5th GTSS Geometry-Topology Summer School

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mathematical physics algebraic geometry analysis of PDEs complex variables differential geometry geometric topology metric geometry symplectic geometry

Nesin Mathematics Village / İstanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 06-Jul-2020 to 18-Jul-2020
Organizers: Mustafa Kalafat*, İzzet Coşkun, Craig van Coevering
*contact for this listing

The summer school is a part of "Nesin Mathematics Village" online activities.
It is initially scheduled to hold in IMBM. Please register through the website of the event in order to get the Research-Lecture links.
Registration is free but mandatory.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
SatJul 1813:30İzzet CoşkunBirational geometry of the Hilbert schemes of points on the plane 4
SatJul 1811:30Buket Can BahadırSpecial metrics in complex analysis 5
SatJul 1807:30Özgür KelekçiIntroduction to Einstein-Maxwell manifolds 5
FriJul 1713:30İzzet CoşkunBirational geometry of the Hilbert schemes of points on the plane 3
FriJul 1711:30Buket Can BahadırSpecial metrics in complex analysis 4
FriJul 1707:30Özgür KelekçiIntroduction to Einstein-Maxwell manifolds 4
ThuJul 1607:30Özgür KelekçiIntroduction to Einstein-Maxwell manifolds 3
WedJul 1513:30İzzet CoşkunBirational geometry of the Hilbert schemes of points on the plane 2
WedJul 1511:30Buket Can BahadırSpecial metrics in complex analysis 3
WedJul 1507:30Özgür KelekçiIntroduction to Einstein-Maxwell manifolds 2
TueJul 1413:30İzzet CoşkunBirational geometry of the Hilbert schemes of points on the plane 1
TueJul 1411:30Buket Can BahadırSpecial metrics in complex analysis 2
MonJul 1311:30Buket Can BahadırSpecial metrics in complex analysis 1
MonJul 1307:30Özgür KelekçiIntroduction to Einstein-Maxwell manifolds 1
SatJul 1107:30Vamsi Pritham PingaliThe Calabi Conjectures 5
SatJul 1106:00Roger NakadSpin-c structures on manifolds and geometric applications 5
FriJul 1011:30Simone CalamaiConstant scalar curvature Kähler metric (CscK) problem: A priori estimates 4
FriJul 1007:30Vamsi Pritham PingaliThe Calabi Conjectures 4
FriJul 1006:00Roger NakadSpin-c structures on manifolds and geometric applications 4
WedJul 0811:30Simone CalamaiConstant scalar curvature Kähler metric (CscK) problem: A priori estimates 3
WedJul 0807:30Vamsi Pritham PingaliThe Calabi Conjectures 3
WedJul 0806:00Roger NakadSpin-c structures on manifolds and geometric applications 3
TueJul 0711:30Roger NakadSpin-c structures on manifolds and geometric applications 2
TueJul 0707:30Vamsi Pritham PingaliThe Calabi Conjectures 2
TueJul 0706:00Simone CalamaiConstant scalar curvature Kähler metric (CscK) problem: A priori estimates 2
MonJul 0611:30Simone CalamaiConstant scalar curvature Kähler metric (CscK) problem: A priori estimates 1
MonJul 0607:30Vamsi Pritham PingaliThe Calabi Conjectures 1
MonJul 0606:00Roger NakadSpin-c structures on manifolds and geometric applications 1
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