3rd ICTP-SAIFR South American Dark Matter Workshop

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cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics astrophysics of galaxies high energy astrophysical phenomena

ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 02-Dec-2020 to 04-Dec-2020
Organizers: Nathan Berkovits*, Fabio Iocco, Enrico Bertuzzo, Ivone Albuquerque, Jandira Oliveira*
*contact for this listing

Zoom ID at webpage www.ictp-saifr.org/dmw2020/

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Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriDec 0418:45Paul TermanThe Lightly Ionizing Particle Search in the LUX Detector
FriDec 0418:20Martin MaklerUpdates from the Coherent Neutrino-Nucleus Interaction Experiment - CONNIE
FriDec 0417:55Xavier BertouThe ANDES Deep Underground Laboratory
FriDec 0417:35Mihael PetacAxisymmetric phase-space distribution for galactic DM: implications for direct searches
FriDec 0417:15Maria BenitoDark Matter in the Milky Way: distribution and uncertainties
FriDec 0416:40Bradley KavanaghDetecting Dark Matter around Black Holes with Gravitational Waves
FriDec 0416:20Caner UnalPBH constraints from CMB and pulsar time arrays
FriDec 0416:00Nicolas BernalSelf Interacting DM from Primordial Black Holes
FriDec 0415:40Andrzej HryczukSelf interacting DM and H0 tension
FriDec 0415:20Farinaldo QueirozLight DM, lithium and H0
FriDec 0414:55Tim TaitDM Freeze-out Early confinement
FriDec 0414:30Joachim KoppDM at cosmological phase transition
FriDec 0414:05Ibrahim SafaDM with a Panopticon of Neutrino Detectors
FriDec 0413:50Chiara PoiréDark Matter searches with ANTARES and KM3net
FriDec 0413:30Carlos Arguelles- DelgadoSearching for Signatures of Dark Matter Using High-Energy Neutrinos
FriDec 0413:15Peter ReimitzHadronic footprint GeV DM
FriDec 0413:00Pedro de la Torre LuqueUncertainties in antiprotons searches of Dark Matter
FriDec 0412:40Manuela VecchiDM with AMS
FriDec 0412:20Marco ChianeseA Unique Multi-Messenger Signal of QCD Axion Dark Matter
FriDec 0412:00Rebecca LeaneExoplanets Sub-GeV DM
ThuDec 0318:35Jim LibbyThe Dark Sector at Belle II
ThuDec 0318:15Jack H. LindonSearch for invisible decays of the Higgs boson and Dark Matter interpretation
ThuDec 0317:55Sergio Gonzalez FernandezSearches for DM with ATLAS
ThuDec 0317:30Sushil ChauhanSearches for DM with CMS
ThuDec 0316:55Martin VollmannTheoretical developments on synchrotron searches for dark matter
ThuDec 0316:35Matheus HostertNew signatures and opportunities with dark neutrino sectors
ThuDec 0316:15Alexis PlascenciaNew Forces, Dark Matter and Electric Dipole Moments
ThuDec 0315:55Peter DentonUltralight Fermionic Dark Matter
ThuDec 0315:35Juri SmirnovNew production mechanisms and search strategies for sub-GeV dark matter
ThuDec 0315:15Marcos Cardoso RodriguezDark Matter in the SUSY B-L Model with three non-identical right handed neutrinos
ThuDec 0314:55Andrew CheekNew insights into dark matter from EFT basics
ThuDec 0314:30Malcolm FairbairnTBA
ThuDec 0314:15Leonardo PeresPerspectives for Boosted Dark Matter Analysis in DUNE
ThuDec 0314:05Tessio MeloXENON1T Anomaly: A Light Z
ThuDec 0313:40Alexander KishThe DarkSide experiment for direct dark matter search with liquid argon
ThuDec 0313:15Greg RischbieterA Review of the LUX Dark Matter Experiment: Previous Analyses and Current Efforts
ThuDec 0312:50Elisabetta BaracchiniDirectional Dark Matter searches with the CYGNO/INITIUM project
ThuDec 0312:25Nicolás AvalosThe DMSQUARE Experiment
ThuDec 0312:00Tim WolfLatest results from the XENON1T detector
WedDec 0220:00Alfonso ZerwekhNon-Abelian in the dark sector: opportunities for CTA
WedDec 0219:40Aion VianaDM in Galactic halo with SWG
WedDec 0219:20Elena PinettiINTEGRAL X-ray subGeV
WedDec 0219:00Anastasia SokolenkoDark Particles in the IGM
WedDec 0218:40Javier Conoronado-BlazquezUnidentified gamma-ray sources
WedDec 0218:20Miguel Sanchez-CondeGamma Rays from MW dark satellites
WedDec 0217:45Umberto MaioEarly galaxy formation in dark matter cosmological models
WedDec 0217:25Jorge Sanchez AlmeidaPrinciple of maximum entropy and cores in dwarf galaxies
WedDec 0217:05Kyle OmanAn explanation for the diversity of dwarf galaxy rotation curves
WedDec 0216:45Rain KipperLopsided galaxies, the wake of dynamical friction and tidal forces, a connection to dark matter
WedDec 0216:25Arianna di CintioUltra Diffuse Galaxies
WedDec 0216:05Azadeh FattahiBuild up of the MW stellar halo and connection to DM
WedDec 0215:30Julio NavarroGoing Non-Linear: Contrasting LCDM with observations of the internal properties of galaxies
WedDec 0214:25Giuliana FiorilloDirect Detection: a review of techniques and results
WedDec 0213:50Patrick FoxStatus of theoretical candidates of DM
WedDec 0213:15Gianfranco BertoneA new era in the search of Dark Matter
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