University | mathematical physics algebraic geometry geometric topology | |
28-May-2023 | 03-Jun-2023 | Function Spaces and Applications XII (Spring School on Analysis 2023) | Charles University / Czech Technical University in Prague | analysis of PDEs functional analysis | |
30-May-2023 | 02-Jun-2023 | Free Boundary Problems: Lecture Series and Recent Advances in Theory and Applications | Columbia University | computational engineering, finance, and science mathematical physics analysis of PDEs differential geometry dynamical systems fluid dynamics | |
30-May-2023 | 02-Jun-2023 | An Expedition into Arithmetic Geometry | Universiteit Leiden | Mathematics | |
23-May-2023 | 26-May-2023 | Combinatorial and additive number theory (CANT 2023) | CUNY - Lehman College / CUNY Grad Center | combinatorics number theory | |
22-May-2023 | 25-May-2023 | Tangled in Knot Theory | ICERM | algebraic topology geometric topology | |
15-May-2023 | 19-May-2023 | Dynamics, Rigidity and Arithmetic in Hyperbolic Geometry | ICERM | Mathematics | |
08-May-2023 | 12-May-2023 | Optimal Transport in Data Science | ICERM | machine learning statistics theory | |
01-May-2023 | 03-May-2023 | Moab Topology Conference | | general topology geometric topology | |
24-Apr-2023 | 28-Apr-2023 | Trends in Computational Discrete Optimization | ICERM | Mathematics | |
20-Apr-2023 | Workshop on birational geometry | Higher School of Economics | Mathematics | |
19-Apr-2023 | Heilbronn Colloquium 2023: Iosif Polterovich | University of Bristol | Mathematics | |
27-Mar-2023 | 31-Mar-2023 | Combinatorics and Optimization | ICERM | Mathematics | |
22-Mar-2023 | 24-Mar-2023 | Moduli Spaces of Shtukas and Higher Gross-Zagier Formulas | | algebraic geometry number theory | |
15-Mar-2023 | 16-Mar-2023 | Workshop on Classical and Quantum Superconducting Technologies | | condensed matter applied physics instrumentation and detectors quantum physics | |
06-Mar-2023 | 08-Mar-2023 | RIMS Workshop: Zeta Functions and Their Representations | | number theory | |
27-Feb-2023 | 03-Mar-2023 | Linear and Non-Linear Mixed Integer Optimization | ICERM | Mathematics | |
24-Feb-2023 | 26-Feb-2023 | Algebraic Geometry in Spectral Theory | ICERM | algebraic geometry | |
17-Jan-2023 | 20-Jan-2023 | Privacy and Ethics in Pandemic Data Collection and Processing | ICERM | Biology Mathematics | |
06-Jan-2023 | Flash Talks in Representation Theory at NTNU III | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | representation theory | |
19-Dec-2022 | 23-Dec-2022 | NCTS Conference on Fractional Integrals and Related Phenomena in Analysis | National Center for Theoretical Sciences | analysis of PDEs classical analysis and ODEs functional analysis | |
17-Dec-2022 | 18-Dec-2022 | Mathematical Physics Days 2022 | | Mathematics Physics | |
12-Dec-2022 | 16-Dec-2022 | Frontiers of Holographic Duality-4 | Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | HEP - theory | |
12-Dec-2022 | 14-Dec-2022 | Quantization Days 3.0 | | Mathematics Physics | |
08-Dec-2022 | 09-Dec-2022 | Crosscurrents in number theory, analsis and geometry (2022) | Université Sorbonne Paris Nord | dynamical systems number theory | |
28-Nov-2022 | 02-Dec-2022 | Virtual Double Categories Workshop | | category theory | |
28-Nov-2022 | 02-Dec-2022 | Extremal Problems in Harmonic Analysis, Convexity, and Bellman Functions | ICERM | combinatorics functional analysis general mathematics optimization and control | |
18-Nov-2022 | ITS Symposium: Thermalization and Quantum Field Theory | CUNY Grad Center | statistical mechanics HEP - theory chaotic dynamics | |
14-Nov-2022 | 18-Nov-2022 | Newton-Okounkov bodies & tropical geometry | Goethe University Frankfurt | algebraic geometry | |
07-Nov-2022 | 11-Nov-2022 | Computer science for knotty math problems | | machine learning mathematical physics algebraic topology general topology geometric topology quantum algebra | |
31-Oct-2022 | 05-Nov-2022 | Integrability, Duality and related topics | Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics | HEP - theory | |
17-Oct-2022 | 21-Oct-2022 | Probabilistic Methods in Geometry and Analysis | ICERM | functional analysis general mathematics probability | |
13-Oct-2022 | 16-Oct-2022 | Symmetry and shape | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela | differential geometry | |
26-Sep-2022 | 30-Sep-2022 | Harmonic Analysis Methods in Geometric Tomography | ICERM | Mathematics | |
19-Sep-2022 | 22-Sep-2022 | Polygons, Buildings and Related Geometries | Ghent University | combinatorics general mathematics group theory rings and algebras representation theory | |
12-Sep-2022 | 14-Sep-2022 | Free boundary problems in biology and fluid dynamics | Universidad de Cantabria | analysis of PDEs | |
12-Sep-2022 | 13-Sep-2022 | Second ANTIPODE workshop | Université Libre de Bruxelles | rings and algebras | |
05-Sep-2022 | 06-Sep-2022 | Algebra Days in Paris - in honor of Bernhard Keller | | representation theory | |
02-Sep-2022 | 05-Sep-2022 | Geometric applications of microlocal analysis | Stanford University | analysis of PDEs differential geometry | |
02-Sep-2022 | 03-Sep-2022 | World of GroupCraft II | | group theory | |
25-Aug-2022 | 26-Aug-2022 | DANGER2: Data, Numbers, and Geometry | | machine learning mathematical physics algebraic geometry algebraic topology number theory | |
15-Aug-2022 | 26-Aug-2022 | 8th GTSS Geometry-Topology Summer School | İstanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences | mathematical physics algebraic topology differential geometry geometric topology metric geometry | |
11-Aug-2022 | 19-Aug-2022 | Holography 2022: quantum matter and spacetime | Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics | HEP - theory | |
17-Jul-2022 | 06-Aug-2022 | Park City Mathematics Institute: Number theory informed by computation | Institute for Advanced Study | number theory | |
03-Aug-2022 | 05-Aug-2022 | Tenth Bucharest Number Theory Days | | number theory | |
01-Aug-2022 | 05-Aug-2022 | LMS-Bath Symposium on Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry | | algebraic geometry combinatorics | |
25-Jul-2022 | 29-Jul-2022 | VBAC 2022: Moduli Spaces and Vector Bundles — New Trends | | algebraic geometry | |
25-Jul-2022 | 29-Jul-2022 | Mirror symmetry for Looijenga interiors and beyond | Boğaziçi University | Mathematics | |
18-Jul-2022 | 22-Jul-2022 | Non-Associative Algebras and Related Topics II | Universidade da Beira Interior / Universidade de Coimbra / Universidade de Porto | mathematical physics commutative algebra algebraic geometry category theory group theory K-theory and homology operator algebras quantum algebra rings and algebras representation theory | |
18-Jul-2022 | 22-Jul-2022 | Contemporary Algebraic and Geometric Techniques in Coding Theory and Cryptography | | cryptography and security discrete mathematics information theory combinatorics | |
18-Jul-2022 | 22-Jul-2022 | Applied Category Theory 2022 | | Chemistry Computer science Mathematics Physics | |
20-Jul-2022 | Classical and modern approaches to Diophantine problems | University of Manchester | number theory | |
16-Jul-2022 | 17-Jul-2022 | Operators on Banach Algebras and related topics | | Mathematics | |
11-Jul-2022 | 13-Jul-2022 | Workshop on Geometry and Machine Learning | Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg | machine learning Mathematics | |
06-Jul-2022 | 08-Jul-2022 | Spec(Qbar) | Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences | commutative algebra algebraic geometry number theory rings and algebras | |
27-Jun-2022 | 01-Jul-2022 | Interdisciplinary Network Analysis Methods for Analyzing Social Systems | ICERM | Mathematics | |
27-Jun-2022 | 01-Jul-2022 | Interdisciplinary Network Analysis Methods for Analyzing Social Systems | ICERM | Mathematics | |
28-Jun-2022 | 30-Jun-2022 | Conference on Algebraic Geometry | Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | mathematical physics commutative algebra algebraic geometry category theory K-theory and homology quantum algebra | |
27-Jun-2022 | 30-Jun-2022 | Homotopy theory with applications to arithmetic and geometry | Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences / Max Planck Institute for Mathematics | algebraic geometry algebraic topology geometric topology number theory | |
20-Jun-2022 | 24-Jun-2022 | Equidistribution and arithmetic dynamics | Oklahoma State University | dynamical systems number theory | |
22-Jun-2022 | 23-Jun-2022 | Symposium on Statistics and Data Science in HIV | ICERM | Mathematics | |
13-Jun-2022 | 17-Jun-2022 | Workshop on Noncommutative Geometry, Free Probability Theory and Random Matrix Theory | Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences | mathematical physics functional analysis operator algebras probability quantum algebra | |
13-Jun-2022 | 15-Jun-2022 | Prediction and Variability of Air-Sea Interactions: the South Asian Monsoon | ICERM | Mathematics | |
06-Jun-2022 | 07-Jun-2022 | AlCoVE: an Algebraic Combinatorics Virtual Expedition | | algebraic geometry combinatorics group theory quantum algebra rings and algebras representation theory | |
28-May-2022 | 04-Jun-2022 | Workshop on Operator Theory with an Eye on Linear Systems and Hypercomplex Analysis | Chapman University | classical analysis and ODEs complex variables functional analysis operator algebras spectral theory | |
02-Jun-2022 | 03-Jun-2022 | Numbers and Nature 2022 | MIT | neuroscience computational complexity mathematical software atmospheric sciences planetary sciences mathematical physics dynamical systems chaotic dynamics biophysics classical physics fluid dynamics optics popular physics | |
01-Jun-2022 | 03-Jun-2022 | Global Virtual SageDays 112.358 | University of California, Davis / University of Kentucky | graphics mathematical software symbolic computation general mathematics optimization and control statistics theory | |
29-May-2022 | 02-Jun-2022 | Summer STARS Workshop 2022 | Weizmann Institute of Science | representation theory | |
27-May-2022 | 28-May-2022 | Richmond Geometry Festival 2022 | Virginia Commonwealth University | mathematical physics algebraic geometry geometric topology | |
24-May-2022 | 27-May-2022 | Combinatorial and additive number theory (CANT 2022) | CUNY - Lehman College | number theory | |
23-May-2022 | 27-May-2022 | Spacious Spatiality 2022 - Spatial Cognition, Fundamental Physics, Complexity and Computation | | cell biology computational biology developmental biology evolution neuroscience psychology computational geometry computer vision and pattern recognition discrete mathematics information theory logic in computer science mathematical physics metric geometry biophysics history and philosophy of physics space physics | |
23-May-2022 | 27-May-2022 | Baylor Analysis Fest. From Operator Th. to Orthogonal Polynomials, Combinatorics, and Number Th. | Baylor University | Mathematics | |
24-May-2022 | 26-May-2022 | Geometry & TACoS - Session VIII : Complex Geometric Flows | | algebraic geometry analysis of PDEs differential geometry | |
22-May-2022 | 26-May-2022 | Canadian Operator Symposium 2023 (51st Annual) | Western University | Mathematics | |
21-May-2022 | 22-May-2022 | Big Data in Pure Mathematics 2022 | Boston University | databases Mathematics | |
18-May-2022 | 20-May-2022 | Trends in Calculus of Variations and PDEs | Ghent University / University of Sussex | mathematical physics analysis of PDEs classical analysis and ODEs differential geometry dynamical systems functional analysis optimization and control probability spectral theory | |
16-May-2022 | 20-May-2022 | Topological Data Visualization Workshop | University of Iowa | algebraic topology geometric topology | |
16-May-2022 | 20-May-2022 | Numerical Methods in Theoretical Physics | Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics | condensed matter HEP - theory | |
16-May-2022 | 20-May-2022 | GAP XVII — Vancouver | University of British Columbia | mathematical physics algebraic geometry algebraic topology differential geometry | |
16-May-2022 | 19-May-2022 | Homogeneous Dynamics and Related Topics Exeter | | dynamical systems number theory | |
14-May-2022 | 15-May-2022 | Topological and Dynamical Analysis of Brain Connectomes | ICERM | Mathematics | |
13-May-2022 | Categorical Semantics of Entropy | CUNY Grad Center / Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences | category theory | |
09-May-2022 | 12-May-2022 | International Conference on Noncommutative Algebra and its Applications | | Mathematics | |
09-May-2022 | 12-May-2022 | ICNCA-afternoon session | | Mathematics | |
03-May-2022 | 08-May-2022 | JAMI 2022: Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry | Johns Hopkins University | algebraic geometry | |
06-May-2022 | Quantum Master Equations for Open System Quantum Dynamics III | CUNY Grad Center / Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences | computational and theoretical chemistry | |
29-Apr-2022 | ITS Symposium: Integrability and Integrability Breaking | CUNY Grad Center | statistical mechanics HEP - theory mathematical physics | |
25-Apr-2022 | 29-Apr-2022 | Braids in Low-Dimensional Topology | ICERM | algebraic topology | |
27-Apr-2022 | Jornadas Cantábricas de EDPs | Universidad de Cantabria | analysis of PDEs | |
