Carleton Combinatorics Meeting 2021

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Carleton University

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 03-Aug-2021 to 05-Aug-2021
Organizers: Daniel Panario, David Thomson*, Qiang Wang
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Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuAug 0517:15Jozsef Solymosi, Kyle Chi Hoi Yip and Ethan WhiteLacunary polynomials over finite fields and their applications
ThuAug 0516:00Brett Stevens and Lucas PerinRandomness properties of Zv\mathbb{Z}_v ElGamal sequences
WedAug 0417:15Lucia Moura and Thaís Bardini IdalinoCover-free families, constructions and cryptographical applications
WedAug 0416:00Emina SoljaninCodes, Graphs, and Hyperplanes in Data Access Service
WedAug 0414:30Hadi Kharaghani and Sho SudaBalanced Generalized Weighing matrices and Association Schemes
TueAug 0317:15Karen Meagher, Mahsa N. Shirazi and Sarobidy RazafimahatratraThe Ratio Bound for Erdős-Ko-Rado Type Theorems
TueAug 0316:00David Pike and Andrea BurgessThe Firebreak problem
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