Wall-Crossing Structures, Analyticity, and Resurgence

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algebraic topology

Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques

Audience: Researchers in the discipline
Conference dates: 05-Jun-2023 to 10-Jun-2023
Organizer: Cecile Gourgues*
*contact for this listing

This conference is organized by Maxim Kontsevich (IHES), and Yan Soibelman (Kansas States University).

The main emphasis will be on the new approach to resurgent series via analytic wall-crossing structures (an alternative to the traditional alien calculus), as well as the detailed study of examples coming from quantum Chern-Simons theory, WKB expansions and, more generally, holomorphic Floer theory.

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriJun 0914:45Campbell WheelerResurgence and quantum modularity
FriJun 0913:30Veronica Fantiniq-series, Resurgence and Modularity
FriJun 0912:00Pierrick BousseauDT Invariants and Holomorphic Curves
FriJun 0909:30Jorgen AndersenQuantum Chern-Simons Theory, both Real and Complex (3/3)
FriJun 0908:00Jorgen AndersenQuantum Chern-Simons Theory, both Real and Complex (2/3)
ThuJun 0815:00David SauzinOn resurgent Poisson structures and deformations
ThuJun 0813:30William MistegardResurgence, Quantum Modularity and Quantum Invariants
ThuJun 0812:00Sergein GukovHeegaard Branes and Exact Results for Non-perturbative Complex Chern-Simons Theory
ThuJun 0809:30Jorgen AndersenQuantum Chern-Simons Theory, both Real and Complex (1/3)
ThuJun 0808:00Maxim KontsevichIntroduction to Resurgence via Wall-crossing Structures (4/4)
WedJun 0709:30Yan SoibelmanHolomorphic Floer Theory and Resurgence (3/3)
WedJun 0708:00Maxim KontsevichIntroduction to Resurgence via Wall-crossing Structures (3/4)
TueJun 0613:30Marcos MarinoThe resurgent structure of topological strings
TueJun 0612:00Kohei IwakiTopological Recursion, Painlevé Equation, Exact WKB and Resurgence
TueJun 0609:30Yan SoibelmanHolomorphic Floer Theory and Resurgence (2/3)
TueJun 0608:00Yan SoibelmanHolomorphic Floer Theory and Resurgence (1/3)
MonJun 0513:30Lotte HollandsWall-crossing and Resurgence in Supersymmetric QFT
MonJun 0512:00Philip BoalchFirst Steps in Global Lie Theory: wild Riemann surfaces, their character varieties and topological symplectic structures
MonJun 0509:30Maxim KontsevichIntroduction to Resurgence via Wall-crossing Structures (2/4)
MonJun 0508:00Maxim KontsevichIntroduction to Resurgence via Wall-crossing Structures (1/4)
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