Online School of Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry

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algebraic geometry

Higher School of Economics

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 30-Sep-2020 to 02-Oct-2020
Organizer: Nikon Kurnosov*
Curator: Dmitry Kaledin
*contact for this listing

The link will be published few days before the school. Registration is warmly welcome! Lectures are for advanced students and PhD students from HSE, everyone else is welcome too

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriOct 0213:00Christian LehnTBA
FriOct 0211:45Andreas HöringTBA
FriOct 0210:30Daniel GrebUniformisation of higher-dimensional singular varieties
ThuOct 0113:00Henri GuenanciaApplication of Kähler-Einstein metrics in Algebraic Geometry
ThuOct 0111:45Daniel GrebUniformisation of higher-dimensional singular varieties
ThuOct 0110:30Andreas HöringTBA
WedSep 3013:00Andreas HöringTBA
WedSep 3011:45Daniel GrebUniformisation of higher-dimensional singular varieties
WedSep 3010:30Henri GuenanciaApplication of Kähler-Einstein metrics in Algebraic Geometry
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