11-Apr-2022 | 15-Apr-2022 | Explicit Methods for Modularity | ICERM / MIT | algebraic geometry number theory representation theory | |
07-Apr-2022 | 08-Apr-2022 | AGGITatE Days 2022: Algebraic Groups and Geometric Invariant Theory at Essex | University of Essex | algebraic geometry group theory | |
04-Apr-2022 | 06-Apr-2022 | IBS ECOPRO Opening conference | Institute for Basic Science | combinatorics probability | |
02-Apr-2022 | 03-Apr-2022 | Spring 2022 Workshop on NCG and Geometric Analysis | | Mathematics | |
01-Apr-2022 | Quantum Master Equations for Open System Quantum Dynamics II | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | biochemistry quantum computing and information | |
29-Mar-2022 | BPS workshop | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | algebraic geometry | |
25-Mar-2022 | Physics of Life: Students and Postdocs Edition | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / Princeton University / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | biophysics | |
21-Mar-2022 | 25-Mar-2022 | Braids in symplectic and algebraic geometry | ICERM | algebraic geometry | |
14-Mar-2022 | 18-Mar-2022 | Physics @ Boundaries Workshop | Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications | HEP - theory mathematical physics | |
13-Mar-2022 | 18-Mar-2022 | BIRS Workshop:Probability and Quantum Information Science | | Mathematics | |
11-Mar-2022 | Workshop on birational geometry | Higher School of Economics | Mathematics | |
08-Mar-2022 | 11-Mar-2022 | 2022 Workshop on Elliptic Integrable Systems | | high energy physics mathematical physics algebraic geometry quantum algebra representation theory | |
03-Mar-2022 | 04-Mar-2022 | Mini-Symposium on Lattice Polytopes | Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) / University of Nottingham | combinatorics | |
25-Feb-2022 | Entropy production, thermodynamic uncertainty, and information | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | chaotic dynamics biophysics | |
16-Feb-2022 | 18-Feb-2022 | Recent progress on gravity tests | | astrophysics | |
14-Feb-2022 | 18-Feb-2022 | Braids in Representation Theory and Algebraic Combinatorics | ICERM | combinatorics | |
07-Feb-2022 | 18-Feb-2022 | MATRIX-SMRI Symposium: Nijenhuis Geometry and Integrable Systems | MATRIX / Sydney Mathematical Research Institute | algebraic geometry | |
14-Feb-2022 | 16-Feb-2022 | UNIST International Workshop on Geometry and Mathematical Physics 2022 | | HEP - theory mathematical physics algebraic geometry combinatorics rings and algebras representation theory | |
12-Feb-2022 | 14-Feb-2022 | Quantum Geometry and Representation Theory II | | mathematical physics algebraic geometry geometric topology quantum algebra rings and algebras representation theory | |
11-Feb-2022 | 13-Feb-2022 | 2022 WINTER MEETING ON PDES | | Mathematics | |
10-Feb-2022 | 11-Feb-2022 | Workshop on Singularity Theory, Geometry and Related Topics | | differential geometry general mathematics general topology group theory symplectic geometry | |
05-Feb-2022 | Southern California Number Theory Day | University of California, San Diego | algebraic geometry number theory | |
24-Jan-2022 | 03-Feb-2022 | Differential Geometry and its applications: fluid dynamics, dispersive systems, image processing | Baltic Institute of Mathematics | mathematical physics differential geometry fluid dynamics | |
28-Jan-2022 | Dimensionality and Dynamics in Networks of Neurons | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / Princeton University / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | neuroscience biophysics | |
24-Jan-2022 | 28-Jan-2022 | BIRS workshop: Geometry and Swampland | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
24-Jan-2022 | 28-Jan-2022 | Advances in Theoretical Physics 2022 | Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics | HEP - theory | |
10-Jan-2022 | 14-Jan-2022 | Holistic Design of Time-Dependent PDE Discretizations | ICERM | Mathematics | |
04-Jan-2022 | 14-Jan-2022 | MATRIX-SMRI Symposium: Singularities in Geometric Flows: An Ancient Perspective | MATRIX / Sydney Mathematical Research Institute | Mathematics | |
04-Jan-2022 | Flash talks in representation theory at NTNU | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | representation theory | |
16-Dec-2021 | 21-Dec-2021 | Pacifichem 2021 | | chemical biology analytical chemistry computational and theoretical chemistry general chemistry inorganic chemistry medicinal chemistry physical chemistry supramolecular chemistry synthetic methodology | |
16-Dec-2021 | 17-Dec-2021 | Geometric and Topological Methods in Data Science | ICERM | geometric topology | |
15-Dec-2021 | 17-Dec-2021 | Conference in honour of Alexey Bondal's 60th birthday | Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | commutative algebra algebraic geometry category theory K-theory and homology rings and algebras | |
13-Dec-2021 | 17-Dec-2021 | Reuven Opher Workshop on Challenges of New Physics in Space | ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research | cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics | |
06-Dec-2021 | 17-Dec-2021 | Frontiers of Holographic Duality-3 | Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | general relativity and quantum cosmology HEP - phenomenology HEP - theory | |
13-Dec-2021 | 16-Dec-2021 | INFN Strings "Young Days" | | HEP - theory | |
13-Dec-2021 | 15-Dec-2021 | Quantization Days 2.0 | | mathematical physics | |
11-Dec-2021 | 12-Dec-2021 | Mathematical Physics Days 2021 | | high energy physics mathematical physics differential geometry quantum physics | |
11-Dec-2021 | Virtual Workshop on Higher Topos Theory 2 | Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia | algebraic topology category theory | |
09-Dec-2021 | 10-Dec-2021 | Women in Mathematics in South-Eastern Europe | Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Acad. Sci. | Biology Mathematics | |
06-Dec-2021 | 10-Dec-2021 | Hamiltonian Methods and Asymptotic Dynamics | ICERM | Mathematics Physics | |
01-Oct-2021 | 10-Dec-2021 | Non-Archimedean and Tropical Geometry | Goethe University Frankfurt / École Polytechnique | algebraic geometry | |
04-Dec-2021 | 07-Dec-2021 | CTP Workshop: Gravitating Frontiers | | astrophysics general relativity and quantum cosmology high energy physics mathematical physics classical physics general physics history and philosophy of physics popular physics | |
04-Dec-2021 | 05-Dec-2021 | Johns Hopkins Junior Number Theory Days 2021 | Johns Hopkins University | number theory | |
03-Dec-2021 | Quantum Information in Chemistry | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | computational and theoretical chemistry machine learning quantum computing and information | |
02-Dec-2021 | 03-Dec-2021 | Ninth Workshop on Integrable Systems - 2-3 December 2021 | | Mathematics | |
28-Nov-2021 | 03-Dec-2021 | Analytical Methods in Quantum and Continuum Mechanics | | mathematical physics analysis of PDEs quantum physics | |
29-Nov-2021 | 02-Dec-2021 | CMO-Foundations of Objective Bayesian Methodology | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
22-Nov-2021 | 26-Nov-2021 | BIRS workshop:Moving Frames and their Modern Applications | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
22-Nov-2021 | 26-Nov-2021 | BIRS workshop: Graph Product Structure Theory | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
19-Nov-2021 | Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | machine learning | |
17-Nov-2021 | 19-Nov-2021 | International conference "Nonlinear waves and Frobenius structures in geometry and physics" dedicate | Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | mathematical physics algebraic geometry analysis of PDEs K-theory and homology quantum algebra | |
15-Nov-2021 | 19-Nov-2021 | BIRS workshop: Basic Functions, Orbital Integrals, and Beyond Endoscopy | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
15-Oct-2021 | 19-Nov-2021 | The 4th Geometric Analysis Festival | | differential geometry | |
15-Nov-2021 | 18-Nov-2021 | CMO-Detection and Analysis of Gravitational Waves in the era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
16-Nov-2021 | INFN Strings "Young Days" | | HEP - theory | |
08-Nov-2021 | 12-Nov-2021 | SILAFAE XII¾ | ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research | cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics | |
08-Nov-2021 | 12-Nov-2021 | Frontiers in Theoretical Physics 2021 | Korea Institute for Advanced Study / Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics | HEP - theory | |
08-Nov-2021 | 12-Nov-2021 | CMO-Geometry and Symmetries for Phenomenology | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
08-Nov-2021 | 12-Nov-2021 | BIRS workshop: New Directions in Geometric Flows | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
11-Nov-2021 | Triangulated Categories in Representation Theory | Universidad de Murcia / University of Manchester / University of Tokyo | Mathematics | |
09-Nov-2021 | 11-Nov-2021 | RCD spaces: Splitting theorems and applications | | Mathematics | |
10-Nov-2021 | Workshop on birational geometry | Higher School of Economics | Mathematics | |
05-Nov-2021 | 07-Nov-2021 | Foam Evaluation | ICERM | mathematical physics algebraic topology representation theory | |
05-Nov-2021 | 06-Nov-2021 | 17th Prairie Analysis Seminar | Kansas State University | Mathematics | |
05-Nov-2021 | ITS Symposium: Recent Developments in Scattering Amplitudes | CUNY Grad Center | HEP - theory mathematical physics | |
01-Nov-2021 | 05-Nov-2021 | BIRS workshop: Statistical Aspects of Non-Linear Inverse Problems | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
01-Nov-2021 | 05-Nov-2021 | BIRS workshop: Quantum Field Theories and Quantum Topology Beyond Semisimplicity | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
02-Nov-2021 | 04-Nov-2021 | Generalized Cohomology and Physics | | HEP - theory mathematical physics algebraic topology K-theory and homology | |
29-Oct-2021 | Machine Learning in Chemistry | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | computational and theoretical chemistry machine learning | |
27-Oct-2021 | 29-Oct-2021 | Harmonic Analysis and Symmetric Spaces 2021 | University of Wisconsin, Madison | analysis of PDEs number theory representation theory | |
25-Oct-2021 | 29-Oct-2021 | Fields Medal Symposium in honour of Peter Scholze | Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences | commutative algebra algebraic geometry number theory representation theory | |
25-Oct-2021 | 29-Oct-2021 | CMO-Bound-Geometry & Learning from Data | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
25-Oct-2021 | 29-Oct-2021 | BIRS workshop: Gravitational Emergence in AdS/CFT | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
26-Oct-2021 | 27-Oct-2021 | Lab of the Future | | automation general chemistry cheminformatics | |
23-Oct-2021 | 24-Oct-2021 | Algebraic Geometry NorthEastern Series (AGNES) | Boston College | algebraic geometry | |
22-Oct-2021 | Fluid Dynamics and Application in Climate and Atmospheric Sciences | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | atmospheric sciences fluid dynamics | |
20-Oct-2021 | 22-Oct-2021 | Young Researchers in Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics | Institute for Basic Science | Mathematics | |
18-Oct-2021 | 22-Oct-2021 | Workshop on Sociophysics: Social Phenomena from a Physics Perspective | ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research | applied physics physics and society | |
18-Oct-2021 | 22-Oct-2021 | International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials (ICEAN 2021) | | inorganic chemistry materials chemistry nanoscience supramolecular chemistry | |
18-Oct-2021 | 22-Oct-2021 | Generic Behavior of Dispersive Solutions and Wave Turbulence | ICERM | Mathematics Physics | |
18-Oct-2021 | 22-Oct-2021 | CMO- Real Polynomials: Counting and Stability | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
18-Oct-2021 | 22-Oct-2021 | BIRS workshop: New Perspectives in Colouring and Structure | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
18-Oct-2021 | 22-Oct-2021 | BIRS workshop Mathematics of the Cell: Integrating Signaling, Transport and Mechanics | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
18-Oct-2021 | 21-Oct-2021 | ICTP School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics | | general relativity and quantum cosmology HEP - theory mathematical physics | |
15-Oct-2021 | Computation with Physical Systems | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | condensed matter computational physics | |
11-Oct-2021 | 15-Oct-2021 | BIRS workshop: Topology and Entanglement in Many-Body Systems | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
11-Oct-2021 | 15-Oct-2021 | BIRS workshop: Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups: Duality, Stability, and Computations | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
04-Oct-2021 | 08-Oct-2021 | School on Critical Stability of Few-Body Quantum Systems | ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research | nuclear physics atomic and molecular clusters | |
04-Oct-2021 | 08-Oct-2021 | BIRS workshop: Statistical Methods for Computational Advertising | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
