Third DinAmicI Day

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mathematical physics classical analysis and ODEs dynamical systems numerical analysis probability symplectic geometry

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 17-Dec-2020 to 18-Dec-2020
Organizers: Alfonso Sorrentino*, Anna Maria Cherubini, Simone Paleari
*contact for this listing

The Giornata DinAmica (DAI Day) of the DinAmicI, the Community of Italian Dynamicists, takes place every two years and includes, in addition to scientific seminars, the assembly of members.

One of the aims of the DinAmicI is to promote young researchers: at least half of the invited speakers are in the early stage of their careers.

This third edition of the Day is exceptionally held online due to the restrictions caused by Covid and, exceptionally, the talks will be distributed over two afternoons.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriDec 1814:30Emanuele HausNormal form and existence time for the Kirchhoff equation
FriDec 1813:30Sara Di RuzzaTBA
ThuDec 1714:30Anna FlorioSpectral rigidity of contact 3D Axiom A flows
ThuDec 1713:30Nicola GuglielmiApproximating Lyapunov exponents of switching systems
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