6th GTSS Geometry-Topology Summer School

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mathematical physics algebraic geometry differential geometry geometric topology metric geometry symplectic geometry

Feza Gürsey Center for Physics and Mathematics

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 02-Aug-2021 to 14-Aug-2021
Organizers: Craig van Coevering, İzzet Coşkun, Mustafa Kalafat*
*contact for this listing

The summer school is a part of Feza Gürsey Center for Physics and Mathematics online activities.
Please register through the website of the event in order to get the Research-Lecture links.
Registration is free but mandatory.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriAug 1313:00Michael AlbaneseYamabe Invariant of Complex Surfaces
FriAug 1311:30Alexandra OtimanTopics in locally conformally Kähler (LCK) geometry
FriAug 1308:00Anna FinoInterplays of Complex and Symplectic Geometry
WedAug 1113:00Michael AlbaneseYamabe Invariant of Complex Surfaces
WedAug 1111:30Alexandra OtimanTopics in locally conformally Kähler (LCK) geometry
WedAug 1108:00Anna FinoInterplays of Complex and Symplectic Geometry
TueAug 1013:00Michael AlbaneseYamabe Invariant of Complex Surfaces
TueAug 1011:30Alexandra OtimanTopics in locally conformally Kähler (LCK) geometry
TueAug 1008:00Anna FinoInterplays of Complex and Symplectic Geometry
MonAug 0913:00Michael AlbaneseYamabe Invariant of Complex Surfaces
MonAug 0911:30Alexandra OtimanTopics in locally conformally Kähler (LCK) geometry
MonAug 0908:00Anna FinoInterplays of Complex and Symplectic Geometry
FriAug 0613:30İzzet CoşkunNormal bundles of Brill-Noether space curves
FriAug 0611:30Sebastian HellerConstant mean curvature(CMC) surfaces and integrable systems
FriAug 0608:00Jesse MadnickHolomorphic curves in the 6-sphere
WedAug 0413:30İzzet CoşkunAlgebraic hyperbolicity of very general hypersurfaces of large degree
WedAug 0411:30Sebastian HellerConstant mean curvature(CMC) surfaces and integrable systems
WedAug 0408:00Jesse MadnickHolomorphic curves in the 6-sphere
TueAug 0313:30İzzet CoşkunRational curves on hypersurfaces
TueAug 0311:30Sebastian HellerConstant mean curvature(CMC) surfaces and integrable systems
TueAug 0308:00Jesse MadnickHolomorphic curves in the 6-sphere
MonAug 0213:30İzzet CoşkunRational curves in projective space
MonAug 0211:30Sebastian HellerMinimal and constant mean curvature(CMC) surfaces in R3 and S3
MonAug 0208:00Jesse MadnickHolomorphic curves in the 6-sphere
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