INFN Strings "Young Days"

HEP - theory

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 13-Dec-2021 to 16-Dec-2021
Organizer: Fabio Apruzzi*
*contact for this listing
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuDec 1615:40Davide BilloHolographic and QFT Complexity with angular momentum
ThuDec 1615:20Daniel LichtigBlack holes, CFT and instanton counting
ThuDec 1615:00Pietro FerreroGluon Scattering in AdS from CFT
ThuDec 1614:10Stéphane BajeotDualities from deconfinement
ThuDec 1613:50Lorenzo RuggeriSYM on Quotients of Spheres and Complex Projective Spaces
ThuDec 1613:30Francesco MignosaOn fixed points and phase transitions in five dimensions
ThuDec 1610:30Anayeli RamirezAdvances in AdS/CFT in lower dimensions
ThuDec 1610:10Colin SterckxS-folds: symmetry breaking and marginal deformations
ThuDec 1609:50Giulia FardelliQuarter-BPS operators in N=4 SYM: a case study
ThuDec 1609:30Marcus SperlingMagnetic quivers and strongly coupled Higgs phases of theories with 8 supercharges
MonDec 1315:40Angelo EspositoAn EFT viewpoint on condensed matter
MonDec 1315:20Alessandro PodoIntegrating out beyond tree level for relativistic superfluids
MonDec 1315:00Daniel NaegelsFractons in effective field theories for spontaneously broken translations
MonDec 1314:10Antoine PasternakDynamical supersymmetry breaking in string theory
MonDec 1313:50Jeremy MannMultipoint Conformal Blocks and their Vertex Integrable Systems
MonDec 1313:30Luigi GuerriniA duality for the BPS latitude Wilson loop in ABJM
MonDec 1311:10Donald YoumansHolomorphic maps of two-dimensional complex manifolds into toric manifolds and type A multistring theory
MonDec 1310:50Suvajit MajumderProtected states in AdS3 backgrounds from integrability
MonDec 1310:30Daniele GregoriIntegrability and cycles of deformed N=2 gauge theory
MonDec 1309:40Simon PekarCarrollian and Galilean conformal higher spin algebras in any dimensions
MonDec 1309:20Andrea ArduinoNoncommutativity Rescues Open String and QFT in Time-dependent Orbifolds
MonDec 1309:00Giuseppe Di GiulioComplexity of mixed Gaussian states from Fisher information geometry
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