BIRS workshop: Mathematics of Human Environmental Systems

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Banff International Research Station

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 25-Jan-2021 to 29-Jan-2021
Curator: BIRS Programme Coordinator*
*contact for this listing

This workshop will address emerging challenges in human-environment interactions. Ecosystem services are under threat due to human activities. We will model feedbacks between the environment and human behaviour with a view to illuminating the mathematical structures that govern interactions. Our goal is to develop methods that can suggest a path forward in improving the interactions between humans and the environment.

The workshop will include some existing case studies where theoretical models have been successful in suggesting a path forward such as vaccination strategies, deployment of antivirals, range corridors for wildlife, restricted shipping speed in areas populated by whales, with a view to expanding the role that mathematics and statistics can play in this endeavour.

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriJan 2922:05Hans KaperModeling Food System
FriJan 2920:50Louis GrossA Rational Basis for Hope: Human Behavior Modeling and Climate Change
FriJan 2920:00Madhur AnandWhat can we learn from mathematical models of ourselves? Examples from forest pest spread to climate change mitigation.
ThuJan 2822:05David FinnoffHuman behavior in economic-epidemiological systems
ThuJan 2820:50Junling MaTime of infections of SI epidemics on networks of cities, farms, or individual
ThuJan 2820:00Nina FeffermanHumans as Ecosystem Engineers of the Pathogen Landscape
WedJan 2722:05Andrew TilmanEnvironmental forecasting and human-environmental dynamics
WedJan 2720:50Chris BauchEarly warning signals of critical transitions in coupled human-environment systems: leveraging data science with dynamical systems
WedJan 2720:00Alan HastingsRole of Transients in Human Environmental Systems
TueJan 2622:05Akiko SatakeCoupled social and ecological systems in forested landscape
TueJan 2620:50Mayuko NakamaruEcological features benefiting sustainable harvesters in socio-ecological systems: A case study of swiftlets in Malaysia
TueJan 2620:00Frank HilkerComparison between best-response dynamics and replicator dynamics in a social-ecological model of lake eutrophication
MonJan 2522:50Rebecca TysonRebecca Tyson: CHANS with Opinion Dynamics
MonJan 2522:00Eli FenichelEli Fenichel: Getting human behavior into epidemiology models
MonJan 2521:00Christopher HeggerudChristopher Heggerud: Coupling the socio-economic and ecological dynamics of cyanobacteria
MonJan 2520:10Yoh IwasaPersistence of corruption: an evolutionary game theory motivated by illegal logging in tropics
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