Frontiers of Holographic Duality-3

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general relativity and quantum cosmology HEP - phenomenology HEP - theory

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 06-Dec-2021 to 17-Dec-2021
Organizer: Dmitry Ageev*
*contact for this listing

Having been initially used as a tool to explore strongly coupled phenomena, holography found important applications and intriguing insights in the structure of quantum gravity and quantum information, linking them to certain universal properties of strongly coupled chaotic quantum systems. It provides unified geometric tools for the description of various phenomena in the heavy ions collision physics, many-body physics applications, black hole physics, and quantum information theory.

The aim is to explore a wide variety of aspects of holographic duality, bringing together specialists in main topics to have comprehensive, but intensive discussions of the frontiers of holography and closely related subjects of quantum information and strongly-coupled theory.

The topics to be discussed include holographic duality and applications:

-holographic quantum chromodynamics and heavy ions collisions; -entanglement, chaos and many-body phenomena; -black holes and quantum information.

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