Wed | Sep 11 | 15:20 | A. E. Teretenkov | Closing | |
Wed | Sep 11 | 13:40 | A.V. Sergienko | Directionally unbiased linear optics enable novel high-resolution sensors and quantum network routers | |
Wed | Sep 11 | 12:00 | A.S. Trushechkin | Quantum communication networks with bipartite entanglement sources | |
Wed | Sep 11 | 09:20 | O.V. Man'ko | Probability representation for quantum states on examples of oscillator and qubit | |
Wed | Sep 11 | 08:10 | S.A. Moiseev | Photon echo protocols of optical quantum memory | |
Wed | Sep 11 | 07:40 | D.B. Yusupov | Quasi-Phase Matching in Nonlinear Optics | |
Wed | Sep 11 | 06:00 | R.-K. Lee | Machine-learning enhanced quantum state tomography and its applications for optical cat states | |
Tue | Sep 10 | 13:40 | A.N. Pechen | Phenomenon of a stronger trapping behaviour in Λ-type quantum systems and quantum control landscapes | |
Tue | Sep 10 | 12:00 | I.V. Ermakov | Polynomially restricted operator growth in dynamically integrable models | |
Tue | Sep 10 | 09:20 | P.R. Sharapova | Multimode squeezing: generation and characterization | |
Tue | Sep 10 | 07:40 | K. Thapliyal | Quantum state engineering of multi-mode and entangled optical fields using photon counting | |
Tue | Sep 10 | 06:00 | S.L. Bala | Reading-off properties about the quantized radiation field from the optical tomogram | |
Mon | Sep 09 | 15:20 | A.L. Sokolov | Пучки с осесимметричной поляризационной структурой | |
Mon | Sep 09 | 13:40 | V.V. Dodonov | Quantum dynamics of oscillator-like systems when some parameters change signs | |
Mon | Sep 09 | 12:00 | G.G. Amosov | On a generalized approach to quantum tomography via projective unitary representations of groups | |
Mon | Sep 09 | 09:20 | E.O. Kiktenko | Quantum computing with qudits | |
Mon | Sep 09 | 07:40 | G.N. Goltsman | Superconducting single photon detector: research and applications | |
Mon | Sep 09 | 06:00 | I.V. Volovich | On the Absence of Bell-CHSH Inequality Violations at Large Distances | |
Sun | Sep 08 | 13:00 | D.V. Kupriyanov | Radiative Coupling of a Multilevel Atom with a Dielectric Structure | |
Sun | Sep 08 | 12:30 | Kh. Sh. Meretukov | Nonlinear equations in open quantum systems | |
Sun | Sep 08 | 12:00 | I. I. Dzhadan | Многофтонная запутанность | |
Sun | Sep 08 | 09:20 | A. Rai | Quantum Physics with integrated waveguide arrays | |
Sun | Sep 08 | 07:40 | T. Qureshi | Generalized Two-Particle Interference | |
Sun | Sep 08 | 07:00 | L.C. Kwek | Integrated Silicon Photonics | |
Sat | Sep 07 | 13:40 | O.V. Lychkovskiy | Many-body correlation functions by the recursion method: symbolic nested commutators, universal operator growth hypothesis and pseudomode expansion | |
Sat | Sep 07 | 12:00 | C.H. Raymond Ooi | Correlated Raman photon pairs and finite-temperature quantum memory | |
Sat | Sep 07 | 09:20 | A.V. Andrianov | Kerr squeezing in optical waveguides and its use to improve the sensitivity of interferometers | |
Sat | Sep 07 | 07:40 | J. Lugani | Integrated platforms for quantum information processing | |
Sat | Sep 07 | 06:40 | A. Yu. Karasev | High order quantum corrections to the parametric approximation | |
Sat | Sep 07 | 06:00 | Rajiuddin Sk | Role of Stark shift effect in preserving quantum correlations | |
Fri | Sep 06 | 13:40 | A.A. Kalachev | Quantum hashing via single-photon states | |
Fri | Sep 06 | 13:00 | M.V. Fedorov | Variations of the degree of angular entanglement in noncollinear regimes of Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion (SPDC) | |
Fri | Sep 06 | 09:30 | Yu. A. Nosal | Dynamics of moments of higher orders in exactly solvable models of the theory of open quantum systems | |
Fri | Sep 06 | 07:40 | A. B. Fedotov | Four-wave mixing in photonic crystal fibers for generation of tailored quantum states of light | |
Fri | Sep 06 | 06:30 | E. Losero | Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) centers in diamond for bio-sensing | |
Thu | Sep 05 | 13:40 | B. I. Bantysh | Resolution limits for multiple single-photon emitters | |
Thu | Sep 05 | 12:00 | A. V. Khmelev | Satellite quantum communication: experiments in Russia and prospects | |
Thu | Sep 05 | 09:20 | A. P. Alodjants | Physical graph structures for Quantum and Quantum-like Simulators | |
Thu | Sep 05 | 07:40 | A. N. Rubtsov | Samplers: their description and its complexity | |
Thu | Sep 05 | 06:00 | L.L. Sanchez-Soto | Quantum Superresolution in Time and Frequency | |
Wed | Sep 04 | 13:40 | A. E. Afanas'ev | Quantum metrology with atom chip | |
Wed | Sep 04 | 12:00 | W. V. Pogosov | Effects of photon statistics in wave mixing on a single qubit | |
Wed | Sep 04 | 09:20 | A. E. Teretenkov | Multimode quantum master equations: linear dynamics beyond quadratic generators | |
Wed | Sep 04 | 07:40 | O. V. Tikhonova | Entanglement and correlations of photons in bright squeezed vacuum light | |
Wed | Sep 04 | 06:00 | P. K. Panigrahi | Meso and Macroscopic Quantum States of Light | |
Tue | Sep 03 | 13:40 | A.B. Klimov | Discrete phase-space description of N-partite quantum systems: from visualization to quantification of quantum correlations | |
Tue | Sep 03 | 12:00 | S. Chaturvedi | Bose’s derivation of the Planck's distribution, his notion of indistinguishability and its quantum counterpart: A comparison | |
Tue | Sep 03 | 09:20 | I.E. Sinayskiy | Quantum Simulation of Open Quantum Systems | |
Tue | Sep 03 | 07:40 | A.B. Mikhalychev | Quantum measurement as a tool for probabilistic transformation of quantum light states | |
Tue | Sep 03 | 06:00 | A. A. Sukhorukov | Photon-pair generation and quantum measurements with metasurfaces | |
Mon | Sep 02 | 13:40 | A. K. Fedorov | Quantum complexity and quantum information technologies | |
Mon | Sep 02 | 12:00 | E. A. Anashkina | Phase-sensitive symmetry breaking in microresonators with Kerr nonlinearity | |
Mon | Sep 02 | 10:30 | R. Singh | The formation of Schrodinger cat-like states in the process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion | |
Mon | Sep 02 | 09:20 | D.A. Chermoshentsev | Nonlinear Photonics for Coherent Computing and Signal Generation | |
Mon | Sep 02 | 07:40 | A. V. Akimov | Toward quantum simulations with Thulium atoms | |
Mon | Sep 02 | 06:00 | A. V. Masalov | Unsolved problem in quantum optics | |
Mon | Sep 02 | 05:50 | R. Singh | Opening | |