BIRS workshop: New Directions in Geometric Flows

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Banff International Research Station

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 08-Nov-2021 to 12-Nov-2021
Curator: BIRS Programme Coordinator*
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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriNov 1217:30Ronan ConlonSteady gradient Kahler-Ricci solitons
FriNov 1216:00Natasa SesumSurvey of recent classification results of ancient solutions
ThuNov 1123:00Lu WangClosed hypersurfaces of low entropy are isotopically trivial
ThuNov 1122:30Zhichao WangUryson width of three dimensional mean convex domains with non-negative Ricci curvature
ThuNov 1117:30Keaton NaffA neck improvement theorem in higher codimension MCF
ThuNov 1116:00Felix SchulzeA relative entropy and a unique continuation result for Ricci expanders
WedNov 1017:30Mario Garcia-FernandezNon-Kähler Calabi-Yau geometry and pluriclosed flow
WedNov 1016:00Bruce KleinerRicci flow through singularities, and applications
TueNov 0923:30Maxwell StolarskiMean Curvature Flow Singularities with Bounded Mean Curvature
TueNov 0922:30Jonathan ZhuExplicit Lojasiewicz inequalities for shrinking solitons
TueNov 0917:30Or HershkovitsNoncollapsed translators in R^4
TueNov 0916:00Otis ChodoshGeneric mean curvature flow of low entropy initial data
MonNov 0823:30Jian SongLong time solutions of the Kahler-Ricci flow
MonNov 0823:00Brian HarvieThe Inverse Mean Curvature Flow and Minimal Surfaces
MonNov 0822:30Alec PayneMass Drop and Multiplicity in Mean Curvature Flow
MonNov 0821:00Yi LaiSteady gradient Ricci solitons with positive curvature operators
MonNov 0817:30Paula Burkhardt-GuimPointwise lower scalar curvature bounds for C^0 metrics via regularizing Ricci flow
MonNov 0816:00Panagiota DaskalopoulosType II smoothing in Mean curvature flow
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