04-Oct-2021 | 08-Oct-2021 | BIRS workshop: Lattices and Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
04-Oct-2021 | 08-Oct-2021 | All Lambdas Holography@Prague | | high energy physics mathematical physics | |
04-Oct-2021 | Rothschild Public Lecture: Cluster algebras and representation theory | | Mathematics | |
29-Sep-2021 | 01-Oct-2021 | Selected Areas in Cryptography 2021 | | cryptography and security | |
27-Sep-2021 | 01-Oct-2021 | Representation theory's hidden motives | Sydney Mathematical Research Institute | representation theory | |
27-Sep-2021 | 01-Oct-2021 | Exact Results on Irrelevant Deformations of QFTs | Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics | HEP - theory | |
27-Sep-2021 | 01-Oct-2021 | Cyclic Cohomology at 40: achievements and future prospects | Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences | Mathematics Physics | |
27-Sep-2021 | 01-Oct-2021 | CMO - Modeling and Computational Approaches to Individual and Collective Cell Movement in Complex En | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
27-Sep-2021 | 01-Oct-2021 | BIRS workshop: Singularity Formation in Nonlinear PDEs | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
27-Sep-2021 | 01-Oct-2021 | BIRS workshop: Connecting Network Structure to its Dynamics: Fantasy or Reality? | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
20-Sep-2021 | 01-Oct-2021 | Workshop on compact homogeneous Einstein manifolds | | differential geometry | |
27-Sep-2021 | 28-Sep-2021 | Stat&QuantPhys Autumn School (SQP2021) | | condensed matter nonlinear sciences biophysics classical physics computational physics data analysis, statistics and probability fluid dynamics quantum physics | |
27-Sep-2021 | 28-Sep-2021 | Selected Areas in Cryptography 2021 Summer school | | cryptography and security | |
24-Sep-2021 | Recent Advances in Non-Hermitian Photonics | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | optics quantum physics | |
23-Sep-2021 | 24-Sep-2021 | Baltic Symposium on Polymer & (Bio)Materials Science | | chemical biology materials chemistry organic chemistry polymer science | |
20-Sep-2021 | 24-Sep-2021 | Trends in Combinatorial Ring Theory | Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Acad. Sci. | combinatorics group theory rings and algebras representation theory | |
20-Sep-2021 | 24-Sep-2021 | SFT@Cloud 2021 | | HEP - theory mathematical physics | |
20-Sep-2021 | 24-Sep-2021 | Numerics, Modeling, and Experiments in Wave Phenomena | ICERM | Mathematics Physics | |
20-Sep-2021 | 24-Sep-2021 | Geometry of (S)QFT | | HEP - theory mathematical physics | |
20-Sep-2021 | 24-Sep-2021 | BIRS workshop: Permutations and Probability | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
19-Sep-2021 | 24-Sep-2021 | XII Forum of PDE | | Mathematics | |
19-Sep-2021 | 23-Sep-2021 | 23rd EuroQSAR | | medicinal chemistry synthetic methodology | |
20-Sep-2021 | Noncommutative Shapes - halfway event | | algebraic geometry category theory quantum algebra rings and algebras representation theory symplectic geometry | |
16-Sep-2021 | 17-Sep-2021 | Statistics at Bristol: Future Results and You 2021 | | statistics theory | |
10-Sep-2021 | Physics of Behavior | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / Princeton University / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | neuroscience biophysics | |
09-Sep-2021 | 10-Sep-2021 | Heilbronn Annual Conference 2021 | | Mathematics | |
08-Sep-2021 | 10-Sep-2021 | Faraday discussion: Peptide-membrane interactions | | chemical biology physical chemistry supramolecular chemistry chemical physics | |
06-Sep-2021 | 10-Sep-2021 | Hausdorff School: “Hyperkähler Geometry” | Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche / University of Bonn / Université Paris Cité / Université Paris-Saclay | algebraic geometry | |
06-Sep-2021 | 10-Sep-2021 | CMO-New Trends in Nonlinear Diffusion: a Bridge between PDEs, Analysis and Geometry | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
06-Sep-2021 | 10-Sep-2021 | BIRS workshop: Nonlinear Potential Theoretic Methods in Partial Differential Equations | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
08-Sep-2021 | 09-Sep-2021 | Seminar in Representation Theory | American Institute of Mathematics | representation theory | |
07-Sep-2021 | 09-Sep-2021 | Spaces of homomorphisms and classifying spaces | | algebraic topology representation theory | |
06-Sep-2021 | 08-Sep-2021 | Women in Supramolecular Chemistry (WISC) workshop | | organic chemistry supramolecular chemistry chemistry community | |
06-Sep-2021 | 08-Sep-2021 | Siembra Holagrav Young Frontiers II | | general relativity and quantum cosmology HEP - theory mathematical physics | |
31-Aug-2021 | 03-Sep-2021 | International Symposium on Synthesis & Catalysis (ISySyCat 2021) | | synthetic methodology catalysis | |
29-Aug-2021 | 02-Sep-2021 | EFMC-ISMC 2021 | | medicinal chemistry synthetic methodology | |
25-Aug-2021 | 27-Aug-2021 | Summer Research School: Topological Fukaya categories of surfaces with stops via gentle algebras | University of Cologne | Mathematics | |
23-Aug-2021 | 27-Aug-2021 | Prediction and Variability of Air-Sea Interactions: the South Asian Monsoon | ICERM | Mathematics | |
23-Aug-2021 | 27-Aug-2021 | CMO-Bound-Preserving Space and Time Discretizations | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
22-Aug-2021 | 27-Aug-2021 | GECO 2021: Groupe d'Etudes en Chimie Organique | | synthetic methodology | |
26-Aug-2021 | World of GroupCraft | | group theory | |
25-Aug-2021 | 26-Aug-2021 | DANGER: Data, Numbers, and Geometry | University of Nottingham | machine learning algebraic geometry number theory | |
18-Aug-2021 | 20-Aug-2021 | Young Researchers in Algebraic Number Theory (Y-RANT) | | algebraic geometry number theory | |
18-Aug-2021 | 20-Aug-2021 | Spectra LGBTQ+ in Mathematics Conference | ICERM | Mathematics | |
16-Aug-2021 | 20-Aug-2021 | BIRS workshop: Totally Disconnected Locally Compact Groups via Group Actions | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
16-Aug-2021 | 20-Aug-2021 | Amplitudes 2021 | | high energy physics mathematical physics | |
16-Aug-2021 | 20-Aug-2021 | A finite and infinite-dimensional meeting on Lie groupoids, Poisson geometry and integrability | University of Vienna -- Universität Wien | differential geometry symplectic geometry | |
09-Aug-2021 | 15-Aug-2021 | Perspectives on quantum link homology theories | University of Regensburg | geometric topology quantum algebra | |
02-Aug-2021 | 14-Aug-2021 | 6th GTSS Geometry-Topology Summer School | Feza Gürsey Center for Physics and Mathematics | mathematical physics algebraic geometry differential geometry geometric topology metric geometry symplectic geometry | |
09-Aug-2021 | 13-Aug-2021 | IWOTA 2021 | Chapman University | Mathematics | |
09-Aug-2021 | 13-Aug-2021 | D-modules, Group Actions, and Frobenius: Computing on Singularities | ICERM | commutative algebra algebraic geometry | |
09-Aug-2021 | 13-Aug-2021 | BIRS workshop: Random Graphs and Statistical Inference: New Methods and Applications | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
02-Aug-2021 | 13-Aug-2021 | Nankai Symposium on Mathematical Dialogues | | Computer science Mathematics Physics | |
09-Aug-2021 | 11-Aug-2021 | International Conference on Discrete groups, Geometry and Arithmetic | | algebraic geometry differential geometry group theory geometric topology number theory | |
02-Aug-2021 | 06-Aug-2021 | Cluster algebras and related topics | Morningside Center of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences | mathematical physics commutative algebra algebraic geometry combinatorics category theory K-theory and homology quantum algebra rings and algebras representation theory symplectic geometry quantum physics | |
02-Aug-2021 | 06-Aug-2021 | CMO workshop: Multivariable Operator Theory and Function Spaces in several Variables | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
26-Jul-2021 | 06-Aug-2021 | LMS-Bath Summer School on Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry | | algebraic geometry combinatorics | |
03-Aug-2021 | 05-Aug-2021 | Carleton Combinatorics Meeting 2021 | Carleton University | combinatorics | |
02-Aug-2021 | 04-Aug-2021 | Workshop on Advances in Theory and Algorithms for Deep Reinforcement Learning | ICERM | dynamical systems representation theory | |
02-Aug-2021 | 04-Aug-2021 | PRIMA 2021 Summer School: Rational curves and moduli spaces in arithmetic geometry | | algebraic geometry number theory | |
29-Jul-2021 | 30-Jul-2021 | Symposium in honour of Dilip Patil | Indian Institute of Science | Mathematics | |
26-Jul-2021 | 30-Jul-2021 | Park City Mathematics Institute 2021 Graduate Summer School in number theory | Institute for Advanced Study | number theory | |
26-Jul-2021 | 30-Jul-2021 | BIRS workshop: New Mechanisms for Regularity, Singularity, and Long Time Dynamics in Fluid Equations | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
17-Jul-2021 | 29-Jul-2021 | The 3rd Geometric Analysis Festival | | differential geometry | |
23-Jul-2021 | 25-Jul-2021 | Cell Symposium: Advancing catalysis in C1 chemistry | | energy chemistry environmental chemistry (earth, space, marine) inorganic chemistry physical chemistry green and sustainable chemistry catalysis | |
05-Jul-2021 | 23-Jul-2021 | Quantum Fields, Geometry and Representation Theory 2021 | International Centre For Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru | high energy physics mathematical physics algebraic geometry representation theory symplectic geometry | |
19-Jul-2021 | 21-Jul-2021 | UK Colloids 2020 | | inorganic chemistry nanoscience physical chemistry | |
19-Jul-2021 | 21-Jul-2021 | Faraday discussion: Challenges in biological cryoelectron microscopy | | biochemistry chemical biology molecular biology spectroscopy chemical physics | |
16-Jul-2021 | 21-Jul-2021 | The 2nd Geometric Analysis Festival | | differential geometry | |
13-Jul-2021 | 20-Jul-2021 | VISTA Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Data-Science-Assisted Synthesis | | process chemistry synthetic methodology artificial intelligence | |
16-Jul-2021 | 8th Bavarian Geometry and Topology Meeting | | Mathematics | |
13-Jul-2021 | 16-Jul-2021 | Ruth Moufang Lectures | | commutative algebra algebraic geometry algebraic topology differential geometry general mathematics general topology group theory geometric topology history and overview number theory rings and algebras representation theory | |
12-Jul-2021 | 16-Jul-2021 | 2021 Pacific Rim Complex & Symplectic Geometry Conference | Institute for Basic Science | algebraic geometry algebraic topology complex variables differential geometry geometric topology symplectic geometry | |
13-Jul-2021 | 15-Jul-2021 | Analytica Vietnam | | analytical chemistry chemical instrumentation | |
12-Jul-2021 | 14-Jul-2021 | Around D-modules Nowadays | | Mathematics | |
12-Jul-2021 | 13-Jul-2021 | 24 hours for Inclusiveness and Diversity in Logic | | logic in computer science logic | |
12-Jul-2021 | Special Event in honor of Narasimhan and Seshadri | International Centre For Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru | HEP - theory mathematical physics algebraic geometry representation theory symplectic geometry quantum physics | |
06-Jul-2021 | 09-Jul-2021 | Applications of Rough Paths: Computational Signatures and Data Science | ICERM | Mathematics | |
05-Jul-2021 | 09-Jul-2021 | Artin Groups, CAT(0) geometry and related topics (Charneyfest) | Ohio State University | algebraic topology differential geometry dynamical systems general topology group theory geometric topology K-theory and homology metric geometry | |
07-Jul-2021 | Advances in Hopf Algebroids | | commutative algebra algebraic geometry category theory rings and algebras representation theory | |
04-Jul-2021 | 07-Jul-2021 | Federation of European Zeolite Associations conference | | inorganic chemistry nanoscience catalysis | |
05-Jul-2021 | 06-Jul-2021 | ESOC 2021: European symposium on organic chemistry | | synthetic methodology | |
05-Jul-2021 | Feza Gürsey: Celebrating an Exemplary Life | | HEP - theory mathematical physics general physics history and philosophy of physics | |
28-Jun-2021 | 02-Jul-2021 | EWM/EMS Mittag Leffler Summer School on Tropical Moduli Spaces | | algebraic geometry | |
28-Jun-2021 | 02-Jul-2021 | Beyond Hyperbolicity | Ohio State University | general topology group theory geometric topology metric geometry | |
21-Jun-2021 | 02-Jul-2021 | Strings 2021 | ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research | HEP - phenomenology HEP - theory | |
21-Jun-2021 | 02-Jul-2021 | CMI-HIMR Dynamics and Geometry Online Summer School | University of Bristol | Mathematics | |
29-Jun-2021 | 30-Jun-2021 | SMSMS 2021 (School on Mirror Symmetry and Moduli Spaces) | Instituto Superior Técnico | Mathematics | |
28-Jun-2021 | 30-Jun-2021 | Algebraic groups and algebraic geometry: in honor of Zinovy Reichstein's 60th birthday | | algebraic geometry group theory number theory representation theory | |
27-Jun-2021 | 30-Jun-2021 | Balticum Organicum Syntheticum 2021 | | medicinal chemistry synthetic methodology | |
