Young Researchers between Geometry and Stochastic Analysis 2021

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differential geometry probability

Nord University / Technical University Berlin / University of Adger / University of Bergen / University of Oslo / Weierstrass Institute, Berlin

Audience: Advanced learners
Conference dates: 16-Jun-2021 to 18-Jun-2021
Organizers: Erlend Grong, Fabian Harang, Torstein Nilssen, Alexander Schmeding, Nikolas Tapia*
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriJun 1812:00PhD SessionTalks by M. Ghani , E. Jansson, H. Kremp, S. Kuzgun, M. Mertin, X. Zhao
FriJun 1809:30Hans Z. Munthe-KaasCanonical Integration on Symmetric Spaces
FriJun 1808:45Antonio LerarioWhat is... Random Algebraic Geometry?
FriJun 1807:45Klas ModinIntroduction to geometric hydrodynamics II
FriJun 1807:00Xue-Mei LiSecond order Sub-elliptic operators and its intrinsic geometry: Recent Progress and problems
ThuJun 1713:45Stefan SommerSub-Riemannian geometry in probabilistic geometric statistics
ThuJun 1713:00Karen HabermannStochastic processes on surfaces in three-dimensional contact sub-Riemannian manifolds
ThuJun 1712:00Annika LangConnecting random fields on manifolds and stochastic partial differential equations in simulations
ThuJun 1711:15Antoine LejayConstruction of Flows through the Non-Linear Sewing Lemma II
ThuJun 1709:30Avi MayorcasDistribution dependent SDEs driven by additive continuous and fractional Brownian noise
ThuJun 1708:45Ana DjurdjevacRepresentation of Gaussian random fields on spheres
ThuJun 1707:00Klas ModinIntroduction to geometric hydrodynamics I
WedJun 1613:45James Michael LeahyThe incompressible Euler system with rough path advection
WedJun 1612:00Xue-Mei LiSecond order Sub-elliptic operators and its intrinsic geometry
WedJun 1609:30Nicolas JuilletMetric hexachordal theorems on probability spaces
WedJun 1608:45Jürgen AngstOn the nodal volume associated with random linear combinations of Laplace eigenfunctions
WedJun 1607:00Antoine LejayConstruction of Flows through the Non-Linear Sewing Lemma I
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