School on Supersymmetric Localization, Holography and Related Topics

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HEP - theory

The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 02-Jul-2018 to 07-Jul-2018
Curator: James Sully*
*contact for this listing
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
SatJul 0709:45Joao GomesExact black hole entropy and Chern-Simons theory - Lecture III
SatJul 0708:00Sameer MurthyQuantum black hole entropy and localization in supergravity - Lecture IV
SatJul 0707:00Alberto ZaffaroniLocalization and AdS Black Hole Entropy - Lecture IV
FriJul 0613:00Diego TrancanelliIntroduction to supersymmetric Wilson loops - Lecture IV
FriJul 0609:45Joao GomesExact black hole entropy and Chern-Simons theory - Lecture II
FriJul 0608:30Sameer MurthyQuantum black hole entropy and localization in supergravity - Lecture III
FriJul 0607:00AlbertoLocalization and AdS Black Hole Entropy - Lecture III
ThuJul 0514:15Ioannis N.Holographic Renormalization and Supersymmetry - Lecture II
ThuJul 0513:00Diego TrancanelliIntroduction to supersymmetric Wilson loops - Lecture III
ThuJul 0509:45Joao GomesExact black hole entropy and Chern-Simons theory - Lecture I
ThuJul 0508:30Sameer MurthyQuantum black hole entropy and localization in supergravity - Lecture II
WedJul 0408:30Stefan Vandoren4D N=2 Supergravity and BPS Black Holes - Lecture IV
WedJul 0407:00Francesco BeniniIntroduction to Localization - Lecture IV
TueJul 0313:00Diego TrancanelliIntroduction to supersymmetric Wilson loops - Lecture II
TueJul 0309:45Ioannis N.Holographic Renormalization and Supersymmetry - Lecture I
TueJul 0308:30Stefan Vandoren4D N=2 Supergravity and BPS Black Holes - Lecture III
TueJul 0307:00Francesco BeniniIntroduction to Localization - Lecture III
MonJul 0214:15Stefan Vandoren4D N=2 Supergravity and BPS Black Holes - Lecture II
MonJul 0213:00Diego TrancanelliIntroduction to supersymmetric Wilson loops - Lecture I
MonJul 0209:45Francesco BeniniIntroduction to Localization - Lecture II
MonJul 0208:30Stefan Vandoren4D N=2 Supergravity and BPS Black Holes - Lecture I
MonJul 0207:00Leopoldo PANDOIntroduction to Localization - Lecture I
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