Microlocal and Time-Frequency Analysis - Virtual Days 2021

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mathematical physics analysis of PDEs classical analysis and ODEs functional analysis operator algebras

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 22-Jun-2021 to 23-Jun-2021
Organizers: Luigi Rodino, S. Ivan Trapasso*
Curator: S. Ivan Trapasso
*contact for this listing

The focus of this workshop lies in the broad realm of harmonic analysis in phase space, especially on the latest developments of microlocal and time-frequency analysis of generalized functions and operators.

The conference will take place online via Zoom. Participation is free and very encouraged. Registration is mandatory to receive the access links - here: sites.google.com/view/mltfa-virtualdays-2021/registration

For further informations (abstracts, etc.) please visit the webpage of the event: sites.google.com/view/mltfa-virtualdays-2021

Feel free to contact us for any questions at: mltfavd@gmail.com

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