Fri | Dec 11 | 14:00 | Anton Trushechkin | Redfield, local and global quantum master equations from the viewpoint of quantum stochastic limit | |
Fri | Dec 11 | 13:00 | Franco Fagnola | Redfield, local and global quantum master equations from the viewpoint of quantum stochastic limit | |
Thu | Dec 10 | 14:00 | Nikita Slavnov | Quantum Inverse Scattering Method and scalar products | |
Thu | Dec 10 | 13:00 | Vladimir Korepin | Lattice nonlinear Schrödinger equation | |
Wed | Dec 09 | 14:25 | Yana Kinderknecht (Butko) | Stochastic representations for solutions of a class of integro-differential evolution equations | |
Wed | Dec 09 | 14:00 | Boris Volkov | Levy Laplacians, holonomy group and instantons on 4-manifolds | |
Wed | Dec 09 | 13:00 | Dmitry Levkov | Semiclassical S-matrix in dilaton gravity with a boundary | |
Tue | Dec 08 | 14:00 | Vladimir Belokurov | Schwarzian functional integrals calculus | |
Tue | Dec 08 | 13:00 | Irina Aref’eva | Holography and random matrices | |
Mon | Dec 07 | 14:00 | Valery Frolov | Spinoptics in a curved spacetim | |
Mon | Dec 07 | 13:00 | Fridrikh Dzheparov | Pressure dependence of phonon populations and non-standard quasiadditive integrals of motion | |
Fri | Dec 04 | 15:25 | Mikhail Dolgopolov | Scanning and compaction of discrete ion fluxes by the magnetic field system and the ion-emission quantum energy converter | |
Fri | Dec 04 | 15:00 | Sergey Mayburov | Oscillations of nucleus decay parameters in nonlinear quantum mechanics | |
Fri | Dec 04 | 14:00 | Sergey Vernov | The effective potential method for cosmological models with the Gauss-Bonnet term | |
Fri | Dec 04 | 13:00 | Zoran Rakic | On non-local modified gravity. On the square root model and its cosmological solutions | |
Thu | Dec 03 | 15:25 | Abdessatar Souissi | Diagonalizability of quantum Markov States on trees | |
Thu | Dec 03 | 15:00 | Sergey Postnov | Optimal control problems investigation for fractional diffusion and diffusion-wave equations | |
Thu | Dec 03 | 14:00 | Bassano Vacchini | Role of local and non-local master equations in the description of non-Markovian open quantum system dynamics | |
Thu | Dec 03 | 13:00 | Tatiana Dudnikova | Convergence to stationary nonequilibrium states for Hamiltonian dynamical systems | |
Wed | Dec 02 | 15:20 | Arseny Mironov | The Ritus-Narozhny conjecture and resummation of radiative corrections in QED in a constant crossed field | |
Wed | Dec 02 | 15:00 | Vasily Denisov | Theorems on stabilization of solutions of parabolic equations | |
Wed | Dec 02 | 14:00 | Roberto Quezada | Breaking of the similarity principle in Markov generators of low density limit | |
Wed | Dec 02 | 13:00 | Mukadas Missarov | Generalization of the hierarchical model on the two-dimensional lattice | |
Tue | Dec 01 | 15:00 | Jean-Bernard Bru | Large Deviations for Fermions at Equilibrium - An Approach to Macroscopic Behavior at Nanoscales | |
Tue | Dec 01 | 14:00 | Miguel A.F. Sanjuan | Binary Black Hole Shadows: Chaos in General Relativity | |
Tue | Dec 01 | 13:00 | Richard Kerner | Unifying colour SU(3) with Z3-graded Lorentz-Poincaré Algebra | |
Mon | Nov 30 | 15:25 | Denis Borisov | Resolvents of graphs with small edges | |
Mon | Nov 30 | 15:00 | Nikolay Chuprikov | On the optical-mechanical analogy of the Dirac theory | |
Mon | Nov 30 | 14:00 | Maksim Shirokov | Optimal form of the Kretschmann-SchlingemannWerner theorem for energy-constrained quantum channels and operations | |
Mon | Nov 30 | 13:00 | Alberto Barchielli | A quantum optomechanical system in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer | |
Sat | Nov 28 | 15:45 | Evgeniy Shavgulidze | Polar Decompozition of the Wiener Measure and the Schwarzian Theory | |
Sat | Nov 28 | 15:15 | Ekaterina Pozdeeva | Cosmological attractor in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity | |
Fri | Nov 27 | 14:45 | Alexey Koshelev | Analytic infinite derivative field theories: classical and quantum aspects | |
Fri | Nov 27 | 13:50 | Branko Dragovich | Cosmology of nonlocal gravity | |
Fri | Nov 27 | 13:00 | Igor Volovich | Integrability of quantum theory and categories | |
Thu | Nov 26 | 16:15 | Goran Djordjevic | Classical and Quantum Dynamics of DBI Type Lagrangians in p-Adic Context | |
