International GeoGebra Conference, India

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chemical education mathematics education physics education

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 11-Mar-2021 to 13-Mar-2021
Organizer: Soumya Dey*
*contact for this listing

There is a great deal of GeoGebra-related information and material on that focuses on the technology, i.e. how to use the various features and tools in GeoGebra. But what specific teaching methods, strategies, or models can be used to organize GeoGebra-based instruction? We feel the potential of GeoGebra is highly underutilized. Most of the content that is available, and is being developed, is for illustrations of mathematical facts.

The aim of this online conference is to illustrate how GeoGebra can be used to develop mathematical thinking in the learners and promote "Higher Order Thinking".

How to participate?

1) You can join one of the pre-conference workshops to learn GeoGebra

2) You can join the conference as a participant

3) You can submit an abstract to make a presentation in the conference

Everything is free, there is no registration fee.

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