Mixed Integer Programming Workshop 2021

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game theory machine learning mathematical software computer science theory combinatorics optimization and control

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 24-May-2021 to 27-May-2021
Organizers: Yuan Zhou*, Carla Michini, Robert Hildebrand, Yuri Faenza, Timo Berthold
*contact for this listing

The 18th Mixed Integer Programming Workshop will be held online on May 24-27, 2021.

It will feature 21 distinguished invited speakers covering most aspects of Mathematical Optimization, an interactive, gamified MIP student poster session with 50 posters, and a casual business meeting.

Registration is free of charge. Register here: fico.zoom.us/webinar/register/2416186463858/WN_DVLhGOToQkKyvKYPiA4cQw

Find the website of MIP2021 at sites.google.com/view/mipworkshop2021/.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuMay 2717:45Program CommitteePoster Prize + Closing Remarks
ThuMay 2717:15Aleksandr KazachkovStrengthening V-polyhedral disjunctive cuts
ThuMay 2716:45Jose VerschaeSymmetry breaking inequalities: Geometry and Perspectives
ThuMay 2716:00Jamie HaddockThe Minimum Euclidean-Norm Point on a Convex Polytope: Wolfe's Combinatorial Algorithm is Exponential
ThuMay 2715:30Jesús A. De LoeraExtreme behavior in linear programs and the simplex method
ThuMay 2715:00Noriyoshi SukegawaRecent Advances in Diameter of Polyhedra
WedMay 2618:15AllBusiness Meeting
WedMay 2617:35Andrea QualizzaDiscrete Optimization in Amazon Fulfillment
WedMay 2617:15Thiago SerraScaling Up Exact Neural Network Compression by ReLU Stability
WedMay 2616:45Elias KhalilRevisiting Backdoors In Integer Programming
WedMay 2616:00Christopher HojnyComputational Aspects of Relaxation Complexity
WedMay 2615:30Karthekeyan ChandrasekaranImproving the integrality gap for multiway cut
WedMay 2615:00Amitabh BasuComplexity of cutting plane and branch-and-bound algorithms
TueMay 2518:15Siqian ShenSequential Competitive Facility Location: Exact and Approximate Algorithms
TueMay 2517:45Jannik MatuschkeLP-based Approximation for Generalized Malleable Scheduling
TueMay 2517:15Gregor HendelEstimating the Branch-and-Bound Search Tree Size
TueMay 2516:45Ambros GleixnerExact mixed-integer programming: a status update on MIP solving without numerical errors
TueMay 2516:00Sanjeeb DashInteger and linear programming methods for two problems in machine learning
TueMay 2515:30Fatma Kılınç-KarzanConic Mixed-Binary Sets: Convex Hull Characterizations and Applications
TueMay 2515:00Jon LeeGaining or Losing Perspective for Piecewise-Linear Under-Estimators of Convex Univariate Functions
MonMay 2416:45StudentsPoster Session
MonMay 2416:00Boshi YangQuadratic Programs with Non-intersecting Constraints
MonMay 2415:30Daniel BienstockProgress on polynomial optimization
MonMay 2415:00Program CommitteeOpening Remarks + Gather Demo
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