27-Jun-2021 | 30-Jun-2021 | 37th ACS National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium | | medicinal chemistry synthetic methodology | |
28-Jun-2021 | 29-Jun-2021 | Around Frobenius distributions and related topics II | | number theory | |
27-Jun-2021 | 28-Jun-2021 | Conference on the Occasion of the Retirement of Yeong-Nan Yeh | Academia Sinica | combinatorics | |
21-Jun-2021 | 26-Jun-2021 | Online Workshop on Stochastic Analysis and Hermite Sobolev Spaces | Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg / Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India / Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore | analysis of PDEs functional analysis probability | |
22-Jun-2021 | 25-Jun-2021 | SLAS Europe 2021 | | biochemistry chemical biology automation | |
21-Jun-2021 | 25-Jun-2021 | BIRS workshop: Entropic Regularization of Optimal Transport and Applications | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
20-Jun-2021 | 25-Jun-2021 | CMO Knots, Surfaces and 3-manifolds | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
22-Jun-2021 | 23-Jun-2021 | Microlocal and Time-Frequency Analysis - Virtual Days 2021 | | mathematical physics analysis of PDEs classical analysis and ODEs functional analysis operator algebras | |
21-Jun-2021 | 23-Jun-2021 | Swedish Chemical Society national meeting | | computational and theoretical chemistry general chemistry inorganic chemistry medicinal chemistry organic chemistry physical chemistry chemistry community | |
18-Jun-2021 | 21-Jun-2021 | Workshop-Seminar: Covariance in Teleparallel Gravity | University of Tartu | general relativity and quantum cosmology HEP - theory | |
14-Jun-2021 | 21-Jun-2021 | String Math 2021 | | HEP - theory mathematical physics algebraic geometry algebraic topology K-theory and homology operator algebras representation theory | |
17-Jun-2021 | 18-Jun-2021 | One world meeting of young mathematicians in fluid dynamics | | analysis of PDEs fluid dynamics | |
16-Jun-2021 | 18-Jun-2021 | Young Researchers between Geometry and Stochastic Analysis 2021 | Nord University / Technical University Berlin / University of Adger / University of Bergen / University of Oslo / Weierstrass Institute, Berlin | differential geometry probability | |
16-Jun-2021 | 18-Jun-2021 | SMTH2: Short Model Theory Huddle 2 | | logic | |
16-Jun-2021 | 18-Jun-2021 | Random matrices and integrable systems | University of Bristol | mathematical physics probability | |
16-Jun-2021 | 18-Jun-2021 | Contemporary Analysis and Its Applications (CAIA) | | mathematical physics analysis of PDEs classical analysis and ODEs operator algebras spectral theory | |
14-Jun-2021 | 18-Jun-2021 | Computational Aspects of Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups | ICERM | Mathematics | |
14-Jun-2021 | 18-Jun-2021 | BIRS workshop : Tangent Categories and their Applications | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
14-Jun-2021 | 18-Jun-2021 | BIRS workshop : Novel Mathematical Methods in Material Science: Applications to Biomaterials | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
14-Jun-2021 | 18-Jun-2021 | ACHEMA 2021 | | materials chemistry process chemistry | |
16-Jun-2021 | Azat Miftakhov Day | | Mathematics | |
14-Jun-2021 | Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Mechanics 2021 Workshop | University of Milano-Bicocca / Università degli Studi dell'Insubria / Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | mathematical physics analysis of PDEs quantum physics | |
11-Jun-2021 | Toric Degenerations | Goethe University Frankfurt | algebraic geometry differential geometry representation theory | |
10-Jun-2021 | 11-Jun-2021 | Workshop on Branching Problems and Symmetry Breaking | | operator algebras representation theory | |
10-Jun-2021 | 11-Jun-2021 | Scientific Opportunities for the Spanish Community at XFELs | | chemical biology materials chemistry nanoscience physical chemistry condensed matter accelerator physics applied physics chemical physics | |
10-Jun-2021 | 11-Jun-2021 | Richmond Geometry Festival | Virginia Commonwealth University | mathematical physics algebraic geometry geometric topology | |
07-Jun-2021 | 11-Jun-2021 | Conference on Arithmetic Geometry in honor of Luc Illusie | Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques / Morningside Center of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences | algebraic geometry number theory | |
07-Jun-2021 | 11-Jun-2021 | Challenges for Witnessing Quantum Aspects of Gravity in a Lab | ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research | quantum physics | |
07-Jun-2021 | 11-Jun-2021 | CMO workshop: XX International Workshop on Numerical Methods for Non-Newtonian Flows | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
07-Jun-2021 | 11-Jun-2021 | Black-hole microstructure III | | Physics | |
07-Jun-2021 | 11-Jun-2021 | Black Holes and the Information Loss Paradox - International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics | | general relativity and quantum cosmology HEP - theory history and philosophy of physics | |
10-Jun-2021 | Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe | | general chemistry medicinal chemistry process chemistry chemistry community | |
08-Jun-2021 | 10-Jun-2021 | Operator Algebras 2021 | Boğaziçi University | operator algebras | |
08-Jun-2021 | 10-Jun-2021 | Conference on operator algebras and related topics in Istanbul, 2021 | Boğaziçi University | operator algebras | |
31-May-2021 | 09-Jun-2021 | Braids, mutations and twists in algebra and geometry | Uppsala Universitet | algebraic geometry representation theory symplectic geometry | |
08-Jun-2021 | Round the world relay in combinatorics | | combinatorics probability | |
02-Jun-2021 | 08-Jun-2021 | Algebraic Duality Methods in Probability | | probability quantum algebra representation theory | |
03-Jun-2021 | 06-Jun-2021 | 2021 Indam Workshop "Bergman projections and related topics" | | classical analysis and ODEs complex variables | |
03-Jun-2021 | 05-Jun-2021 | International Conference of Young Mathematicians | Institute of Mathematics, Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukraine | Mathematics | |
02-Jun-2021 | 04-Jun-2021 | 25th Itzykson Meeting: Many-body chaos, scrambling and thermalization in interacting quantum systems | Institut de Physique Theorique, CEA Saclay | condensed matter HEP - theory | |
31-May-2021 | 04-Jun-2021 | XVI Congreso Dr. Antonio Monteiro | Universidad Nacional del Sur | mathematical physics algebraic geometry differential geometry dynamical systems geometric topology metric geometry optimization and control symplectic geometry | |
30-May-2021 | 04-Jun-2021 | BIRS workshop : Quantum Foundations, Gravity, and Causal Order | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
01-Jun-2021 | 03-Jun-2021 | Ninth Bucharest Number Theory Days--conference in honor of Alexandru Zaharescu's 60th Birthday | | number theory | |
31-May-2021 | 02-Jun-2021 | Stochastic PDEs and their friends | Technical University Berlin / Weierstrass Institute, Berlin | analysis of PDEs probability | |
31-May-2021 | 02-Jun-2021 | Harmonic and Spectral Analysis | Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics | classical analysis and ODEs representation theory spectral theory | |
24-May-2021 | 28-May-2021 | School of Real Geometry in Fortaleza - ScReGeFor | | algebraic geometry classical analysis and ODEs differential geometry dynamical systems logic | |
24-May-2021 | 28-May-2021 | Numerous Numerosity 2021 - Mathematical Cognition, Fundamental Physics, Complexity and Computation | University of Edinburgh | evolution artificial intelligence formal languages and automata theory information theory neural and evolutionary computing mathematical physics information theory logic number theory history and philosophy of physics quantum physics | |
24-May-2021 | 28-May-2021 | Curves over finite fields - past, present and future | | algebraic geometry number theory | |
24-May-2021 | 28-May-2021 | Combinatorial and additive number theory (CANT 2021) | CUNY - Lehman College | number theory | |
17-May-2021 | 28-May-2021 | Eighth International Conference On p-Adic Mathmatical Physics And Its Applications | | Mathematics Physics | |
25-May-2021 | 27-May-2021 | Lancaster Probability Days 2021 | | probability statistics theory | |
24-May-2021 | 27-May-2021 | Mixed Integer Programming Workshop 2021 | | game theory machine learning mathematical software computer science theory combinatorics optimization and control | |
25-May-2021 | 26-May-2021 | K-theory & related topics | University of Toronto | algebraic geometry algebraic topology K-theory and homology | |
20-May-2021 | 24-May-2021 | High-Dimensional Covariance Matrices, Networks and Concentration Inequalities | | probability statistics theory | |
20-May-2021 | 21-May-2021 | Geometry through spectral functionals | Banach Center / Jagiellonian University | mathematical physics differential geometry operator algebras spectral theory | |
19-May-2021 | 21-May-2021 | Rendez-vous on special values and periods | École normale supérieure de Lyon | algebraic geometry number theory | |
17-May-2021 | 21-May-2021 | Perspectives on Knot Homology | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
17-May-2021 | 21-May-2021 | Analysis on Singular Spaces | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
17-May-2021 | 21-May-2021 | Advances and Challenges in Hyperbolic Conservation Laws | ICERM | Mathematics | |
16-May-2021 | 21-May-2021 | IASM: Geometric PDE and Applications to Problems in Conformal and CR Geometry | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
19-May-2021 | 20-May-2021 | Chemspec Europe exhibition | | automation process chemistry | |
18-May-2021 | 19-May-2021 | Cell & gene therapy 2021 | | biochemistry chemical biology molecular biology medicinal chemistry organic chemistry | |
17-May-2021 | 19-May-2021 | eSRS Virtual Meeting | Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences | cancer biology drug discovery neuroscience inorganic chemistry chemical instrumentation medicinal chemistry organic chemistry medical physics | |
18-May-2021 | Compactifications of stability manifolds | Max Planck Institute for Mathematics | algebraic geometry | |
17-May-2021 | 18-May-2021 | Shokurov 70+1 conference | Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | algebraic geometry | |
14-May-2021 | May 12 in Rome: celebrating women in mathematics | | Mathematics | |
14-May-2021 | Basic Problems in Quantum Information | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | quantum computing and information | |
13-May-2021 | Women in Maths at Western Sydney University | | Mathematics | |
12-May-2021 | Seminar on ROM and LES | | Computer science Mathematics Physics | |
10-May-2021 | 12-May-2021 | Rational Points and Galois Representations | University of Pittsburgh | number theory | |
11-May-2021 | GEARtown Events: The Labourie Conjecture | | differential geometry dynamical systems geometric topology | |
11-May-2021 | Colloquium dedicated to International Women in Mathematics Day | Leonhard Euler International Mathematical Institute | Mathematics | |
10-May-2021 | 11-May-2021 | Flow chemistry & continuous processing conference | | automation process chemistry | |
07-May-2021 | 09-May-2021 | Low dimensional topology and symplectic geometry weekend | | geometric topology symplectic geometry | |
07-May-2021 | Mathematics and Machine Learning: Recent Progress in Understanding Rare Events in Complex Systems | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | machine learning dynamical systems | |
07-May-2021 | Columbia-Princeton Probability Day | Columbia University / Princeton University | probability | |
06-May-2021 | Cryo-EM in drug discovery: Recent scientific results & practical considerations | | medicinal chemistry spectroscopy chemical physics | |
03-May-2021 | 06-May-2021 | Junior Global Poisson Workshop II | Université de Genève | mathematical physics algebraic geometry differential geometry dynamical systems symplectic geometry | |
25-Apr-2021 | 06-May-2021 | Springfest in honor of Vera Serganova | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev / University of Texas at Arlington / Weizmann Institute of Science | representation theory | |
03-May-2021 | Computational Biology Symposium | Harvard University | bioinformatics computational biology | |
30-Apr-2021 | Driving, Tuning and Controlling Correlated Systems | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | Physics | |
27-Apr-2021 | 28-Apr-2021 | Pharmaceutical flow cytometry & imaging 2021 | | chemical instrumentation materials chemistry spectroscopy | |
24-Apr-2021 | Johns Hopkins University & University of Maryland Algebra and Number Theory Day | Johns Hopkins University / University of Maryland | algebraic geometry number theory representation theory | |
24-Apr-2021 | Front Range Number Theory Day | Colorado State University / University of Colorado Boulder | algebraic geometry number theory | |
23-Apr-2021 | 24-Apr-2021 | Rivière-Fabes 2021 Part II | University of Minnesota - Twin Cities | analysis of PDEs classical analysis and ODEs | |
23-Apr-2021 | Young Chemists 2021 | | synthetic methodology | |
23-Apr-2021 | Geoflow Meeting | | condensed matter high energy physics computational physics quantum physics | |
