Winter School on Low-dimensional Topology and Related Topics

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mathematical physics algebraic topology geometric topology quantum algebra symplectic geometry

Institute for Basic Science

Audience: Advanced learners
Conference dates: 11-Dec-2023 to 15-Dec-2023
Organizers: Yong-Geun Oh, Anderson Vera*
*contact for this listing

It is our pleasure to announce the "Winter School on Low-Dimensional topology and related topics" hosted by the Institute for Basic Science - Center for Geometry and Physics ( It will take place on the IBS Building at the campus of POSTECH University in Pohang, South Korea during December 11-15, 2023.

This event aims to provide motivation to young and senior mathematicians to further explore the depths of low-dimensional topology and its interconnected fields as well as an opportunity for establishing collaborative links among the research community, all this in the creative and dynamic academic atmosphere offered by the Center for Geometry and Physics.

The program of the school comprises two integral components: Firstly, a *mini-courses* segment, which aims to efficiently introduce cutting-edge research topics on mapping class groups, algebraic knot theory, hyperbolic knot theory, knots and 3-manifolds by expert mathematicians in the field. Secondly, a research talks and posters segment, which offers an opportunity to researchers to present their recent works through contributed talks and posters. The lecturers of the mini-courses are:

1) Tara Brendle (University of Glasgow) *Braids and mapping class groups*

2) Zsuzsanna Dancso (The University of Sydney) *Algebraic knot theory*

3) Jun Murakami (Waseda University) *Volume conjecture of knots*

4) Jessica Purcell (Monash University) *Hyperbolic knot theory*

The call for contributed talks and posters is open, we welcome propositions of talks and posters on any topics related to topology, understood widely (low-dimensional topology, symplectic topology, algebraic topology, geometric group theory, quantum algebra, and interactions with mathematical physics).

For registration and more details, please refer to the website

The deadline to propose contributed talks and posters is October 25, 2023.

The deadline for general registration is November 20, 2023.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us to the following email:

We would appreciate it if you could share this email with anyone who may be interested in this event.

We are looking forward to welcome you at the IBS-Center for Geometry and Physics in Pohang.

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