Thu | Nov 26 | 15:45 | Farrukh Mukhamedov | A Quantum Markov Chain approach to Phase Transitions for quantum Ising model with competing XY-interactions on a Cayley tree | |
Thu | Nov 26 | 15:15 | Alexander Zubarev | TBA | |
Thu | Nov 26 | 14:45 | Evgeny Zelenov | TBA | |
Thu | Nov 26 | 13:50 | Pavel Exner | On the discrete spectrum of soft quantum waveguides | |
Thu | Nov 26 | 13:00 | Andrei Shafarevich | TBA | |
Wed | Nov 25 | 16:45 | Dmitriy Shirokov | On some equations modeling the Yang-Mills equations | |
Wed | Nov 25 | 16:15 | Khachatur Khachatryan | On alternating solutions of a class of multidimensional integral equations with convex nonlinearity | |
Wed | Nov 25 | 15:30 | Sergey Dobrokhotov | Asymptotics of Hermitian type orthogonal polynomials: real semiclassical approximation for the asymptotics with complex-valued phases | |
Wed | Nov 25 | 14:45 | Alexander Aptekarev | Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials with respect to Hermite weights: applications and asymptotics | |
Wed | Nov 25 | 13:50 | Armen Sergeev | Topological insulators invariant under time reversal | |
Wed | Nov 25 | 13:00 | Alexander Holevo | Multimode quantum Gaussian observables: structure and capacities | |
Tue | Nov 24 | 15:30 | Lyudmila Efremova | On the partial integrability property of maps obtained by small smooth perturbations of skew products | |
Tue | Nov 24 | 14:45 | Victor Zharinov | Binary relations and fuzzy logic | |
Tue | Nov 24 | 13:50 | Mikhail Katanaev | Point disclinations in the geometric theory of defects | |
Tue | Nov 24 | 13:00 | Dmitry Treschev | Quantum heavy particle in a periodic potential | |
Mon | Nov 23 | 16:15 | Luigi Accardi | TBA | |
Mon | Nov 23 | 15:30 | Oleg Smolyanov | Quantum anomalies and differential properties of generalized Lebesgue-Feynman measures | |
Mon | Nov 23 | 14:45 | Anatolii Gushchin | Extensions of the space of continuous functions and its application to the Dirichlet problem for elliptic equations | |
Mon | Nov 23 | 13:50 | Vsevolod Sakbaev | On the operator approach to the weak convergence of measures and limit theorems | |
Mon | Nov 23 | 13:00 | Valery Kozlov | Linear system with quadratic invariant as the Schrodinger equation | |
Fri | Nov 20 | 15:00 | Mikhail Vasiliev | Spin-Locality and Star-Product Functions in Higher-Spin Theory | |
Fri | Nov 20 | 14:00 | Vladimir Nazaikinskii | Partial spectral flow and the Aharonov–Bohm effect in graphene | |
Fri | Nov 20 | 13:00 | Grigori Amosov | On classical capacity of quantum Weyl channels | |
Thu | Nov 19 | 14:00 | Felipe Barra | Equilibrium quantum batteries and their nonequilibrium operations | |
Thu | Nov 19 | 13:00 | Anton Trushechkin | Mathematical methods of quantum cryptography | |
Wed | Nov 18 | 15:25 | Edward Kurianovich | Relativistic Brownian motion - 2 | |
Wed | Nov 18 | 15:00 | Andrey Mikhailov | Relativistic Brownian motion - 1 | |
Wed | Nov 18 | 14:00 | Marco Cattaneo | Symmetry and block structure of the Liouvillian superoperator in partial secular approximation | |
Wed | Nov 18 | 13:00 | Andrei Khrennikov | Quantum-like models: decision making and social laser | |
Tue | Nov 17 | 13:50 | Oleg Inozemcev | On formulation of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis | |
Tue | Nov 17 | 13:25 | Daniel Afanasev | Global properties of spherically symmetric solutions in General Relativity with an Electromagnetic field and a Cosmological Constant | |
Tue | Nov 17 | 13:00 | Alexander Teretenkov | Reduced quantum dynamics in all orders of perturbation theory with Bogolubov-van Hove scaling | |
Mon | Nov 16 | 14:00 | Vadim Malyshev | Structure of Classical Mathematical Physics as new Project and new Journal | |
Mon | Nov 16 | 13:00 | Luigi Accardi | The n-dimensional quadratic Heisenberg algebra as a “non-commutative” sl(2, C) | |
Fri | Nov 13 | 13:00 | Dariusz Chruściński | Universal Spectra of Random Lindblad Operators | |
Thu | Nov 12 | 13:00 | Vsevolod Sakbaev | Dynamics of quantum states generated by Schrodinger equation admitting blow up phenomenon | |
Wed | Nov 11 | 13:00 | Sergey Kozyrev | Genome as a functional program | |
Tue | Nov 10 | 13:00 | Antonio Vidiella-Barranco | How faithfully the evolution of composite open quantum systems can be modeled? | |
Mon | Nov 09 | 13:00 | Noboru Watanabe | Note on complexity for the quantum compound systems | |