Combinatorics in algebraic structures: Invariant Theory and its Applications

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commutative algebra algebraic geometry combinatorics rings and algebras representation theory

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 30-Nov-2023 to 01-Dec-2023
Organizer: Artem Lopatin*
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriDec 0118:20Rebecca PatriasWeb invariants for noncrossing partitions
FriDec 0117:45Calin ChindrisHive-type polytopes for quiver semi-invariants and the membership problem for quiver moment cones
FriDec 0117:20Pedro Antonio Muniz MartinsSeparating invariants for two-dimensional orthogonal groups over finite fields
FriDec 0116:45Benjamin Blum-SmithDegree bounds for rational invariants
FriDec 0116:00Mátyás DomokosOn the classification of moduli spaces of quiver representations
FriDec 0114:55Preena SamuelInvariants of mixed tensor spaces
FriDec 0114:20Silvia BoumovaSymmetric polynomials in free associative algebras over a field of arbitrary characteristic
FriDec 0113:45Fabian ReimersVector invariants of permutations groups in characteristic zero
FriDec 0113:00Vesselin DrenskyFrom Commutative to Noncommutative Invariant Theory: transfer of results
ThuNov 3018:20Alexandr ZubkovSeparating invariants for octonions
ThuNov 3017:45Jurij VolčičInvariant noncommutative rational functions
ThuNov 3017:20Victoria SevostyanovaInvariants of equivalence classes on the set of tight frames
ThuNov 3016:45Jonathan ElmerMinimum separating sets for matrix invariants
ThuNov 3016:00Gregor KemperDistance geometry, algebra and drones
ThuNov 3014:55Rustam TurdibaevDefining relations of invariants of two 4 x 4 matrices
ThuNov 3014:20Artem LopatinPairs of matrices with simple spectrum
ThuNov 3013:45Elitza HristovaOn the GL(n)-module structure of some relatively free algebras and applications to noncommutative invariant theory
ThuNov 3013:00Claudio ProcesiEquivariant tensor polynomials and their identities
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