Frontiers of Holographic Duality-5

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general relativity and quantum cosmology HEP - phenomenology HEP - theory

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 04-Dec-2023 to 08-Dec-2023
Organizers: Dmitry Ageev*, Irina Aref'eva
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriDec 0812:00Irina Aref’evaTBA
FriDec 0811:00Dmitry AgeevHow chaos reigns in free field theories
FriDec 0810:00Viktor JahnkeKrylov Complexity in Free and Interacting Scalar Field Theories with Bounded Power Spectrum
ThuDec 0714:00Kristina RannuOn the role of the z4 and z5 terms in the metric strain coefficient for the holographic description of QGP in magnetic field
ThuDec 0713:30Behrad TaghaviClassical Liouville Action and Uniformization of Orbifold Riemann Surfaces
ThuDec 0713:00Vladimir KhiteevWilson networks in AdS and global conformal blocks
ThuDec 0711:00Timofei RusalevBlack Holes, Cavities and Blinking Islands
ThuDec 0710:00Masamichi MiyajiFluctuations in the entropy of Hawking radiation and interior information recovery
WedDec 0616:00Yuya KusukiUniversal Properties in ICFTs
WedDec 0615:00Pavel SlepovHolographic Beta-Function for Quark-Gluon Plasma with Heavy/Light Quarks
WedDec 0614:00Mikhail KhramtsovDropping a diary into semiclassical black hole microstates
WedDec 0611:00Mihailo CubrovicWeak chaos in the string S-matrix
WedDec 0610:00Oleg AndreevInsights on Pentaquarks through Gauge/String Duality
TueDec 0515:00Hao GengOpen AdS/CFT via a Double-trace Deformation
TueDec 0514:00Ali HajilouMagnetic Catalysis in Holographic Model with Two Types of Anisotropy for Heavy Quarks
TueDec 0511:00Juan PedrazaGravity from Optimized Computation
TueDec 0510:00Ali MollabashiTimelike Entanglement Entropy
MonDec 0413:30Marina UsovaRenormalization group flows in 3d holographic model
MonDec 0413:00Semyon MandryginTorus shadow formalism and exact global conformal blocks
MonDec 0411:00Giuseppe PolicastroBinding Complexity and the Cost of Entanglement
MonDec 0410:00Jacob SonnescheinA simple model, extracted using holography, of a domain wall between a confining and a de-confining phases and its velocity
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