23-Apr-2021 | 7th Annual UMKC Math & Stat Research Day | University of Missouri | Mathematics data analysis, statistics and probability | |
19-Apr-2021 | 23-Apr-2021 | Young Geometers Meeting | University of Copenhagen | analysis of PDEs differential geometry | |
21-Apr-2021 | BMCS/NAG Nucleosides & Nucleotides | | biochemistry chemical biology molecular biology medicinal chemistry organic chemistry | |
17-Apr-2021 | 19-Apr-2021 | IndiaLabExpo: Analytica Anacon India | | analytical chemistry chemical instrumentation | |
18-Apr-2021 | Barry Simon's 75th Birthday Conference | California Institute of Technology | mathematical physics spectral theory | |
16-Apr-2021 | 17-Apr-2021 | Rivière-Fabes 2021 | University of Minnesota - Twin Cities | analysis of PDEs classical analysis and ODEs | |
16-Apr-2021 | Characterization of Two-Dimensional Excitons | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | computational and theoretical chemistry | |
14-Apr-2021 | 16-Apr-2021 | Analytica Vietnam | | analytical chemistry chemical instrumentation | |
12-Apr-2021 | 16-Apr-2021 | Algebraic Geometry and Polyhedra | ICERM | Mathematics | |
12-Apr-2021 | 14-Apr-2021 | Directing Biosynthesis VI | | biochemistry chemical biology molecular biology medicinal chemistry organic chemistry | |
11-Apr-2021 | 13-Apr-2021 | Cell Symposium: 20 Years of the human genome - from sequence to substance | | biochemistry chemical biology molecular biology medicinal chemistry organic chemistry | |
10-Apr-2021 | 11-Apr-2021 | Safety and Security of Deep Learning | ICERM | Computer science Mathematics | |
10-Apr-2021 | South California Discrete Mathematics Symposium 2021 | University of California, Los Angeles | combinatorics | |
09-Apr-2021 | Ecological Dynamics | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | evolution molecular biology biophysics | |
08-Apr-2021 | Midwest topology seminar Winter/Spring 2021 | | algebraic topology | |
25-Mar-2021 | 26-Mar-2021 | Ischia Group Theory, a.k.a. The 24 Hours of GOThIC (a 24-hour conference) | | group theory | |
22-Mar-2021 | 26-Mar-2021 | Geometry and Combinatorics from Root Systems | ICERM | Mathematics | |
25-Mar-2021 | Carbohydrate Thesis in Three Minutes (RSC Carbohydrate Interest Group) | | chemical biology environmental chemistry (earth, space, marine) organic chemistry chemistry community | |
24-Mar-2021 | Colloquium on the occasion of B. Külshammer's retirement | | group theory representation theory | |
23-Mar-2021 | 24-Mar-2021 | CRISPR in drug discovery 2021 | | biochemistry chemical biology molecular biology medicinal chemistry organic chemistry | |
22-Mar-2021 | 23-Mar-2021 | Nonlinear meeting 2021 | | analysis of PDEs classical analysis and ODEs dynamical systems | |
15-Mar-2021 | 20-Mar-2021 | The First China-Russia Topology and Combinatorics international conference | | algebraic topology combinatorics general topology geometric topology | |
19-Mar-2021 | SCI-RSC UK National Retrosynthesis Competition | | general chemistry synthetic methodology chemistry community | |
19-Mar-2021 | Quantum dynamics of excitons and exciton-light interactions | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | physical chemistry | |
11-Mar-2021 | 13-Mar-2021 | International GeoGebra Conference, India | | chemical education mathematics education physics education | |
01-Mar-2021 | 13-Mar-2021 | Fourier restriction online 2021 | | analysis of PDEs classical analysis and ODEs | |
12-Mar-2021 | Neural dynamics across scales | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | neuroscience biophysics | |
10-Mar-2021 | 12-Mar-2021 | Workshop on Euclidean Ramsey Theory | Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics | computational geometry discrete mathematics combinatorics metric geometry | |
10-Mar-2021 | 12-Mar-2021 | NovAliX Conference: Biophysics in Drug Discovery | | chemical kinetics medicinal chemistry chemical physics | |
09-Mar-2021 | 12-Mar-2021 | Self-Organization at All Scales (online symposium) | | materials chemistry nanoscience physical chemistry polymer science supramolecular chemistry condensed matter chemical physics | |
07-Mar-2021 | 12-Mar-2021 | BIRS workshop: Stochastics and Geometry | Banff International Research Station | mathematical physics algebraic geometry probability symplectic geometry | |
08-Mar-2021 | 10-Mar-2021 | OPRD 2021 | | process chemistry synthetic methodology | |
08-Mar-2021 | 10-Mar-2021 | Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Social Justice | ICERM | Mathematics | |
06-Mar-2021 | 10-Mar-2021 | Pittcon 2021 | | analytical chemistry chemical instrumentation | |
07-Mar-2021 | 09-Mar-2021 | Elliptic Integrable Systems | | high energy physics algebraic geometry quantum algebra representation theory quantum physics | |
05-Mar-2021 | Reopening of the Dynamical Resistance | | dynamical systems | |
05-Mar-2021 | ITS Symposium: Turbulence and Field Theory | CUNY Grad Center | HEP - theory chaotic dynamics fluid dynamics | |
05-Mar-2021 | Formative Formulation 2 | | analytical chemistry materials chemistry | |
01-Mar-2021 | 05-Mar-2021 | Quantum geometry and representation theory | | mathematical physics algebraic geometry geometric topology quantum algebra rings and algebras representation theory | |
01-Mar-2021 | 05-Mar-2021 | Additive categories between algebra and functional analysis | | category theory functional analysis representation theory | |
27-Feb-2021 | 28-Feb-2021 | KAST International Symposium on "Periods of Automorphic Forms" | | number theory | |
22-Feb-2021 | 25-Feb-2021 | QSMS winter school on mirror symmetry and related topics | | mathematical physics algebraic geometry differential geometry symplectic geometry | |
23-Feb-2021 | 24-Feb-2021 | Research & Innovation 2021 | | chemical biology law and regulation in chemistry medicinal chemistry organic chemistry | |
20-Feb-2021 | 21-Feb-2021 | 38th Annual Western States Mathematical Physics Meeting | California Institute of Technology | mathematical physics | |
19-Feb-2021 | 21-Feb-2021 | BIRS workshop: Geometry: Education, Art, and Research | Banff International Research Station | algebraic geometry metric geometry | |
19-Feb-2021 | Self-Organizing Systems and the Origin of Life | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | systems biology biophysics | |
17-Feb-2021 | 19-Feb-2021 | Reaction mechanisms in catalysis: Faraday discussion | | inorganic chemistry organic chemistry catalysis | |
15-Feb-2021 | 19-Feb-2021 | Sage/Oscar Days for Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry | ICERM | Mathematics | |
04-Feb-2021 | 15-Feb-2021 | The 1st Geometric Analysis Festival | | differential geometry | |
08-Feb-2021 | 12-Feb-2021 | V Algebraic Geometry Summer Meeting - Bandoleros 2021 | University of Campinas | algebraic geometry | |
08-Feb-2021 | 12-Feb-2021 | BIRS workshop: Optimization under Uncertainty: Learning and Decision Making | Banff International Research Station | optimization and control | |
01-Feb-2021 | 12-Feb-2021 | Opening Workshop (IRP Higher Homotopy Structures 2021, CRM-Bellaterra) | | mathematical physics commutative algebra algebraic geometry algebraic topology combinatorics category theory differential geometry K-theory and homology number theory quantum algebra representation theory symplectic geometry | |
05-Feb-2021 | Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Multi-exciton Processes | CUNY Grad Center / Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences | spectroscopy | |
01-Feb-2021 | 05-Feb-2021 | X International Meeting on Lorentzian Geometry | Universidad de Córdoba (Spain) | general relativity and quantum cosmology mathematical physics differential geometry | |
01-Feb-2021 | 05-Feb-2021 | Introductory Workshop: Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry | ICERM | algebraic geometry combinatorics | |
01-Feb-2021 | 05-Feb-2021 | BIRS workshop: Geometry, Analysis, and Quantum Physics of Monopoles | Banff International Research Station | algebraic geometry differential geometry | |
25-Jan-2021 | 05-Feb-2021 | Groups, invariants, integrals, and moving frames - Winter School & Workshop Wisla 20-21 | Baltic Institute of Mathematics | mathematical physics differential geometry symplectic geometry | |
02-Feb-2021 | 03-Feb-2021 | 1st Nordic Conference on Computational Chemistry | | computational and theoretical chemistry | |
01-Feb-2021 | 03-Feb-2021 | Faraday discussion: Time-resolved imaging of photoinduced dynamics | | analytical chemistry spectroscopy chemical physics | |
29-Jan-2021 | 03-Feb-2021 | Winter School in Мathematics and Theoretical Computer Science | Higher School of Economics / St. Petersburg State Univeristy | computer science theory Mathematics | |
28-Jan-2021 | 03-Feb-2021 | Analytic Theory of Differential and Difference Equations | Higher School of Economics / Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | mathematical physics analysis of PDEs classical analysis and ODEs complex variables | |
26-Jan-2021 | 30-Jan-2021 | IUPAC Intl Conference on Chemistry Education | | chemical education | |
26-Jan-2021 | 29-Jan-2021 | Sanya Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Machine Learning | | machine learning algebraic geometry | |
25-Jan-2021 | 29-Jan-2021 | BIRS workshop: Mathematics of Human Environmental Systems | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
18-Jan-2021 | 29-Jan-2021 | IV Joint ICTP-Trieste/ICTP-SAIFR School on Cosmology: Challenges for the Standard Cosmological Model | ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research | Physics | |
26-Jan-2021 | 28-Jan-2021 | 3DD: Three dynamical days at 'Rio de Janeiro' | | dynamical systems | |
25-Jan-2021 | 27-Jan-2021 | SLAS2021: Society for Laboratory Automation & Screening meeting | | automation general chemistry inorganic chemistry nanoscience synthetic methodology | |
25-Jan-2021 | 27-Jan-2021 | ERC Grantees: Dynamic & Active Materials to Supramolecular Catalysis | | inorganic chemistry materials chemistry nanoscience supramolecular chemistry catalysis | |
25-Jan-2021 | 27-Jan-2021 | Combinatorics on flag varieties and related topics 2021 | | algebraic geometry combinatorics representation theory symplectic geometry | |
20-Jan-2021 | 22-Jan-2021 | Challenges and Recent Advances in Mathematical Physics 2021 | | mathematical physics | |
18-Jan-2021 | 21-Jan-2021 | QSMS mini-school on mirror symmetry and related topics | | mathematical physics algebraic geometry symplectic geometry | |
20-Jan-2021 | RSC Materials Chemistry Division online poster symposium | | inorganic chemistry materials chemistry polymer science | |
04-Jan-2021 | 15-Jan-2021 | Legendrians, Cluster algebras, and Mirror symmetry | Institute for Basic Science | algebraic geometry combinatorics differential geometry geometric topology quantum algebra representation theory symplectic geometry | |
13-Jan-2021 | Geoflow Meeting | Brandeis University / Stanford University / UC Berkeley | Physics | |
11-Jan-2021 | 13-Jan-2021 | kpa70, conference celebrating the 70th birthday of Prof. Krzysztof M. Pawałowski | | Mathematics | |
06-Jan-2021 | 13-Jan-2021 | 25th APCTP Winter School on Fundamental Physics | Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics | HEP - theory | |
08-Jan-2021 | Flash Talks in Representation Theory at NTNU | | representation theory | |
06-Jan-2021 | 08-Jan-2021 | 7th UK Catalysis Conference | | inorganic chemistry green and sustainable chemistry synthetic methodology catalysis | |
04-Jan-2021 | 07-Jan-2021 | Current developments in mathematics 2020 | Harvard University / MIT | Mathematics Physics | |
27-Dec-2020 | 29-Dec-2020 | ICCM 2020 | University of Science and Technology of China | Mathematics | |
22-Dec-2020 | Iskovskikh conference | Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | algebraic geometry | |
18-Dec-2020 | Dynamical Resistance Day | | dynamical systems | |
17-Dec-2020 | 18-Dec-2020 | Virtual Mini-Workshop in Geometric Analysis | Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia | analysis of PDEs differential geometry | |
17-Dec-2020 | 18-Dec-2020 | Third DinAmicI Day | | mathematical physics classical analysis and ODEs dynamical systems numerical analysis probability symplectic geometry | |
17-Dec-2020 | 18-Dec-2020 | International seminar for young researchers "Algebraic, combinatorial and toric topology" | Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | algebraic topology | |
16-Dec-2020 | 18-Dec-2020 | XXVI IFT Christmas Workshop | Instituto de Fisica Teorica (Madrid) | Physics | |
15-Dec-2020 | 18-Dec-2020 | Number Theory and Representations in Valparaiso | | number theory representation theory | |
14-Dec-2020 | 18-Dec-2020 | Sphere packing and the conformal bootstrap | Stony Brook University | high energy physics mathematical physics metric geometry number theory representation theory | |
14-Dec-2020 | 18-Dec-2020 | Light Dark World 2020 | | cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics HEP - experiment HEP - phenomenology | |
14-Dec-2020 | 18-Dec-2020 | International Conference "Categories and birational geometry" | Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | algebraic geometry | |
