International conference "Nonlinear waves and Frobenius structures in geometry and physics" dedicate

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mathematical physics algebraic geometry analysis of PDEs K-theory and homology quantum algebra

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 17-Nov-2021 to 19-Nov-2021
Organizer: Denis Gorodkov*
*contact for this listing

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriNov 1915:30Iskander TaimanovCreation of singuarities of 2D soliton equations represented by L, A, B -triples
FriNov 1914:30Marco BertolaKP tau functions and biorthogonality on a Riemann surface
FriNov 1913:20Maxim PavlovNew Hamiltonian formalism for semi-hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type
FriNov 1912:30Oleg MokhovCurved WDVV equations and the theory of submanifolds in pseudo-Euclidean spaces
FriNov 1910:00Mikhail FeiginTrigonometric solutions of WDVV and related equations
FriNov 1909:10Maxim KazarianTopological recursion for generalized Hurwitz numbers
FriNov 1908:00Sergei LandoReal Hurwitz numbers
ThuNov 1814:30Vladimir DragovićChebyshev dynamics, isoharmonic deformations, and constrained Schlesinger systems
ThuNov 1813:20Evgeny FerapontovSecond-order PDEs in 3D with Einstein-Weyl conformal structure
ThuNov 1812:30Andrey MironovDiscretization of Baker-Akhiezer modules and commuting difference operators in several discrete variables
ThuNov 1810:00Alexey BasalaevIntegrable systems associated to infinite series of Dubrovin-Frobenius manifolds
ThuNov 1809:10Alexander KuznetsovQuantum cohomology and derived categories
ThuNov 1808:00Maxim SmirnovQuantum cohomology of coadjoint varieties
WedNov 1716:00Alexander GiventalOn K-theory of Deligne-Mumford spaces
WedNov 1715:00Alexander VarchenkoFrobenius-like structures of arrangements of hyperplanes
WedNov 1713:50Vasily GolyshevFrom Dubrovin’s conjectures to motivic gamma functions
WedNov 1713:00Dmitry OrlovExceptional collections, mirror symmetry, and Dubrovin’s conjecture
WedNov 1710:20Tamara GravaGibbs ensemble for Integrable Systems, a case study: the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation
WedNov 1709:30Alexandr BuryakThe Dubrovin-Zhang systems and relations in the cohomology of the moduli spaces of curves
WedNov 1708:20Sergei NovikovНаша совместная работа с Борисом Дубровиным
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