IASM: Geometric PDE and Applications to Problems in Conformal and CR Geometry

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Banff International Research Station

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 16-May-2021 to 21-May-2021
Organizer: BIRS Programme Coordinator*
*contact for this listing

The Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics will host the "Geometric PDE and applications to problems in conformal and CR geometry" workshop in Hangzhou, China from May 16 to May 21, 2021.

Conformal geometry is the study of properties of spaces and mappings which depend on the measurement of angles but not of lengths. An example is the stereographic projection mapping from a sphere to a plane, which distorts lengths but preserves angles. Mathematicians have made much progress in recent years in the study of conformal geometry by using and developing new tools and methods from a variety of mathematical fields, including analysis, non-linear PDE and topology.

This workshop will bring together experts from a variety of mathematical backgrounds with the goal of furthering our understanding of conformal geometry and its complex number analogue, CR geometry.

The Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (IASM) in Hangzhou, China, and the Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS) in Banff, are collaborative Canada-US-Mexico ventures that provide an environment for creative interaction as well as the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and methods within the Mathematical Sciences, with related disciplines and with industry. The research station in Banff is supported by Canada's Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), Alberta's Advanced Education and Technology, and Mexico's Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT).


Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriMay 2114:30Jeffrey CaseThe I-prime curvature in CR geometry
FriMay 2113:30Sagun ChanilloLocal Version of Courant's Nodal Domain theorem
FriMay 2112:30Olivier BiquardCurved discrete series
FriMay 2112:00Maria del Mar GonzalezNon-local ODE in conformal geometry
FriMay 2111:30Rod GoverA conformally invariant Yang-Mills energy and equation on 6-manifolds.
ThuMay 2015:00Luca MartinazziLocal and non-local singular Liouville equations in Euclidean spaces
ThuMay 2014:20Stephen McKeownRenormalized volume of partially bounded subregions of asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein spaces
ThuMay 2013:30Weiping ZhangPositive scalar curvature on manifolds and foliations
ThuMay 2013:00Xiaoli HanExistence of deformed Hermitian-Yang Mills metric
ThuMay 2012:30Yuxin DongPrescribed Webster scalar curvatures on compact pseudo-Hermitian manifolds
ThuMay 2011:30Fang WangA new lower bound for the relative volume inequality for CCE
WedMay 1914:30Rupert FrankWhich magnetic fields support a zero mode?
WedMay 1914:00Siyi ZhangConformally invariant rigidity theorems on four-manifolds with boundary
WedMay 1913:30Xiaodong WangImproved Sobolev inequality under constraints on the sphere
WedMay 1913:00Zhenlei ZhangOn the Holder estimate of complex Monge-Ampere equation
WedMay 1912:30Gilles CarronYamabe flow on singular space
WedMay 1911:30Monica MussoCompactness of the solution set of the boundary Yamabe problem on smooth compact Riemannian manifolds with boundary in low dimensions
TueMay 1815:00Yi WangRigidity of local minimizers of the σk functional
TueMay 1814:30Qing HanGeodesics and Isometric Immersions in Kirigami
TueMay 1813:30Matthew GurskyTBA
TueMay 1813:00Azahara DelaTorreThe fractional Yamabe problem with singularities of maximal dimension
TueMay 1812:30Haizhong LiCurvature ows for hypersurfaces in hyperbolic space and their geometric applications
TueMay 1811:30Yuguang ShiPositive mass theorems of ALF and ALG manifolds
MonMay 1714:30Rafe MazzeoALG spaces and the Hitchin equations
MonMay 1714:00Ruobing ZhangOn the structure of collapsing Ricci-flat Kaehler manifolds in dimension four
MonMay 1713:30Xi ZhangThe non-abelian Hodge correspondence on some non-K\"ahler manifolds
MonMay 1713:00Yongbing ZhangFree boundary constant p-mean curvature surfaces intersecting the Pansu sphere
MonMay 1712:30Jih-Hsin ChengPositive mass theorem and the CR Yamabe equation on 5-dimensional contact spin manifolds
MonMay 1711:30Kengo HirachiNormal form for pseudohermitian structures and the singularity of the Szegö kernel
SunMay 1615:00Eric ChenThe Yamabe flow on asymptotically flat manifolds
SunMay 1614:30Paul YangQuasiconformal maps on the 4-sphere
SunMay 1613:30Juncheng WeiSingularities formations in some geometric flows
SunMay 1613:00Yuxin GeOn conformally compact Einstein manifolds
SunMay 1612:30Xingwang XuGauss curvature flow on 2-sphere
SunMay 1611:30Gang TianRicci flow on Fano manifolds
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