Optimal Transport in Data Science

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machine learning statistics theory


Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 08-May-2023 to 12-May-2023
Curator: Shadira Presbot*
*contact for this listing

This workshop will focus on the intersection of mathematics, statistics, machine learning, and computation, when viewed through the lens of optimal transport (OT). Mathematical topics will include low-dimensional models for OT, linearizations of OT, and the geometry of OT including gradient flows and gradient descent in the space of measures. Relevant statistical topics will include reliable and efficient estimation of OT plans in high dimensions, the role of regularization in computing OT distances and plans, with applications to robust statistics, uncertainty quantification, and overparameterized machine learning. Computation will be a recurring theme of the workshop, with emphasis on the development of fast algorithms and applications to computational biology, high energy physics, material science, spatio-temporal modeling, natural language processing, and image processing.

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