Fri | Aug 20 | 19:00 | Lance Dixon | TBA (conference summary and outlook) | |
Fri | Aug 20 | 18:00 | Ruth Britto | Coaction for Feynman Integrals | |
Fri | Aug 20 | 17:30 | Fei Teng | Differential BCJ Relations for AdS Boundary Correlators | |
Fri | Aug 20 | 15:00 | Claude Duhr | Feynman integrals beyond modular forms | |
Fri | Aug 20 | 14:30 | Camila Machado | Soft theorems and massive recursion relations | |
Fri | Aug 20 | 13:30 | Andy Strominger | w 1+infinity and the celestial sphere | |
Fri | Aug 20 | 12:30 | Chiara Signorile | Precision Calculations for Collider Physics: the Subtraction Contribution | |
Fri | Aug 20 | 12:00 | Chi Zhang | The Elliptic Double Box and its Symbol | |
Fri | Aug 20 | 11:00 | Francis Brown | Moduli space of tropical curves and Feynman integrals | |
Thu | Aug 19 | 19:00 | Zvi Bern | TBA (amplitudes retrospective) | |
Thu | Aug 19 | 18:00 | Mikhail Solon | Scattering Amplitudes and Conservative Binary Dynamics at G^4 | |
Thu | Aug 19 | 17:30 | Carlo Heissenberg | Black-Hole Scattering, Eikonal Exponentiation and Gravitational Waves | |
Thu | Aug 19 | 15:00 | Thibault Damour | Radiative contributions to gravitational scattering | |
Thu | Aug 19 | 14:30 | Anne Spiering | Integrability and chaos in SYM theories from the anomalous-dimension spectrum | |
Thu | Aug 19 | 13:30 | John Joseph Carrasco | Études in effective double copy | |
Thu | Aug 19 | 12:30 | Nikhil Kalyanapuram | Two-Dimensional Models for Soft Theorems | |
Thu | Aug 19 | 12:00 | Andrea Puhm | Asymptotic symmetries, double copy and conformal dressings in celestial diamonds | |
Thu | Aug 19 | 11:00 | Stefan Weinzierl | Elliptic Feynman integrals and modular transformations | |
Wed | Aug 18 | 18:00 | Rachel Rosen | Massive Spin-2s at High Energies | |
Wed | Aug 18 | 17:30 | Cindy Keeler | Applying the Weyl Double Copy to Fluids | |
Wed | Aug 18 | 15:00 | Anastasia Volovich | Symbol Alphabet from Plabic Graphs and Tensor Diagrams | |
Wed | Aug 18 | 14:30 | Gherardo Vita | Collinear Expansion of Cross Sections and the EEC at N3LL' in QCD | |
Wed | Aug 18 | 13:30 | Walter Goldberger | Effective field theory for inelastic black hole scattering | |
Wed | Aug 18 | 12:30 | Claudia de Rham | Positivity with Gravity | |
Wed | Aug 18 | 12:00 | Mao Zeng | Conservative and radiative binary dynamics from amplitudes | |
Wed | Aug 18 | 11:00 | Ashoke Sen | D-instanton amplitudes in string theory | |
Tue | Aug 17 | 19:00 | Nima Arkani-Hamed | Surfacehedra and Quiver Categories: All Order Positive Geometries for Particle and "String" Amplitudes | |
Tue | Aug 17 | 18:00 | Clifford Cheung | Covariant Color-Kinematics Duality | |
Tue | Aug 17 | 17:30 | Zahra Zahraee | Non-relativistic physics in AdS and its CFT dual | |
Tue | Aug 17 | 15:00 | Simon Badger | QCD scattering amplitudes at the precision frontier | |
Tue | Aug 17 | 14:30 | Bernhard Mistlberger | LHC Cross Sections at N3LO in QCD | |
Tue | Aug 17 | 13:30 | Simon Caron-Huot | Causality constraints and gravitational EFTs | |
Tue | Aug 17 | 12:30 | Ingrid V. Holm | Loop-level double copy for massive quantum particles | |
Tue | Aug 17 | 12:00 | Yael Shadmi | On-shell Higgsing and the SM EFT | |
Tue | Aug 17 | 11:00 | Yvonne Geyer | Superstring loop amplitudes from field theory | |
Mon | Aug 16 | 18:00 | Jaroslav Trnka | Negative amplituhedron geometry and amplitudes at strong coupling | |
Mon | Aug 16 | 17:30 | Shruti Paranjape | Mass and Locality in the Double Copy | |
Mon | Aug 16 | 15:00 | Henriette Elvang | Generalizing the Double-Copy: the KLT Bootstrap | |
Mon | Aug 16 | 14:30 | Sebastian Mizera | Crossing | |
Mon | Aug 16 | 13:30 | Albrecht Klemm | Feynman Integrals in Dimensional Regularization and Extensions of Calabi-Yau Motives | |
Mon | Aug 16 | 12:30 | Cameron Langer | A Prescriptive Basis of Two Loop Triangle Power-Counting Integrands at Six Points | |
Mon | Aug 16 | 12:00 | Matteo Parisi | The Hypersimplex VS the Amplituhedron: Signs, Triangulations, and Eulerian Numbers | |
Mon | Aug 16 | 11:00 | Yu-tin Huang | Yu-tin Huang Analytic boundaries of the EFThedron and its de-projection | |