20th Northeast probability seminar


Columbia University

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 18-Nov-2020 to 19-Nov-2020
Organizers: Ivan Corwin, Evgeni Dimitrov, Milind Hegde*
*contact for this listing
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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriNov 1917:45Ella HiesmayrLarge deviations of the largest eigenvalue of sparse matrices with non-Gaussian edge weights
FriNov 1917:30Laura ShouEigenvector statistics for graphs from quantized interval maps
FriNov 1917:15Tatiana BrailovskayaOptimal bounds on the largest eigenvalue of inhomogeneous random matrices
FriNov 1917:00Qiang WuMean field spin glass under weak external fields
FriNov 1916:45Elizabeth Collins-WoodfinSpherical spin glass model with external field
FriNov 1916:15Hong-Bin ChenDynamic polymers: invariant measures and ordering by noise
FriNov 1916:00Yongjia XieModerate deviation of the free energy for integrable directed polymer models
FriNov 1915:45Roger Van PeskiLozenge tilings and the Gaussian free field on a cylinder
FriNov 1915:30Evan SorensenBusemann functions and semi-infinite geodesics in a semi-discrete space
FriNov 1915:15Xincheng ZhangThe Baik-Rains distribution and the KP equation
FriNov 1914:45Sohom BhattacharyaSpectral edge in sparse random graphs: upper and lower tail large deviations
FriNov 1914:30Zhi-Feng WeiSharp Bounds on Eigenvalues via Spectral Embedding Based on Signless Laplacians
FriNov 1914:15Benoît CorsiniLocal minimum spanning tree optimization
FriNov 1914:00Anirudh SridharCorrelated Stochastic Block Models: Graph Matching and Community Recovery
ThuNov 1821:45Alejandra QuintosDependent Stopping Times
ThuNov 1821:30Marco CarfagniniSmall deviations and Chung’s law of the iterated logarithm for hypoelliptic diffusions
ThuNov 1821:15Sky CaoA state space for 3D Euclidean Yang-Mills theories
ThuNov 1821:00Morris AngIntegrability of the conformal loop ensemble
ThuNov 1820:45Yujin Hong KimThe Extrema of Branching Brownian Motion in Rd\mathbb{R}^d
ThuNov 1820:15Suqi LiuA probabilistic view of latent space graphs and phase transitions
ThuNov 1820:00Yin-Ting LiaoA refined asymptotic thin-shell condition and applications to asymptotic convex geometry
ThuNov 1819:45Shuangping LiBinary perceptron: efficient algorithms can find solutions in rare well-connected clusters
ThuNov 1819:30Bowen XieMany–component Matching Queues and Convergence of Cost Functional
ThuNov 1819:15Brice HuangThe Algorithmic Phase Transition of Random k-SAT for Low Degree Polynomials
ThuNov 1818:45Hannah CairnsThe critical sleep rate for activated random walk on a cycle with one chip per site
ThuNov 1818:30Ahmed Bou-RabeeScaling limits of sandpiles
ThuNov 1818:15Feng LiangExact sampling and fast mixing of Activated Random Walk
ThuNov 1818:00Daniel J SlonimRandom Walks in Dirichlet Random Environments on Z with Bounded Jumps
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