Moab Topology Conference

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general topology geometric topology

Audience: Learners
Conference dates: 01-May-2023 to 03-May-2023
Organizers: Nathan Geer, Mark Hughes, Maggie Miller*, Matthew Young
*contact for this listing

This conference will focus on recent developments in various subfields of geometric and quantum topology and their related representation theory. The goal of this conference is to share current research with graduate students and postdoctoral scholars as well as to give an opportunity for them to talk about their work. In addition, there will be plenary talks by Thang Le (Georgia Institute of Technology), Ina Petkova (Dartmouth College), Lisa Piccirillo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Each plenary speaker will deliver one introductory lecture and one research lecture. The remaining talks will be given by early career mathematicians, particularly graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. We especially encourage graduate students to submit talk abstracts!

The deadline to apply for funding and submit a talk abstract is March 10th. See the conference homepage for instructions.

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