14-Dec-2020 | 18-Dec-2020 | ICTP-SAIFR Latin American Workshop on Observational Cosmology | ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research | cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics astrophysics of galaxies high energy astrophysical phenomena general relativity and quantum cosmology | |
17-Dec-2020 | Noncommutative Geometry Conference | Higher School of Economics / Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | algebraic geometry | |
25-Nov-2020 | 16-Dec-2020 | ItaCa Fest | | category theory | |
14-Dec-2020 | Relativistic Hydrodynamics: Foundations, Novel Applications and Interdisciplinary Connections [DAY2] | Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam | general relativity and quantum cosmology HEP - theory mathematical physics fluid dynamics | |
14-Dec-2020 | London Taught Course Centre Christmas Lecture | | Mathematics | |
11-Dec-2020 | 13-Dec-2020 | Mathematical Physics Days 2020 | | cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics high energy astrophysical phenomena general relativity and quantum cosmology HEP - theory mathematical physics adaptation and self-organizing systems chaotic dynamics cellular automata and lattice gases quantum physics | |
11-Dec-2020 | Understanding locomotion: Nature-inspired mathematical models | | mathematical physics optimization and control biophysics | |
11-Dec-2020 | Relativistic Hydrodynamics: Foundations, Novel Applications and Interdisciplinary Connections [DAY 1 | Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam | general relativity and quantum cosmology HEP - theory fluid dynamics | |
11-Dec-2020 | RSC BMCS Postgraduate Symposium | | chemical biology medicinal chemistry synthetic methodology | |
11-Dec-2020 | Manipulation and Application of Excitons | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | computational and theoretical chemistry physical chemistry | |
10-Dec-2020 | 11-Dec-2020 | Women in Mathematics in South-Eastern Europe | International Center for Mathematical Sciences, Bulgaria | Mathematics | |
09-Dec-2020 | 11-Dec-2020 | OPRD 2020 | | process chemistry synthetic methodology | |
07-Dec-2020 | 11-Dec-2020 | EDGE 2020 (online) | University of Edinburgh | algebraic geometry | |
07-Dec-2020 | 11-Dec-2020 | American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2020 | | atmospheric and space electricity atmospheric sciences biogeosciences geochemistry global environmental change cryosphere sciences study of the earth’s deep interior geodesy economic geology earth science education natural hazards geohealth hydrology earth and space science informatics geomagnetism, paleomagnetism and electromagnetism geomorphology paleoceanography and paleoclimatology petrology planetary sciences petroleum geoscience science and society space physics and aeronomy volcanology applied geophysics mineral and rock physics nonlinear geophysics seismology near-surface geophysics tectonophysics archaeological oceanography biological oceanography marine chemistry marine geology and geophysics physical oceanography ocean technology and engineering | |
09-Nov-2020 | 11-Dec-2020 | Workshop "New Trends in Mathematical Physics" | Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | general relativity and quantum cosmology mathematical physics analysis of PDEs quantum physics | |
08-Dec-2020 | 10-Dec-2020 | Tropical Geometry, Berkovich Spaces, Arithmetic D-Modules and p-adic Local Systems | Imperial College London | algebraic geometry number theory | |
07-Dec-2020 | 09-Dec-2020 | Online Workshop on Qubits and Black Holes | Institute for Advanced Study | condensed matter general relativity and quantum cosmology HEP - theory mathematical physics general physics quantum physics | |
07-Dec-2020 | 09-Dec-2020 | ICTP-SAIFR Workshop on New Trends in Dark Matter | ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research | cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics astrophysics of galaxies high energy astrophysical phenomena HEP - phenomenology | |
07-Dec-2020 | 08-Dec-2020 | UK Catalysis Conference UKCC | | inorganic chemistry organic chemistry green and sustainable chemistry catalysis | |
03-Dec-2020 | 08-Dec-2020 | Computations with Arithmetic Groups | Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences / McGill University | number theory | |
03-Dec-2020 | 07-Dec-2020 | Mini workshop: Hodge Theory, Period Mapping and Local System | Centre de recherches mathématiques | algebraic geometry | |
05-Dec-2020 | An Invitation to Geometric Analysis | | differential geometry | |
04-Dec-2020 | 05-Dec-2020 | Johns Hopkins Junior Number Theory Days 2020 | Johns Hopkins University | number theory | |
04-Dec-2020 | Language, Learning and Networks | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | neuroscience machine learning | |
02-Dec-2020 | 04-Dec-2020 | Combinatorics and Geometry Days III | Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology | combinatorics metric geometry probability | |
02-Dec-2020 | 04-Dec-2020 | 3rd ICTP-SAIFR South American Dark Matter Workshop | ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research | cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics astrophysics of galaxies high energy astrophysical phenomena | |
30-Nov-2020 | 04-Dec-2020 | Monoidal and 2-categories in representation theory and categorification | | combinatorics category theory geometric topology quantum algebra rings and algebras representation theory | |
03-Dec-2020 | JPAG Data Integrity II | | cheminformatics law and regulation in chemistry | |
02-Dec-2020 | 63th Annual Congress of the South African Mathematical Society | | Mathematics | |
30-Nov-2020 | RSC Organic Division poster symposium | | medicinal chemistry process chemistry synthetic methodology | |
27-Nov-2020 | MedChem 2020 | | chemical biology medicinal chemistry synthetic methodology | |
26-Nov-2020 | 27-Nov-2020 | Hazards 30 | | automation process chemistry synthetic methodology | |
25-Nov-2020 | 27-Nov-2020 | Nano Singapore | | inorganic chemistry nanoscience supramolecular chemistry | |
23-Nov-2020 | 27-Nov-2020 | Turb1D 2020 | Universidad de Cantabria | mathematical physics analysis of PDEs | |
23-Nov-2020 | 27-Nov-2020 | BIRS workshop: Multiscale Models for Complex Fluids: Modeling and Analysis | Banff International Research Station | numerical analysis | |
23-Nov-2020 | 27-Nov-2020 | 20th International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials | | coordination chemistry materials chemistry | |
26-Nov-2020 | POEMA Workshop on Polynomial Optimization | | Mathematics | |
26-Nov-2020 | 31st Symposium on medicinal chemistry in eastern England: Hatfield 2020 | | medicinal chemistry synthetic methodology | |
25-Nov-2020 | 26-Nov-2020 | Hydrogen & P2X | | energy chemistry inorganic chemistry green and sustainable chemistry | |
23-Nov-2020 | 25-Nov-2020 | The Paris--London Number Theory Seminar | | algebraic geometry number theory | |
23-Nov-2020 | 25-Nov-2020 | Faraday discussion: Chemistry of 2D materials - Beyond graphene | | materials chemistry nanoscience chemical physics | |
22-Nov-2020 | 25-Nov-2020 | International-Mexican Congress on Chemical Reaction Engineering | | automation process chemistry synthetic methodology | |
09-Nov-2020 | 25-Nov-2020 | ICRA 2020 | | Mathematics | |
20-Nov-2020 | 21-Nov-2020 | Virtual Workshop on Higher Topos Theory | Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia | Mathematics | |
20-Nov-2020 | 21-Nov-2020 | Northeast Women in Algebra and Combinatorics Conference Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of AWM | University at Albany | combinatorics rings and algebras representation theory | |
20-Nov-2020 | LMS Annual General Meeting & Naylor Lecture | | Mathematics | |
19-Nov-2020 | 20-Nov-2020 | Northeast Probability Seminar | | probability | |
16-Nov-2020 | 20-Nov-2020 | nanoSAFE 20 | | inorganic chemistry nanoscience supramolecular chemistry | |
16-Nov-2020 | 20-Nov-2020 | Statistical Methods for the Detection, Classification, and Inference of Relativistic Objects | ICERM | Mathematics | |
16-Nov-2020 | 20-Nov-2020 | Island Hopping 2020: from Wormholes to Averages | CERN | condensed matter general relativity and quantum cosmology HEP - theory mathematical physics general physics | |
18-Nov-2020 | 19-Nov-2020 | 20th Northeast probability seminar | Columbia University | probability | |
17-Nov-2020 | 18-Nov-2020 | Logical Perspectives Open Lectures 2020 | Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | formal languages and automata theory logic in computer science logic | |
16-Nov-2020 | 18-Nov-2020 | Analytica China 2020 | | analytical chemistry | |
16-Nov-2020 | London Mathematical Society Virtual Graduate Student Meeting 2020 | | Mathematics | |
13-Nov-2020 | 14-Nov-2020 | WAGS Fall 2020 | | algebraic geometry | |
13-Nov-2020 | Open Chemical Science: Workshop on open-source tools for chemistry | | cheminformatics law and regulation in chemistry | |
13-Nov-2020 | Excitons at Different Length Scales and Dimensionality | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | computational and theoretical chemistry physical chemistry | |
09-Nov-2020 | 13-Nov-2020 | TTbar Deformation and Integrability | Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics | HEP - theory | |
09-Nov-2020 | 13-Nov-2020 | PEGS Europe: Protein Engineering & Antibody Summit | | biochemistry chemical biology medicinal chemistry | |
09-Nov-2020 | 13-Nov-2020 | CMO workshop: Mathematics and Statistics of Genomic Epidemiology | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics data analysis, statistics and probability | |
09-Nov-2020 | 13-Nov-2020 | BIRS workshop: Algebraic Dynamics and its Connections to Difference and Differential Equations | Banff International Research Station | dynamical systems | |
12-Nov-2020 | Open Chemical Science: Open data for chemistry | | cheminformatics law and regulation in chemistry | |
11-Nov-2020 | 12-Nov-2020 | RSC New Frontiers in Synthetic Chemistry | | synthetic methodology catalysis | |
11-Nov-2020 | 12-Nov-2020 | L-values and Iwasawa theory | National Center for Theoretical Sciences | number theory | |
10-Nov-2020 | 12-Nov-2020 | School for Young Mechanicians and Mathematicians 2020 | Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | mathematical physics analysis of PDEs classical analysis and ODEs fluid dynamics | |
11-Nov-2020 | Open Chemical Science: Open access publishing for chemistry | | law and regulation in chemistry chemistry community | |
09-Nov-2020 | 11-Nov-2020 | Theoretical & Applied Nanosci/Nanotech (TANN2020) | | inorganic chemistry nanoscience supramolecular chemistry | |
09-Nov-2020 | Bi-annual Algebraic and Tropical Meetings of Brown and YaLE | | algebraic geometry combinatorics | |
07-Nov-2020 | Johns Hopkins University & University of Maryland Algebra and Number Theory Day | Johns Hopkins University / University of Maryland | algebraic geometry algebraic topology number theory | |
06-Nov-2020 | 07-Nov-2020 | I Jornadas Topológicas Virtuales de la RET (Red Española de Topología) | | algebraic geometry algebraic topology combinatorics category theory dynamical systems general topology group theory geometric topology K-theory and homology quantum algebra representation theory | |
06-Nov-2020 | Chromosomes, Condensates, and Transcriptional Control | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | cell biology biophysics medical physics | |
04-Nov-2020 | 06-Nov-2020 | IV International Colloquium on Representations of Algebras and Its Applications; Alexander Zavadskij | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | representation theory | |
01-Nov-2020 | 06-Nov-2020 | BIRS workshop: Derived, Birational, and Categorical Algebraic Geometry | Banff International Research Station | algebraic geometry | |
05-Nov-2020 | Catalytic reactor engineering in the digitization era | | inorganic chemistry chemical instrumentation process chemistry green and sustainable chemistry catalysis | |
04-Nov-2020 | 05-Nov-2020 | THE FORGE: Characterization of pharmaceutical formulations | | analytical chemistry materials chemistry process chemistry spectroscopy | |
02-Nov-2020 | Young Chemist in Industry | | automation medicinal chemistry process chemistry synthetic methodology chemistry community | |
30-Oct-2020 | 3rd Swiss Industrial Chemistry Symposium SICS | | medicinal chemistry process chemistry synthetic methodology | |
29-Oct-2020 | 30-Oct-2020 | Global Virtual SageDays 110 | | mathematical software symbolic computation Mathematics | |
29-Oct-2020 | 30-Oct-2020 | Chem Sci Symposium: Machine Learning & Autonomy | | chemical biology automation cheminformatics medicinal chemistry | |
26-Oct-2020 | 30-Oct-2020 | Mathematical and Computational Approaches for the Einstein Field Equations with Matter Fields | ICERM | Mathematics | |
19-Oct-2020 | 30-Oct-2020 | BIRS workshop: Dynamical Algebraic Combinatorics | Banff International Research Station | combinatorics dynamical systems | |
28-Oct-2020 | 29-Oct-2020 | Latin American virtual conference on process safety & big data | | cheminformatics process chemistry synthetic methodology | |
26-Oct-2020 | 29-Oct-2020 | GreenCat 2020: Green Catalysis Symposium | | inorganic chemistry process chemistry green and sustainable chemistry synthetic methodology | |
