Richmond Geometry Festival

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mathematical physics algebraic geometry geometric topology

Virginia Commonwealth University

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 10-Jun-2021 to 11-Jun-2021
Organizers: Marco Aldi*, Allison Moore*, Nicola Tarasca*
*contact for this listing

Zoom Meeting ID = 975 4859 3551 Password = GEOMETRY21

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriJun 1119:30Dawei ChenVolumes and intersection theory on moduli spaces
FriJun 1118:45Informal discussionInformal discussion on
FriJun 1117:30Jennifer HomUnknotting number and satellites
FriJun 1116:15Informal discussionInformal discussion on
FriJun 1115:00Orsola TommasiStable cohomology of complements of discriminants and moduli spaces
FriJun 1114:15Informal discussionInformal discussion on
FriJun 1113:00Claudius ZibrowiusThin links and Conway spheres
ThuJun 1019:30Robert LipshitzKhovanov homology, Khovanov homotopy
ThuJun 1018:45Informal discussionInformal discussion on
ThuJun 1017:30Ana-Maria CastravetEffective cones of moduli spaces of stable rational curves
ThuJun 1016:15Poster sessionPoster session
ThuJun 1015:00Eugene GorskyBraid varieties
ThuJun 1014:15Informal discussionInformal discussion on
ThuJun 1013:00Gavril FarkasThe Kodaira dimension of the moduli space of curves: recent progress on a century-old problem
ThuJun 1012:45Welcome messageWelcome message
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