Thu | Dec 16 | 15:40 | Davide Billo | Holographic and QFT Complexity with angular momentum | |
Thu | Dec 16 | 15:20 | Daniel Lichtig | Black holes, CFT and instanton counting | |
Thu | Dec 16 | 15:00 | Pietro Ferrero | Gluon Scattering in AdS from CFT | |
Thu | Dec 16 | 14:10 | Stéphane Bajeot | Dualities from deconfinement | |
Thu | Dec 16 | 13:50 | Lorenzo Ruggeri | SYM on Quotients of Spheres and Complex Projective Spaces | |
Thu | Dec 16 | 13:30 | Francesco Mignosa | On fixed points and phase transitions in five dimensions | |
Thu | Dec 16 | 10:30 | Anayeli Ramirez | Advances in AdS/CFT in lower dimensions | |
Thu | Dec 16 | 10:10 | Colin Sterckx | S-folds: symmetry breaking and marginal deformations | |
Thu | Dec 16 | 09:50 | Giulia Fardelli | Quarter-BPS operators in N=4 SYM: a case study | |
Thu | Dec 16 | 09:30 | Marcus Sperling | Magnetic quivers and strongly coupled Higgs phases of theories with 8 supercharges | |
Mon | Dec 13 | 15:40 | Angelo Esposito | An EFT viewpoint on condensed matter | |
Mon | Dec 13 | 15:20 | Alessandro Podo | Integrating out beyond tree level for relativistic superfluids | |
Mon | Dec 13 | 15:00 | Daniel Naegels | Fractons in effective field theories for spontaneously broken translations | |
Mon | Dec 13 | 14:10 | Antoine Pasternak | Dynamical supersymmetry breaking in string theory | |
Mon | Dec 13 | 13:50 | Jeremy Mann | Multipoint Conformal Blocks and their Vertex Integrable Systems | |
Mon | Dec 13 | 13:30 | Luigi Guerrini | A duality for the BPS latitude Wilson loop in ABJM | |
Mon | Dec 13 | 11:10 | Donald Youmans | Holomorphic maps of two-dimensional complex manifolds into toric manifolds and type A multistring theory | |
Mon | Dec 13 | 10:50 | Suvajit Majumder | Protected states in AdS3 backgrounds from integrability | |
Mon | Dec 13 | 10:30 | Daniele Gregori | Integrability and cycles of deformed N=2 gauge theory | |
Mon | Dec 13 | 09:40 | Simon Pekar | Carrollian and Galilean conformal higher spin algebras in any dimensions | |
Mon | Dec 13 | 09:20 | Andrea Arduino | Noncommutativity Rescues Open String and QFT in Time-dependent Orbifolds | |
Mon | Dec 13 | 09:00 | Giuseppe Di Giulio | Complexity of mixed Gaussian states from Fisher information geometry | |