The 4th Geometric Analysis Festival

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differential geometry

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 15-Oct-2021 to 19-Nov-2021
Organizer: Hojoo Lee*
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriNov 1900:00Glen Wheeler03 Stability theorems for the curve diffusion and free elastic flows supported on parallel lines in the plane
ThuNov 1818:00Emanuel IndreiThe equilibrium shape of a planar crystal in a convex background
ThuNov 1816:00Giorgio SaraccoFull characterization of isoperimetric sets in 2d domains without necks
ThuNov 1815:00Tobias KönigConstant Q-curvature metrics with a singularity
FriNov 1200:00Glen Wheeler02 Stability theorems for the curve diffusion and free elastic flows supported on parallel lines in the plane
ThuNov 1117:00Alexis MichelatWillmore Surfaces: Min-Max and Morse Index
ThuNov 1115:00Paul MinterThe Structure of Stable Codimension One Integral Varifolds near Classical Cones of Density 5/2
FriNov 0500:00Glen Wheeler01 Stability theorems for the curve diffusion and free elastic flows supported on parallel lines in the plane
ThuNov 0418:00Joshua JordanNon-Kähler Calabi-Yau Geometry and Pluriclosed Flow
ThuNov 0417:00Álvaro PámpanoBoundary Value Problems for the Helfrich Energy
ThuNov 0415:00Xu Wen ZhangVolume-constraint local energy-minimizing sets in a ball
ThuOct 2817:00Rudolf ZeidlerScalar and mean curvature comparison via the Dirac operator
ThuOct 2816:00Cong Hung MaiRigidity for the isoperimetric inequality of negative effective dimension on weighted Riemannian manifolds
ThuOct 2815:00Alberto Rodríguez-VázquezCohomogeneity one actions in quaternionic hyperbolic spaces
ThuOct 2118:00Philippe G. LeFloch03 Recent advances on Einstein's constraint equations: asymptotic localization and gravitational singularities
ThuOct 2116:00Dan A. Lee05 Introduction to general relativity and the positive mass theorem
WedOct 2018:00Philippe G. LeFloch02 Recent advances on Einstein's constraint equations: asymptotic localization and gravitational singularities
WedOct 2016:00Dan A. Lee04 Introduction to general relativity and the positive mass theorem
TueOct 1918:00Philippe G. LeFloch01 Recent advances on Einstein's constraint equations: asymptotic localization and gravitational singularities
TueOct 1917:00Simone CecchiniThe positive mass theorem and distance estimates in the spin setting
TueOct 1916:00Dan A. Lee03 Introduction to general relativity and the positive mass theorem
MonOct 1817:00David LundbergJang's equation and positive mass theorem in the asymptotically hyperboloidal setting
MonOct 1816:00Dan A. Lee02 Introduction to general relativity and the positive mass theorem
SunOct 1717:00Sven HirschSpacetime harmonic functions and applications to relativity
SunOct 1716:00Dan A. Lee01 Introduction to general relativity and the positive mass theorem
ThuOct 1420:00Álvaro Krüger RamosTotally umbilic surfaces in hyperbolic 3-manifolds of finite volume
ThuOct 1419:00Volker BrandingHigher order generalizations of harmonic maps
ThuOct 1418:00Gregorio Pacelli BessaStochastic Half-Space Theorems for minimal and H-surfaces of R^3
ThuOct 1415:00Niels Martin MøllerWedge theorems for self-translating and ancient mean curvature flows
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