BIRS Workshop:Probability and Quantum Information Science

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Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 13-Mar-2022 to 18-Mar-2022
Organizer: BIRS Programme Coordinator*
*contact for this listing

Workshop Objectives:

The arrival of Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices has created a need for mathematicians and theorists to develop methods for understanding their computational powers, proposing applications, and mitigating the inevitable noise and decoherence that accumulates in the course of the computation.

The main objective of this workshop is to bring together established and young researchers in the fields of {\it Quantum Information Science, Probability Theory, and Mathematical Physics}, whose expertise intersect at probabilistic techniques, to foster new collaborations and transfer techniques to help solve outstanding problems highly relevant to the rapidly evolving frontier of quantum computation and information science.

The topics of the workshop will center around three related themes, all highly relevant to the NISQ era:

Random quantum circuits Ergodic quantum channels Generic properties of quantum states

Finally, the workshop will be organized to consciously and conscientiously focus on Fostering career development for a diverse community of researchers.

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