Ari Laptev's 70th Birthday Conference

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mathematical physics analysis of PDEs spectral theory

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 12-Aug-2020 to 13-Aug-2020
Organizers: Pavel Exner*, Rupert Frank, Fritz Gesztesy*, Helge Holden, Timo Weidl
*contact for this listing

The conference will celebrate Ari Laptev's 70th birthday and honor his contributions to Partial Differential Equations, Spectral Theory, and Mathematical Physics.

There will be four 40min. talks and two 10min. talks on Wednesday, and three 40min. talks and three 10min. talks on Thursday.



Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuAug 1316:10Exner, Frank, Gesztesy, Holden, WeidlClosing
ThuAug 1315:20B. SimonThe Tale of a Wrong Conjecture: Borg’s Theorem for Periodic Jacobi Matrices on Trees
ThuAug 1315:10V. MehrmannTBA
ThuAug 1314:10M. EstebanMagnetic interpolation inequalities in dimensions 2 and 3
ThuAug 1314:00A. LindquistAri Laptev as I know him
ThuAug 1313:10E.H. LiebSharpened L^p Triangle Inequalities
ThuAug 1313:00G. HanssonTBA
WedAug 1217:00F. GesztesyJST: A brief history
WedAug 1216:10R. FrankMinimal magnetic fields supporting a zero mode
WedAug 1216:00T. EkholmTBA
WedAug 1215:10R. BenguriaA variational formulation for Dirac Operators in bounded domains and applications to spectral geometric inequalities
WedAug 1214:10S. SmirnovDLA revisited
WedAug 1214:00L. CarlesonTBA
WedAug 1213:10S.T. YauStability and Partial Differential Equations in Mirror Symmetry
WedAug 1213:00P. ExnerOpening
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