The 1st Geometric Analysis Festival

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differential geometry

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 04-Feb-2021 to 15-Feb-2021
Organizer: Hojoo Lee*
*contact for this listing

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
MonFeb 1502:20Q and A Session 2CArtur Saturnino, Yangyang Li, Da Rong Cheng, Daniel Stern
MonFeb 1501:40Q and A Session 2BLucas Ambrozio, Albert Wood, Wei-Bo Su, Jingze Zhu
MonFeb 1501:00Q and A Session 2ASven Pistre, Tsz Kiu Aaron Chow, Martin Lesourd
MonFeb 0803:00Da Rong ChengStability and Morse index of solutions to the Ginzburg-Landau equation
MonFeb 0800:00Daniel SternGeometry of the U(1)-Higgs model and the complex Ginzburg-Landau equations
SunFeb 0721:00Lucas AmbrozioSystolic and diastolic invariants related to minimal surfaces
SunFeb 0711:00Yangyang LiGeneric regularity of minimal hypersurfaces in dimension 8
SunFeb 0709:00Jingze ZhuSymmetry of the translator of mean curvature flow
SunFeb 0707:00Sven PistreHigher regularity of high-codimensional disk-type surfaces minimising a Finsler area via Cartan functionals
SunFeb 0705:00Artur SaturninoOn the genus and area of constant mean curvature surfaces with bounded index
SunFeb 0703:00Albert WoodSingularities of Lagrangian Mean Curvature Flow
SunFeb 0701:00Wei-Bo SuConstruction of Lagrangian translating solitons
SatFeb 0623:00Martin LesourdPositive scalar curvature on non-compact manifolds
SatFeb 0614:00Tsz Kiu Aaron ChowRicci flow on manifolds with boundary with arbitrary initial metric
SatFeb 0609:00Q and A Session 1CFrancesca Salvatore, Fabio Paradiso, Pablo Mira
SatFeb 0608:00Q and A Session 1BRomain Petrides, Han Hong, Jesús Castro, Daniel Steenebrügge
SatFeb 0607:00Q and A Session 1AMikhail Karpukhin, Nicolas Marque, Beomjun Choi, Brian Harvie
ThuFeb 0414:00Francesca SalvatoreClosed G2{G}_{2}-structures and Laplacian solitons on solvable Lie groups
ThuFeb 0413:00Fabio ParadisoGeometric flows of balanced metrics on almost abelian Lie groups
ThuFeb 0412:00Brian HarvieSingularities of the Inverse Mean Curvature Flow
ThuFeb 0411:00Nicolas MarqueWillmore energy, Willmore immersions, Willmore bubbling
ThuFeb 0410:00Han HongIndex estimates for CMC surfaces in 3-manifolds
ThuFeb 0409:00Jesus CastroH-Catenoids and H-Catenodoids in H2×R\mathbb{H}^2 \times \mathbb R and the Krust property
ThuFeb 0408:00Daniel SteenebrüggeAnalyticity of Critical Points for Generalized Integral Menger Curvature
ThuFeb 0405:30Pablo MiraUniqueness of constant mean curvature spheres
ThuFeb 0403:00Romain PetridesMinimal surfaces and shape optimization in spectral geometry
ThuFeb 0400:00Beomjun ChoiGeometric inequalities and inverse mean curvature flow
WedFeb 0321:00Mikhail KarpukhinMinimal surfaces, harmonic maps and sharp bounds for Laplace eigenvalues
SatFeb 1503:00Session CArtur Saturnino, Yangyang Li, Da Rong Cheng, Daniel Stern
SatFeb 1502:00Session BLucas Ambrozio, Albert Wood, Wei-Bo Su, Jingze Zhu
SatFeb 1501:00Session ASven Pistre, Tsz Kiu Aaron Chow, Demetre Kazaras, Wenchuan Tian, Martin Lesourd
ThuFeb 0609:00Session CFrancesca Salvatore, Fabio Paradiso, Pablo Mira
ThuFeb 0608:00Session BRomain Petrides, Han Hong, Jesús Castro, Daniel Steenebrügge
ThuFeb 0607:00Session AMikhail Karpukhin, Nicolas Marque, Beomjun Choi, Brian Harvie
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