Perspectives on quantum link homology theories

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geometric topology quantum algebra

University of Regensburg

Audience: Researchers in the discipline
Conference dates: 09-Aug-2021 to 15-Aug-2021
Organizers: Claudius Zibrowius, Lukas Lewark*
*contact for this listing

We are organizing a student workshop based around recent developments in link homology theories, with particular focus on Khovanov homology and other quantum homology theories. The workshop will be paired with and provide background for a two-day research conference.

The conference takes place via zoom on the next week-end, 13–15 August 2021.

To obtain the zoom info, please register here:

There will be talks by the following speakers: Akram Alishahi Cristina Anghel Artem Kotelskiy Marco Marengon Krzysztof Putyra Jacob Rasmussen Hoel Queffelec Liam Watson

The detailed schedule can be found on the conference homepage:

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