The 3rd Geometric Analysis Festival

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differential geometry

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 17-Jul-2021 to 29-Jul-2021
Organizer: Hojoo Lee*
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedJul 2816:00[Q and A] 04 (2 hours)Eduardo Longa, Flávio Almeida Lemos, Wenchuan Tian, Daniel Freese, Chen-Yun Lin, Ramazan Yol, Xuan Hien Nguyen, Otis Chodosh
WedJul 2807:00[Q and A] 03 (2 hours)Celso Viana, Jesse Madnick, Hao Chen, Gaoming Wang, Albert Wood, Tommy Murphy, Yu Li, Nicolau Aiex.
WedJul 2801:00[Q and A] 02 (2 hours)Artur Saturnino, Ao Sun, Pei-Ken Hung, Yakov Berchenko-Kogan, Leonardo Cavenaghi, Juan Carlos Fernández, Min Chen, Theodora Bourni, James Stanfield, Demetre Kazaras, Davi Maximo
MonJul 2608:00[Q and A] 01 (2 hours)Yong Wei, Fabian Rupp, Jesse Ratzkin, Ye-Kai Wang, Ramiro Lafuente, Marko Sobak, Emilio Lauret, Haotian Wu, Jialong Deng, Alberto Roncoroni, Nataša Šešum
SunJul 1817:00Celso VianaVolume Preserving Stability and Isoperimetry in Real Projective Spaces
SunJul 1815:00Ramiro LafuenteEinstein manifolds with symmetry
SunJul 1814:00Jesse MadnickA Gromov-Type Compactness Theorem in G2 Geometry
SunJul 1813:00Xuan Hien NguyenMean curvature flow of entire graphs evolving away from the heat flow
SunJul 1811:00Theodora BourniConvex ancient solutions to curve shortening flow
SunJul 1808:00Natasa SesumAncient solutions to geometric flows
SunJul 1806:00Eduardo LongaLow index capillary minimal surfaces
SunJul 1805:00Nicolau Sarquis AiexIndex estimates for self-shrinking surfaces in R^3
SunJul 1803:00Yakov Berchenko-KoganNumerically Computing the Entropy and Index of Mean Curvature Flow Self-Shrinkers
SunJul 1802:00Jialong DengEnlargeable Length-structures, Rigidity, and Scalar Curvatures
SatJul 1722:00Yu LiOn the structure of Ricci shrinkers
SatJul 1720:00Juan Carlos FernándezA geometric reduction method for semilinear PDEs
SatJul 1718:00Emilio LauretDiameter and Laplace eigenvalue estimates for left-invariant metrics on compact Lie groups
SatJul 1716:00Jesse RatzkinCompactness in the moduli space of constant Q-curvature metrics on finitely punctured spheres
SatJul 1715:00Xi Sisi ShenThe Kähler-Ricci flow and holomorphic vector fields
SatJul 1714:00Flávio Almeida LemosSecond eigenvalue of the CR Yamabe operator
SatJul 1713:00Han HongCapillary surfaces: stability, index and curvature estimates 02
SatJul 1712:00Artur SaturninoCapillary surfaces: stability, index and curvature estimates 01
SatJul 1711:00Daniel FreeseScrew motion invariant minimal surfaces from gluing helicoids
SatJul 1710:00Ramazan YolSymmetrization Limits of Minimal Surfaces in R^3
SatJul 1709:00Hao ChenGluing Karcher-Scherk saddle towers
SatJul 1708:00Gaoming WangCurvature Estimates for Stable Minimal Triple Junction Surfaces
SatJul 1705:00Yong WeiCurvature measures and volume preserving curvature flows
SatJul 1703:00Ye-Kai WangThe convex body isoperimetric conjecture in the plane
SatJul 1702:00Marko Sobakp-Harmonic functions on rank-one Lie groups of Iwasawa type
SatJul 1701:00Haotian WuMean curvature flow of noncompact hypersurfaces with Type-II curvature blowup
SatJul 1700:00Chen-Yun LinAlmost Isometric Embeddings of Riemannian Manifolds with Heat Kernels of the Connection Laplacian
FriJul 1622:00Albert WoodLagrangian Mean Curvature Flow with Boundary
FriJul 1621:00Leonardo CavenaghiOn the geometry of smooth structures: prescribing scalar curvature with symmetries
FriJul 1619:00Tommy MurphyRigidity and Stability of SUn symmetric spaces
FriJul 1618:00Wenchuan TianOn a family of integral operators on the ball
FriJul 1616:00Pei-Ken HungWave equation in 3+1 dimension
FriJul 1615:00James StanfieldPositive Hermitian Curvature Flow on complex Lie groups
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