Non-Archimedean and Tropical Geometry

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algebraic geometry

Goethe University Frankfurt / École Polytechnique

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 01-Oct-2021 to 10-Dec-2021
Organizers: Lorenzo Fantini*, Martin Ulirsch*, Annette Werner
*contact for this listing

UPDATE: NonArchTrop is over, but TGiZ will resume in 2022.


The workshop Non-Archimedean and Tropical Geometry, originally planned for Fall 2020, has been converted to a series of six smaller virtual afternoon workshops to take place every two weeks in the Fall of 2021.

The session of November 26th will take place in a hybrid format at the Centre de Mathématiques Laurent Schwartz of the École Polytechnique.

Please send an email to one of the organizers at the latest one day before a session if you wish to receive the Zoom link and password.

Videos of most talks are posted to the NonArchTrop YouTube channel a few days after each session. Some notes and slides are available here.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriDec 1015:30Dimitri WyssDT-invariants from non-archimedean integrals
FriDec 1014:15David HolmesPiecewise polynomials and intersection theory
FriDec 1013:00Claudia FevolaKp Solitons from Tropical Limits
FriNov 2615:30Jérôme PoineauAnalytic dynamics over Z\mathbf{Z} and torsion points of elliptic curves
FriNov 2614:00Erwan BrugalléEuler characteristic and signature of real semi-stable degenerations
FriNov 2613:00Vlerë MehmetiA Hasse Principle on Berkovich Analytic Curves
FriNov 1215:30Stefan WewersExplicit models of curves via nonarchimedian geometry
FriNov 1214:15Klaus KünnemannPluripotential theory for tropical toric varieties and non-archimedean Monge-Ampère equations
FriNov 1213:00Jan Steffen Müllerpp-adic Arakelov theory on abelian varieties and quadratic Chabauty
FriOct 2914:30Navid NabijouTropical expansions and rubber torus actions
FriOct 2913:15Walter GublerForms on Berkovich spaces based on harmonic tropicalizations
FriOct 2912:00Elise GoujardCounting (tropical) covers: quasimodularity of generating functions
FriOct 1514:30Daniele TurchettiSchottky spaces and moduli of curves over Z\mathbb{Z}
FriOct 1513:15Melody ChanHomology representations of compactified configurations on graphs applied to M2,nM_{2,n}
FriOct 1512:00Kris ShawA tropical approach to the enriched count of bitangents to quartic curves
FriOct 0114:30Tony Yue YuGeneralizing GKZ secondary fan using Berkovich geometry
FriOct 0113:15Joe RabinoffWeakly smooth forms and Dolbeault cohomology of curves
FriOct 0112:00Antoine DucrosNon-standard analysis and non-archimedean geometry
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