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cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics

ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 08-Nov-2021 to 12-Nov-2021
Organizer: Jandira Oliveira*
*contact for this listing

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriNov 1220:30Angela OlintoSpace Observatories for Ultrahigh Energy Astroparticles
FriNov 1219:45Cora DvorkinUnlocking Dark Matter Physics out of Astrophysical Data Sets
FriNov 1219:00Matías ZaldarriagaTBA
FriNov 1216:30Song-Ming WangATLAS: recent results and future perspectives
FriNov 1215:45Andres Guillermo Delannoy SotomayorCMS updates
ThuNov 1119:45Hugo CamachoCosmological results from the first three years of observations of the Dark Energy Survey
ThuNov 1119:00Graziano VenanzoniFirst results from the Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab
ThuNov 1116:45Arturo SánchezCurrent trends in distributed Open Sciences in HEP
ThuNov 1116:30Javier SolanoLA-CoNGA physics: an open science education collaboration between Latin America and Europe for High Energy Physics
ThuNov 1115:45Marta LosadaConstraining Baryogenesis in the Standard Model EFT with dim 6 terms using LHC Higgs physics and EDMs
ThuNov 1115:00Álvaro G. dos Santos NetoLHCb latest results and new perspectives
ThuNov 1115:00Cristiane JahnkeHighlights and perspectives from the ALICE experiment
WedNov 1020:00Iván SidelnikLAGO: the Latin American Giant Observatory, current status, projects and future perspectives
WedNov 1019:45Daniel Tapia TakakiThe Inter-American Network of Networks of QCD challenges
WedNov 1019:15André LessaLearning the Next Standard Model from LHC data
WedNov 1019:00Joel Jones-PerezMeasuring sleptons at the ILC
WedNov 1016:30Enrico NardiThe axion: phenomenological implications and open theoretical problems
WedNov 1015:45Nayara FonsecaTheory of Deep Learning and Physics
WedNov 1015:00Camila MachadoOn-shell amplitudes for effective theories
TueNov 0920:30André de GouvêaDUNE Experiment
TueNov 0919:45Ettore SegretoDUNE Experiment
TueNov 0919:00Federico SánchezThe Pierre Auger Observatory: results and perspectives
TueNov 0916:30Carla BonifaziDetecting coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering
TueNov 0915:45Claudio DibUpdates on the ANDES project
TueNov 0915:00Ulisses BarresThe Southern Wide Field Gamma Ray Observatory (SWGO)
MonNov 0820:45Maria Eugenia Cabrera2HDM singlet portal to dark matter
MonNov 0820:30Diego RestreppoEffective Dirac neutrino masses
MonNov 0819:45Marcela CarenaDark Matter Effects on the Early Universe and Muon g-2
MonNov 0819:00Michelangelo ManganoPhysics at Future Circular Colliders
MonNov 0816:30Enrico BertuzzoRelaxion physics
MonNov 0815:45Nicolás BernalDark Matter in the Time of Primordial Black Holes
MonNov 0815:00Massimo PasseraMuon g-2 and Δα connection
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