BIRS workshop: Statistical Methods for Computational Advertising

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Banff International Research Station

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 04-Oct-2021 to 08-Oct-2021
Curator: BIRS Programme Coordinator*
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriOct 0818:00David BanksClosing Remarks
FriOct 0817:00Edoardo AiroldiEstimating Peer-Influence Effects Under Homophily: Randomized Treatments and Insights
FriOct 0816:00Sammy NatourTBA
FriOct 0815:00Simon MakTSEC: a framework for online experimentation under experimental constraints
ThuOct 0721:00George MichailidisRegularized and Smooth Double Core Tensor Factorization for Heterogeneous Data
ThuOct 0720:00Michael BraunThe A/B Test Deception: Divergent Delivery, Ad Response Heterogeneity, and Erroneous Inferences in Online Advertising Field Experiments
ThuOct 0718:00Ron BermanLatent Stratification for Advertising Experiments
ThuOct 0717:00Ernest FokoueTBA
ThuOct 0716:00Fiammetta MenchettiARIMA Models and Multivariate Bayesian Structural Models for Causal Inference from Sales Data
ThuOct 0715:00Guy AridorThe Effect of Privacy Regulation on the Data Industry: Empirical Evidence from GDP
WedOct 0618:20Maggie MaoThe Fight for Best Practices in Experimentation
WedOct 0617:40Yi GuoMultiparty Auctions without Common Knowledge
WedOct 0617:00Jason PoulosRetrospective and Forward-Looking Counterfactual Imputation via Matrix Completion
WedOct 0616:00Aiyou ChenRobust Causal Inference for Incremental Return on Ad Spend with Randomized Paired Geo Experiment
WedOct 0615:00Yiyun LuoDistribution-Free Contextual Dynamic Pricing
TueOct 0521:00Nathaniel StevensModern Design of Experiments for Computational Advertising
TueOct 0520:00Nianqiao (Phyllis) JuTowards Cost-Efficient A/B Testing
TueOct 0518:00Xuan BiImproving Sales Forecasting Accuracy: A tensor factorization approach with demand awareness
TueOct 0517:00Grace YiUnbiased Boosting Estimation for Censored Survival Data
TueOct 0516:00Deborshee SenCross-Domain Recommender Systems
TueOct 0515:00Patrick LeBlancAn Overview of Recommender System Theory
MonOct 0421:00S. Yaser SamadiDimension Reduction for Vector Autoregressive Models
MonOct 0420:30Anru ZhangHigh-order Clustering with Application in Click-through Prediction
MonOct 0420:00Ben SkrainaTriumph and Tragedy in A/B tests: War Stories from Amazon, eBay, and Startups
MonOct 0418:00Mamadou YauckComputational Advertising: A Capture-Recapture Perspective
MonOct 0417:00Art OwenEfficiency of Tie-Breaker Designs
MonOct 0416:00Tim HesterbergSurveys and Big Data for Estimating Brand Lift
MonOct 0415:00David BanksThe Statistical Challenges of Computational Advertising
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