28-Oct-2020 | Annual one day conference in memory of Andrei Nikolaevich Tyurin (24.02.1940 – 27.10.2002) | Higher School of Economics / Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | algebraic geometry | |
25-Oct-2020 | 28-Oct-2020 | Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference | | process chemistry | |
26-Oct-2020 | 27-Oct-2020 | SCI Automated Intelligent Chemistry | | automation general chemistry cheminformatics synthetic methodology | |
23-Oct-2020 | 24-Oct-2020 | Special Session on Geometric Structures (BMD2020) | | mathematical physics algebraic geometry complex variables differential geometry metric geometry symplectic geometry | |
23-Oct-2020 | 24-Oct-2020 | Barcelona Mathematical Days 2020 | | Mathematics | |
23-Oct-2020 | Quantum-inspired Machine Learning | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | machine learning | |
22-Oct-2020 | 23-Oct-2020 | “Algebraic geometry and arithmetic” Viacheslav Nikulin’s 70th birthday conference | Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | algebraic geometry number theory | |
21-Oct-2020 | 23-Oct-2020 | Selected Areas in Cryptography 2020 | | cryptography and security | |
20-Oct-2020 | 23-Oct-2020 | nanoGe Fall Meeting | | coordination chemistry nanoscience supramolecular chemistry | |
19-Oct-2020 | 23-Oct-2020 | SACNAS US National Diversity in STEM Conference | | general chemistry chemistry community | |
19-Oct-2020 | 23-Oct-2020 | Koszul duality and operads | Centre de recherches mathématiques / Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences | Mathematics | |
19-Oct-2020 | 23-Oct-2020 | CRM workshop: Arithmetic quotients of locally symmetric spaces and their cohomology | Centre de recherches mathématiques | Mathematics | |
05-Oct-2020 | 23-Oct-2020 | Winter School "Connections between representation theory and geometry" | | rings and algebras representation theory symplectic geometry | |
22-Oct-2020 | UK Emission Control Workshop | | energy chemistry environmental chemistry (earth, space, marine) inorganic chemistry green and sustainable chemistry | |
20-Oct-2020 | 22-Oct-2020 | Centre for Hydrogen Safety Europe conference 2020 | | energy chemistry inorganic chemistry green and sustainable chemistry | |
19-Oct-2020 | 22-Oct-2020 | Analytica Virtual | | analytical chemistry chemical instrumentation | |
21-Oct-2020 | LGBT+ in Higher Education | | general chemistry chemistry community | |
19-Oct-2020 | 20-Oct-2020 | SAC 2020 "Summer" School | | cryptography and security algebraic geometry number theory | |
16-Oct-2020 | 18-Oct-2020 | The 2020 Paul J. Sally, Jr. Midwest Representation Theory Conference | | number theory representation theory | |
13-Oct-2020 | 15-Oct-2020 | RIMS conference: Theory and Applications of Supersingular Curves and Supersingular Abelian Varieties | | cryptography and security algebraic geometry number theory | |
10-Oct-2020 | 11-Oct-2020 | Machine Learning and Combinatorics Workshop | Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology | artificial intelligence discrete mathematics combinatorics | |
05-Oct-2020 | 09-Oct-2020 | Mathematical and Computational Approaches for Solving the Source- Free Einstein Field Equations Virt | ICERM | Mathematics | |
08-Oct-2020 | Midwest topology seminar Fall 2020 | | algebraic topology | |
06-Oct-2020 | 08-Oct-2020 | Number Theory Down Under 8 | University of Melbourne | number theory | |
05-Oct-2020 | Observing Anyons 2020 | | mesoscale and nanoscale physics strongly correlated electrons | |
04-Oct-2020 | Israel-Texas Representation Theory Workshop | | representation theory | |
02-Oct-2020 | 03-Oct-2020 | CRM-Regional Conference in Lie Theory | Centre de recherches mathématiques | mathematical physics combinatorics | |
02-Oct-2020 | ITS Symposium: Chaos in many-body quantum systems | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | condensed matter HEP - theory chaotic dynamics | |
01-Oct-2020 | 02-Oct-2020 | Celebrating Richard Guy | | Mathematics | |
30-Sep-2020 | 02-Oct-2020 | Online School of Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry | Higher School of Economics | algebraic geometry | |
30-Sep-2020 | 02-Oct-2020 | BIRS workshop: Combinatorial and Geometric Discrepancy | Banff International Research Station | computational geometry discrete mathematics dynamical systems | |
29-Sep-2020 | 02-Oct-2020 | New Connections in Integrable Systems | | mathematical physics combinatorics quantum algebra representation theory | |
29-Sep-2020 | 02-Oct-2020 | Floer-theoretic and algebro-geometric aspects of SYZ mirror symmetry | | mathematical physics algebraic geometry differential geometry symplectic geometry | |
28-Sep-2020 | 02-Oct-2020 | Simons Conference on K-Stability | | algebraic geometry differential geometry | |
21-Sep-2020 | 29-Sep-2020 | SENSE.nano Symposium from MIT.nano | MIT | Biology Computer science Physics | |
26-Sep-2020 | 27-Sep-2020 | Madison Moduli Weekend | University of Wisconsin, Madison | algebraic geometry number theory | |
26-Sep-2020 | Front Range Number Theory Day | | algebraic geometry number theory | |
25-Sep-2020 | 26-Sep-2020 | Sherbrooke Meeting on Representation Theory of Algebras, Corona Edition (fully online) | Bishop's University / Université de Sherbrooke | combinatorics category theory rings and algebras representation theory | |
25-Sep-2020 | ITS Symposium: Chaos and Quantum Field Theory | | condensed matter HEP - theory chaotic dynamics | |
23-Sep-2020 | 25-Sep-2020 | Probabilistic Combinatorics Online 2020 | Monash University / Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology | discrete mathematics combinatorics probability | |
21-Sep-2020 | 25-Sep-2020 | Great Lessons from Exact techniques Beyond | | HEP - theory mathematical physics | |
21-Sep-2020 | 24-Sep-2020 | New Perspectives on K- and L-theory | | algebraic topology K-theory and homology | |
17-Sep-2020 | 20-Sep-2020 | CMO workshop: Topological Complexity and Motion Planning | Banff International Research Station | Computer science Mathematics Physics | |
12-Sep-2020 | 19-Sep-2020 | Third conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics | | mathematics education | |
14-Sep-2020 | 18-Sep-2020 | Advances and Challenges in Computational Relativity Virtual Workshop | ICERM | Mathematics | |
15-Sep-2020 | 17-Sep-2020 | Categorifications in representation theory 2020 | University of Leicester | category theory representation theory | |
15-Sep-2020 | 17-Sep-2020 | BIRS workshop: Permutations and Probability | Banff International Research Station | probability data analysis, statistics and probability | |
14-Sep-2020 | 16-Sep-2020 | Junior Global Poisson Workshop 2020 | Université de Genève | mathematical physics algebraic geometry differential geometry dynamical systems symplectic geometry | |
11-Sep-2020 | Inverse Problems for pdes: A one day webinar | | analysis of PDEs | |
10-Sep-2020 | 11-Sep-2020 | Workshop on multisymplectic geometry | KU Leuven | mathematical physics differential geometry symplectic geometry | |
07-Sep-2020 | 11-Sep-2020 | Black Holes: BPS, BMS & Integrability | Instituto Superior Técnico | Physics | |
10-Sep-2020 | Birthday Colloquium for Bill Crawley-Boevey | | Mathematics | |
09-Sep-2020 | Insitute of Chemistry of Ireland Postgraduate Chemistry Research Symposium | | general chemistry | |
09-Sep-2020 | A tribute to C. S. Seshadri - A VBAC webinar | | algebraic geometry | |
08-Sep-2020 | 09-Sep-2020 | BIRS workshop: Arithmetic Aspects of Algebraic Groups | Banff International Research Station | algebraic geometry group theory | |
07-Sep-2020 | 09-Sep-2020 | Geometry and Applications Online celebrating the 80th birthday of Dmitri Alekseevsky | | mathematical physics differential geometry representation theory | |
01-Sep-2020 | 05-Sep-2020 | Associated varieties and unipotent representations | Peking University | Mathematics | |
04-Sep-2020 | HyperK kickoff meeting | Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche / Université Paris Cité / Université Paris-Saclay | algebraic geometry | |
31-Aug-2020 | 04-Sep-2020 | Online Workshop on Serre weights conjectures and geometry of Shimura varieties | Centre de recherches mathématiques | number theory | |
31-Aug-2020 | 04-Sep-2020 | Inference problems: algorithms and lower bounds | Goethe University Frankfurt | information theory computer science theory mathematical physics information theory probability statistics theory | |
31-Aug-2020 | 04-Sep-2020 | BIRS workshop: Modern Breakthroughs in Diophantine Problems | Banff International Research Station | algebraic geometry number theory | |
31-Aug-2020 | 03-Sep-2020 | A Simons Collaboration on Localization of Waves Virtual Workshop | MIT / University of Minnesota - Twin Cities | Mathematics | |
31-Aug-2020 | 02-Sep-2020 | Monodromy and Galois groups in enumerative geometry and applications | ICERM | algebraic geometry | |
01-Sep-2020 | ZAG Marathon | | algebraic geometry | |
24-Aug-2020 | 28-Aug-2020 | Symmetry, Randomness, and Computations in Real Algebraic Geometry | ICERM | algebraic geometry | |
24-Aug-2020 | 28-Aug-2020 | Prague Summer School on Discrete Mathematics 2020 | | computational complexity discrete mathematics data structures and algorithms | |
24-Aug-2020 | 28-Aug-2020 | Integrability in Gauge and String Theory (IGST) 2020 | ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research | HEP - theory mathematical physics | |
17-Aug-2020 | 28-Aug-2020 | Cluster algebras 2020 | School of Mathematical Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University | mathematical physics algebraic geometry combinatorics quantum algebra rings and algebras representation theory | |
24-Aug-2020 | 27-Aug-2020 | On geometric complexity of Julia sets - II | Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences | classical analysis and ODEs complex variables dynamical systems | |
24-Aug-2020 | Geoflow Meeting | Stanford University / UC Berkeley / University of Maryland | Physics | |
20-Aug-2020 | 23-Aug-2020 | Quantum Groups, Representation Theory, Superalgebras, and Tensor Categories | Rutgers University, New Brunswick / University of Ottawa | category theory quantum algebra rings and algebras representation theory | |
21-Aug-2020 | 22-Aug-2020 | BIRS workshop: Canadian Queueing Theorists and Practitioners Conference | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
19-Aug-2020 | 21-Aug-2020 | Encuentro Virtual de Álgebra Homológica | | category theory rings and algebras representation theory | |
17-Aug-2020 | 21-Aug-2020 | Gauged linear sigma model 2020 | | HEP - theory | |
14-Aug-2020 | 15-Aug-2020 | Young Mathematician Conference | | Mathematics | |
17-Jul-2020 | 14-Aug-2020 | McKay correspondence, mutation and related topics | University of Tokyo | mathematical physics commutative algebra algebraic geometry combinatorics category theory group theory rings and algebras representation theory | |
12-Aug-2020 | 13-Aug-2020 | Ari Laptev's 70th Birthday Conference | | mathematical physics analysis of PDEs spectral theory | |
11-Aug-2020 | operad pop-up | MATRIX | algebraic topology category theory quantum algebra | |
03-Aug-2020 | 11-Aug-2020 | Eighth Pacific Rim Conference in Mathematics | UC Berkeley | algebraic geometry analysis of PDEs combinatorics complex variables differential geometry dynamical systems general mathematics metric geometry number theory probability symplectic geometry | |
03-Aug-2020 | 07-Aug-2020 | QUACKS minicourse | University of Oregon | Mathematics | |
03-Aug-2020 | 07-Aug-2020 | Free Resolutions and Representation Theory Virtual Workshop | ICERM | Mathematics | |
03-Aug-2020 | 07-Aug-2020 | BIRS workshop: Interfacial Phenomena in Reaction-Diffusion Systems | Banff International Research Station | analysis of PDEs | |
31-Jul-2020 | C.S. Seshadri Memorial Lectures | | algebraic geometry differential geometry representation theory | |
27-Jul-2020 | 31-Jul-2020 | Women in Algebraic Geometry | ICERM | Mathematics | |
27-Jul-2020 | 31-Jul-2020 | Simons Conference on Rationality | | algebraic geometry | |
06-Jul-2020 | 31-Jul-2020 | The IMarEST Annual Conference 2020 | | global environmental change marine geology and geophysics ocean technology and engineering Physics | |
29-Jul-2020 | Motives and What Not | | algebraic geometry algebraic topology K-theory and homology | |
27-Jul-2020 | 29-Jul-2020 | BIRS workshop: Mathematical Models in Biology - from Information Theory to Thermodynamics | Banff International Research Station | Biology | |
23-Jul-2020 | 26-Jul-2020 | TeX 2020 Conference | | computers and society digital libraries emerging technologies general literature graphics multimedia mathematical software other computer science programming languages software engineering | |
20-Jul-2020 | 26-Jul-2020 | Virtual Math Fest 2020 | | Mathematics | |
18-Jul-2020 | GOATS 3 | University of Georgia | algebraic topology differential geometry general topology geometric topology | |
06-Jul-2020 | 18-Jul-2020 | 5th GTSS Geometry-Topology Summer School | Nesin Mathematics Village / İstanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences | mathematical physics algebraic geometry analysis of PDEs complex variables differential geometry geometric topology metric geometry symplectic geometry | |
