String Math 2021

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HEP - theory mathematical physics algebraic geometry algebraic topology K-theory and homology operator algebras representation theory

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 14-Jun-2021 to 21-Jun-2021
Organizer: Reimundo Heluani*
*contact for this listing

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriJun 1818:00Alexander BravermanGeometric Langlands and quantum super-groups
FriJun 1817:00Thomas WalpuskiThe Gopakumar–Vafa finiteness conjecture
FriJun 1816:00Lorenz EberhardString correlators on AdS3
FriJun 1813:30Claudia ScheimbauerExtending topological field theories
FriJun 1812:30Pavel SafronovGeometric Langlands program for 3-manifolds
ThuJun 1718:00Georg OberdieckDonaldson-Thomas theory of K3xE in higher divisibility
ThuJun 1717:00Emily CliffModuli spaces of principal 2-group bundles
ThuJun 1716:00Nathan SeibergQFT and beyond
ThuJun 1713:30Giovanni FelderSuperstring measure and the superperiod map
ThuJun 1712:30Lotte HollandsExact WKB and abelianization for the T3 equation
WedJun 1620:00Pedro VieiraUma aula em teoria de cordas
WedJun 1616:00Nathan BerkovitsManifest Spacetime Supersymmetry and the Superstring
WedJun 1613:30Alba GrassiPainlevé equations, quantum operators and gauge theory
WedJun 1612:30Charlotte KristjansenIntegrable Boundary States in N=4 SYM and Duality Relations for Overlaps
TueJun 1518:00Mina AganagicKnot homologies from mirror symmetry
TueJun 1517:00Pedro VieiraWhere is String Theory?
TueJun 1516:00Eric PanzerSingle-valued iterated integrals in physics
TueJun 1513:30Anne MoreauNilpotent Slodowy slices and W-algebras
TueJun 1512:30Si LiElliptic chiral homology and quantum master equation
MonJun 1418:00Lara AndersonTwisted Dimensional Reductions in F-theory
MonJun 1417:00Melissa LiuWall-Crossing for the Mirror Quintic
MonJun 1416:00Tom BridgelandGeometry from Donaldson-Thomas invariants
MonJun 1413:30Denis AurouxFukaya categories of Landau-Ginzburg models and homological mirror symmetry
MonJun 1412:30Simon DonaldsonCalibrated geometry and gauge theory for manifolds of exceptional holonomy
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