Thu | Aug 27 | 00:00 | Neil Trudinger (CANCELLED) | Generated Jacobian Equations; convexity, geometric optics and optimal transportation (CANCELLED) | |
Tue | Aug 11 | 18:00 | Kornélia Héra | Hausdorff dimension of unions of affine subspaces and related problems | |
Tue | Aug 11 | 17:00 | Polona Durcik | Singular integrals and patterns in the Euclidean space | |
Tue | Aug 11 | 16:00 | Hong Wang | Incidence estimates with application to Fourier analysis | |
Tue | Aug 11 | 02:00 | Pin Yu | On the rigidity from infinity for nonlinear Alfven waves | |
Tue | Aug 11 | 01:00 | Volker Schlue | Expanding black hole cosmologies | |
Tue | Aug 11 | 00:00 | Juhi Jang | Dynamics of Newtonian stars | |
Mon | Aug 10 | 18:00 | Michael Christ (plenary) | Oscillation and frustration in multilinear inequalities | |
Mon | Aug 10 | 17:00 | Chun-Kit Lai | Fourier bases and Fourier frames for singular measures | |
Mon | Aug 10 | 16:00 | Zane Li | Connections between decoupling and efficient congruencing | |
Fri | Aug 07 | 23:00 | Simon Donaldson (plenary) | G2-geometry and complex variables (NEW TIME) | |
Fri | Aug 07 | 02:10 | Takeshi Saito (plenary) | Wild ramification and the cotangent bundle in mixed characteristic | |
Fri | Aug 07 | 01:10 | Shinichiroh Matsuo | The Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index and domain-wall fermion Dirac operators | |
Fri | Aug 07 | 01:10 | Shunsuke Yamana | Base change and central values of triple product L-series | |
Fri | Aug 07 | 00:20 | Ellen Eischen | p-adic aspects of L-functions and automorphic forms | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 23:00 | Richard Bamler (plenary) | Uniqueness of Weak Solutions to the Ricci Flow and Topological Applications | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 18:00 | Yakov Eliashberg (plenary) | The program of arborealization | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 17:00 | Eleny Ionel | Thin compactifications and Relative Fundamental Classes | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 16:00 | Ko Honda | Convex hypersurface theory in higher-dimensional contact topology | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 15:00 | Dan Cristofaro-Gardiner | The simplicity conjecture | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 05:00 | Radu Laza | Remarks on degenerations of Hyperkaehler and Calabi-Yau manifolds | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 04:00 | Xiaokui Yang | RC-positivity and geometry of complex manifolds | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 03:00 | Tomoyuki Hisamoto | Optimal lower bound of the Calabi type functionals | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 03:00 | Senjo Shimizu | Maximal L1-regularity for parabolic boundary value problems with inhomogeneous data in the half-space | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 03:00 | Wen-Wei Li | Stable trace formula for metaplectic groups | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 02:10 | Glen Wheeler | On Chen's Flow | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 02:10 | Tsuyoshi Kato | L2 harmonic theory and Seiberg-Witten Bauer-Furuta theory on non-compact complete Riemannian 4-manifolds | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 02:10 | Cheng-Chiang Tsai | Uniform bounds of orbital integrals | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 01:10 | Baoxiang Wang | Navier-Stokes Equation in Super-Critical Spaces Ep,qs | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 01:10 | Jeff Viaclovsky | Gravitational instantons and K3 surfaces | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 01:10 | Yoichi Mieda | Local Saito-Kurokawa A-packets and l-adic cohomology of Rapoport-Zink tower for GSp(4) | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 00:20 | Thomas Sideris | The affine motion of 2d incompressible ideal fluids surrounded by vacuum | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 00:20 | Ailana Fraser | Higher eigenvalue optimization | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 00:20 | Hector Pasten | Hilbert's tenth problem for rings of integers of certain number fields of degree six | |
Wed | Aug 05 | 03:00 | Weiping Zhang | Positive scalar curvature on foliations | |
Wed | Aug 05 | 03:00 | Chiun-Chuan Chen | Travelling wave solutions of the 3-species Lotka-Volterra competition system with diffusion | |
Wed | Aug 05 | 02:20 | Insuk Seo | Metastable interacting particle systems | |
Wed | Aug 05 | 02:10 | Yoshihiko Matsumoto | Asymptotically complex hyperbolic Einstein spaces and CR geometry | |
Wed | Aug 05 | 02:00 | Yoshihisa Morita | Segregation pattern in a mathematical model of cell polarity | |
Wed | Aug 05 | 01:20 | Lisa Sauermann | On the extension complexity of random polytopes | |
Wed | Aug 05 | 01:10 | Pedram Hekmati | Holomorphic bundles on foliations | |
Wed | Aug 05 | 01:10 | Michael Ward | Synchrony and oscillatory dynamics for a 2-D PDE-ODE model of diffusion-sensing with small signaling compartments | |
Wed | Aug 05 | 01:10 | Mao Sheng | De Rham decomposition theorem with intersection condition | |
Wed | Aug 05 | 00:20 | Peter Ebenfelt | Deformations and embeddings of compact strictly pseudoconvex CR 3-manifolds | |
Wed | Aug 05 | 00:20 | Sourav Chatterjee | Mass gap implies quark confinement | |
Wed | Aug 05 | 00:20 | Yoshiki Oshima | Collapsing of Ricci-flat Kahler metrics and compactifications of moduli spaces | |
Tue | Aug 04 | 17:20 | Daniel Remenik | Non-intersecting Brownian motions with outliers, KPZ fluctuations and random matrices | |
Tue | Aug 04 | 16:20 | Amir Dembo | Universality for diffusions interacting through a random matrix | |
Tue | Aug 04 | 15:00 | Ofer Zeitouni (plenary) | Stability and instability of spectrum for small random perturbations of structured non-normal matrices | |
Tue | Aug 04 | 02:10 | Yihong Du (plenary) | Propagation, diffusion and free boundaries | |
Tue | Aug 04 | 01:10 | Hojoo Lee | Minimal surfaces and flat structures | |
Tue | Aug 04 | 01:10 | Yong-Jung Kim | Can you tell how effective a COVID-19 prevention scheme is at elementary schools? | |
Tue | Aug 04 | 00:20 | Mariel Sáez | Short-time existence for the network flow | |
Tue | Aug 04 | 00:20 | Yoichiro Mori | Stability of planar fronts of the bidomain Allen-Cahn equation | |
Mon | Aug 03 | 23:00 | Guofang Wei (plenary) | Fundamental gap estimate in the hyperbolic spaces | |