16-Jul-2020 | 17-Jul-2020 | Geometry Labs United Virtual Conference | ICERM | Mathematics | |
13-Jul-2020 | 17-Jul-2020 | Lean for the Curious Mathematician | | Mathematics | |
11-Jul-2020 | 12-Jul-2020 | ZOOMerFEST: Young Algebraic Geometers | Higher School of Economics | algebraic geometry | |
06-Jul-2020 | 10-Jul-2020 | Circle Packings and Geometric Rigidity Virtual Workshop | ICERM | Mathematics | |
09-Jul-2020 | Colóquio Rio de Janeiro de Análise e Equações Diferenciais | | analysis of PDEs | |
07-Jul-2020 | New Trends in Lyapunov Exponents | | mathematical physics dynamical systems | |
29-Jun-2020 | 04-Jul-2020 | Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS XIV) | | cryptography and security algebraic geometry number theory | |
03-Jul-2020 | T-Rep: A midsummer night's session on representation theory and tensor categories | | category theory representation theory | |
03-Jul-2020 | CHARMS inaugural meeting | Université Paris Cité / Université Paris-Saclay / Université de Picardie Jules Verne | algebraic geometry algebraic topology combinatorics K-theory and homology rings and algebras representation theory | |
29-Jun-2020 | 03-Jul-2020 | Strings 2020 | | Mathematics Physics | |
22-Jun-2020 | 03-Jul-2020 | II Joint ICTP-Trieste/ICTP-SAIFR School on Particle Physics | ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research | HEP - phenomenology | |
01-Jul-2020 | 02-Jul-2020 | Geometric, Algebraic and Analytic Approches to Arithmetic Geometry | | algebraic geometry number theory | |
01-Jul-2020 | Workshop on Scientific-Driven Deep Learning (SciDL) | UC Berkeley / University of Washington | machine learning dynamical systems applied physics | |
29-Jun-2020 | 01-Jul-2020 | 57th ARTIN Meeting - Tensor Categories, Quantum Groups and Related Topics | University of Nottingham | quantum algebra | |
27-Jun-2020 | 28-Jun-2020 | Early Commutative Algebra Researchers - eCARs | | commutative algebra | |
26-Jun-2020 | LMS General Meeting and Hardy Lecture | | Mathematics | |
26-Jun-2020 | Afternoon Seminars on Hyperplanes on line | | commutative algebra algebraic geometry combinatorics representation theory | |
24-Jun-2020 | 26-Jun-2020 | A Gauge Summer With BV: Online | | HEP - theory mathematical physics | |
22-Jun-2020 | 26-Jun-2020 | Lattice Point Distribution and Homogeneous Dynamics | ICERM | Mathematics | |
22-Jun-2020 | 26-Jun-2020 | Geometric Representation Theory conference | Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences / Perimeter Institute | mathematical physics algebraic geometry representation theory | |
22-Jun-2020 | 26-Jun-2020 | Capra 23 | | general relativity and quantum cosmology | |
22-Jun-2020 | 26-Jun-2020 | Algebraic Statistics 2020 | University of Hawaiʻi | Biology commutative algebra algebraic geometry combinatorics statistics theory | |
19-Jun-2020 | 26-Jun-2020 | Virtual Minisymposium on Probability in Dynamical Systems of Physical Origin | Georgia Tech | mathematical physics dynamical systems probability | |
22-Jun-2020 | 24-Jun-2020 | Algebraic Structures in Quantum Computation | University of British Columbia | condensed matter computational complexity logic in computer science quantum computing and information algebraic topology group theory K-theory and homology number theory quantum physics | |
15-Jun-2020 | 24-Jun-2020 | Cool Electrons in Flatlands (CEF2020) | Dept of Physics & Astronomy "E. Majorana", Univ. Catania, Italy | strongly correlated electrons | |
20-Jun-2020 | Chicago Number Theory Day 2020 | | number theory | |
15-Jun-2020 | 19-Jun-2020 | The HoTTEST conference of 2020 | | logic in computer science algebraic topology category theory logic | |
15-Jun-2020 | 19-Jun-2020 | Teleparallel Gravity Workshop in Tartu 2020 | University of Tartu | cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics general relativity and quantum cosmology | |
17-Jun-2020 | 18-Jun-2020 | New Horizons in Analogue Gravity | Rutgers University, New Brunswick | other condensed matter quantum gases general relativity and quantum cosmology atomic physics optics | |
25-May-2020 | 18-Jun-2020 | Scattering, microlocal analysis and renormalisation | | mathematical physics analysis of PDEs spectral theory | |
20-May-2020 | 17-Jun-2020 | Motives and What Not | | algebraic geometry algebraic topology | |
15-Jun-2020 | 16-Jun-2020 | Algebraic Combinatorics Virtual Expedition 2020 | | algebraic geometry combinatorics representation theory | |
12-Jun-2020 | 14-Jun-2020 | CTNT Research Conference | University of Connecticut | number theory | |
01-Jun-2020 | 14-Jun-2020 | Nearly carbon neutral geometric topology | | geometric topology | |
12-Jun-2020 | LMS Network workshop | | Mathematics | |
10-Jun-2020 | 12-Jun-2020 | Virtual Meeting in PDEs and Applications | | analysis of PDEs | |
08-Jun-2020 | 12-Jun-2020 | World SCET 2020 | | HEP - phenomenology | |
08-Jun-2020 | 12-Jun-2020 | String Pheno 2020 | | HEP - phenomenology HEP - theory | |
08-Jun-2020 | 12-Jun-2020 | IBS-CGP and PMI Lecture Series | Institute for Basic Science | algebraic geometry combinatorics representation theory | |
08-Jun-2020 | 12-Jun-2020 | Black Hole Microstructure | | Physics | |
08-Jun-2020 | 12-Jun-2020 | 2020 Workshop on String Field Theory and Related Aspects | ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research | HEP - theory mathematical physics | |
10-Jun-2020 | 11-Jun-2020 | FRG lectures on moduli spaces of sheaves on surfaces | | algebraic geometry | |
09-Jun-2020 | 11-Jun-2020 | Virtual Conference on Recent Advances in Differential and Difference Equations and their Application | | classical analysis and ODEs dynamical systems | |
08-Jun-2020 | 10-Jun-2020 | Harmonic and Spectral Analysis | | spectral theory | |
05-Jun-2020 | 07-Jun-2020 | Lie theory and integrable systems in symplectic and Poisson geometry | Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences | symplectic geometry | |
06-Jun-2020 | GOATS | University of Georgia | algebraic topology differential geometry general topology geometric topology | |
03-Jun-2020 | 05-Jun-2020 | Number Theory Online Conference 2020 | | number theory | |
01-Jun-2020 | 05-Jun-2020 | Workshop on Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation | ICERM | Mathematics | |
01-Jun-2020 | 05-Jun-2020 | Warwick Macaulay2 workshop | | Mathematics | |
01-Jun-2020 | 05-Jun-2020 | Virtual Geometric Group Theory | | group theory geometric topology | |
01-Jun-2020 | 03-Jun-2020 | Singular Problems Associated to Quasilinear Equations, June 1-3, 2020 | | analysis of PDEs | |
29-May-2020 | 31-May-2020 | Cross Atlantic Representation Theory and Other topics ONline (CARTOON) conference | | number theory representation theory | |
27-May-2020 | 29-May-2020 | Global Virtual SageDays 109 | University of California, Davis | mathematical software symbolic computation Mathematics | |
25-May-2020 | 29-May-2020 | Spring workshop on gravity and cosmology | Jagiellonian University | general relativity and quantum cosmology | |
25-May-2020 | 27-May-2020 | Black Hole Perturbation Toolkit Spring 2020 workshop | | general relativity and quantum cosmology | |
23-May-2020 | 24-May-2020 | Around Frobenius distributions and related topics | | algebraic geometry number theory | |
23-May-2020 | SMTH: Short Model Theory Huddle | | logic | |
20-May-2020 | Mathematics research online | MIT / University of Washington | Mathematics | |
15-May-2020 | Resistência Dinâmica: Christian Bonatti's 60th birthday | | dynamical systems | |
08-May-2020 | 15-May-2020 | Zoomplitudes 2020 | | mathematical physics algebraic geometry combinatorics | |
08-May-2020 | 15-May-2020 | Zoomplitudes 2020 | | HEP - phenomenology HEP - theory | |
14-May-2020 | Midwest topology seminar | | algebraic topology | |
11-May-2020 | 14-May-2020 | Conference on representation theory and algebraic analysis | Weizmann Institute of Science | representation theory | |
11-May-2020 | 12-May-2020 | Competitive Equilibrium with Gross Substitutes, with Applications to Problems in Matching, Pricing, | ICERM | Mathematics | |
11-May-2020 | Stanford Genetics Conference on Structural Variants and DNA Repeats | Stanford University | genetics | |
07-May-2020 | 08-May-2020 | Variable Precision in Mathematical and Scientific Computing | | Mathematics | |
04-May-2020 | 06-May-2020 | Chaos indicators, phase space and chemical reaction dynamics | University of Bristol | mathematical physics classical analysis and ODEs dynamical systems | |
04-May-2020 | 06-May-2020 | BIRS Workshop: Mathematical Questions in Wave Turbulence | Banff International Research Station | Mathematics | |
05-May-2020 | Conference on wave turbulence | MIT | mathematical physics | |
01-May-2020 | 04-May-2020 | Transitioning to online instruction in university math - how to survive this term | | mathematics education | |
02-May-2020 | 03-May-2020 | DG methods in commutative algebra and representation theory | | commutative algebra algebraic topology quantum algebra representation theory | |
02-May-2020 | Midwest algebraic geometry graduate conference | | algebraic geometry | |
20-Apr-2020 | 30-Apr-2020 | Algebraic Combinatorics Online Workshop | | combinatorics | |
25-Apr-2020 | 26-Apr-2020 | CAZoom | University of Wisconsin, Madison | commutative algebra algebraic geometry | |
25-Apr-2020 | Front Range Number Theory Day | | algebraic geometry number theory | |
18-Apr-2020 | 19-Apr-2020 | Western Algebraic Geometry ONline | | algebraic geometry | |
17-Apr-2020 | UMKC Math & Stat Research Day | University of Missouri | dynamical systems numerical analysis | |
15-Apr-2020 | The Collatz conjecture | MATRIX | dynamical systems | |
15-Apr-2020 | MoVid-20 | | algebraic geometry algebraic topology | |
26-Mar-2020 | Correlated Phases and Hydrodynamics in Driven Systems | Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences / The Graduate Center, City University of New York | condensed matter fluid dynamics | |
08-Mar-2020 | 10-Mar-2020 | Zooming in on the Swampland workshop | Harvard University | HEP - phenomenology HEP - theory | |
04-Jan-2020 | 25-Feb-2020 | B_1^-: Analysis and PDE from the South | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | analysis of PDEs | |
11-Jan-2020 | 15-Jan-2020 | Donaldson-Thomas invariants and Resurgence | | high energy physics mathematical physics algebraic geometry differential geometry | |
10-Jun-2019 | 21-Jun-2019 | Summer School on Particle Physics | The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics | HEP - phenomenology | |
28-Mar-2019 | 05-Apr-2019 | Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics | The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics | HEP - theory | |
26-Mar-2015 | 03-Apr-2019 | ICTP Uncategorized Talks | The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics | Physics | |
09-Jul-2018 | 13-Jul-2018 | Workshop on Supersymmetric Localization and Holography: Black Hole Entropy and Wilson Loops | The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics | HEP - theory | |
02-Jul-2018 | 07-Jul-2018 | School on Supersymmetric Localization, Holography and Related Topics | The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics | HEP - theory | |
18-Jun-2018 | 29-Jun-2018 | Summer School on Cosmology 2018 | The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics | cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics general relativity and quantum cosmology HEP - phenomenology HEP - theory | |
14-Mar-2018 | 22-Mar-2018 | Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics | The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics | HEP - theory | |
05-Jun-2017 | 16-Jun-2017 | Summer School on Particle Physics 2017 | The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics | HEP - phenomenology | |
16-Mar-2017 | 24-Mar-2017 | Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics | The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics | HEP - phenomenology HEP - theory | |
12-Sep-2016 | 16-Sep-2016 | Workshop on Geometric Correspondence of Gauge Theories | The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics | HEP - theory | |
06-Jun-2016 | 17-Jun-2016 | Summer School on Cosmology | The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics | cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics general relativity and quantum cosmology HEP - phenomenology HEP - theory | |
10-Mar-2016 | 18-Mar-2016 | Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics | The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics | HEP - theory | |
29-Jun-2015 | 03-Jul-2015 | PASCOS 2015 | The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics | cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics high energy astrophysical phenomena HEP - phenomenology HEP - theory | |
15-Jun-2015 | 26-Jun-2015 | Summer School on Particle Physics 2015 | The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics | HEP - phenomenology | |
18-May-2015 | 29-May-2015 | First ICTP Advanced School on Cosmology | The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics | cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics general relativity and quantum cosmology | |
25-Mar-2015 | 02-Apr-2015 | Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics | The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics | HEP - theory | |