A Simons Collaboration on Localization of Waves Virtual Workshop

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MIT / University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 31-Aug-2020 to 03-Sep-2020
Organizers: André Lee Dixon*, Katherine Lindsay
*contact for this listing


We are happy to report registration is now OPEN for the Simons Foundation Localization of Waves virtual Zoom meeting entitled, “Calculus of Variations, Homogenization and Disorder” that will take place August 31 – September 3, 2020 from 10:00 - 16:00 CDT. Please take a few minutes to register today!


The meeting will take place via Zoom link: umn.zoom.us/j/96491698844.

We expect a broad audience of participants interested in exploring profound connections between disorder, geometric complexity, and the behavior of waves and recent advances in mathematical analysis for important applications in physics involving wave localization.

Kind regards,

André Lee Dixon MIT Math Administrative Assistant on behalf of the WAVE MIT 2020 Organizing Committee

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedSep 0217:45H.T. YauSome results on the delocalization of random band matrices
WedSep 0216:10Benjamin SchleinBogoliubov theory for trapped Bose-Einstein condensates
WedSep 0215:00László ErdösQuantum Brownian motion as a scaling limit
TueSep 0117:45Tuomo KuusiTitle TBD
TueSep 0116:10Antoine GloriaOn Einstein’s effective viscosity formula
TueSep 0115:00Anne-Sophie Bonnet-BenDhiaBlackhole waves at corners of negative material
MonAug 3117:45David JerisonOptical Shapes of Level Sets
MonAug 3116:10Francesco MaggiA capillarity model for soap films
MonAug 3115:00Guido De PhilippisRegularity of the free boundary for the two-phase Bernoulli problem and eigenvalues partitions.
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