Harmonic and Spectral Analysis

classical analysis and ODEs representation theory spectral theory

Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 31-May-2021 to 02-Jun-2021
Organizer: Gergely Kiss*
*contact for this listing

We invite the participants to join for the second Harmonic and Spectral Analysis online Zoom conference. On the homepage of the conference the actual information can be found:http://mathspectral.hu/hsa-2021/ The program is a now available here, as well.

Participation in HSA2021 is free but subjected to registration. Every invited speaker will give a 20-minutes-long talk. In case you can take part at the conference, we kindly ask you to indicate this at the email address of Eszter Gselmann: gselmann@science.unideb.hu.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedJun 0214:30Dorin DutkayFourier series on singular measures
WedJun 0213:30Thomas FallonThe Fuglede conjecture holds in Z_p^2 x Z_q^2
WedJun 0213:00Ruxi ShiSpectral measures on groups with one prime factor
WedJun 0212:30Sam MattheusFuglede's conjecture in elementary abelian groups
WedJun 0210:00Bettina WilkensLocal spectral synthesis from a ring-theoretic perspective
WedJun 0209:30Stefan IvkovićSemi-Fredholm operators on Hilbert C*-modules
WedJun 0209:00Zywilla FechnerMoment functions and exponential monomials on commutative hypergroups
TueJun 0115:00Azita MayeliTBA
TueJun 0114:30Alex IosevichOn the Euclidean distance graph
TueJun 0113:30Mihalis KolountzakisFinite variations on the Steinhaus tiling problem
TueJun 0113:00Nir LevSpectrality of polytopes and equidecomposability by translations
TueJun 0112:30Matolcsi MátéFuglede's conjecture for convex domains
TueJun 0110:00Laczkovich MiklósTranslation invariant linear spaces of polynomials and a problem posed by László Székelyhidi
TueJun 0109:30Kumar VishveshHardy-Littlewood inequality and L^p-L^q Fourier multipliers on compact hypergroups
TueJun 0109:00Seyyed M. TabatabaieTBA
MonMay 3115:00Rachel GreenfeldTranslational tilings in lattices
MonMay 3114:30Eric GrinbergInvariant function algebras on Hermitian symmetric domains with boundary
MonMay 3113:30Peter A. LinnellThe discrete Pompeiu problem
MonMay 3113:00Alexander RammSymmetry problems in PDE
MonMay 3112:30Fabrício Caluza MachadoThe null set of a polytope, and the Pompeiu property for polytopes
MonMay 3112:00László SzékelyhidiOpening
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