Wed | Feb 12 | 07:30 | Moscow-Beijing topology seminar | Антон Белецкий | Итеративная теория малых сокращений И. Рипса и ее применение к проблеме Бернсайда | |
Wed | Feb 12 | 09:00 | AUTH HEP-TH Seminars | Justin R. David, | The large N vector model on a sphere and at finite temperature | |
Wed | Feb 12 | 11:30 | RA Seminar | Daniel Labardini Fragoso | Mutations of infinite-dimensional representations | |
Wed | Feb 12 | 12:30 | Prague-Hradec Kralove seminar Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physics and statistics | Alexei Kotov | Invariants of piecewise linear curves (joint with Yaroslav Bazaikin) | |
Wed | Feb 12 | 12:30 | Seed Seminar of Mathematics and Physics | Bertrand Duplantier | Hamiltonian Paths on Random Planar Maps | |
Wed | Feb 12 | 14:00 | Seminar on Algorithmic Aspects of Information Theory | Qi CHEN | Matroidal entropy functions (Part 1) | |
Wed | Feb 12 | 14:00 | FGC-HRI-IPM Number Theory Webinars | Ratko Darda | Malle conjecture for finite group schemes | |
Wed | Feb 12 | 14:00 | Seed Seminar of Mathematics and Physics | Yizheng Yuan | The chemical distance metric for non-simple CLE | |
Wed | Feb 12 | 15:30 | Seed Seminar of Mathematics and Physics | Léonie Papon | Interface scaling limit for the critical planar Ising model perturbed by a magnetic field | |
Wed | Feb 12 | 16:00 | London number theory seminar | Radu Toma | The size of newforms | |
Wed | Feb 12 | 16:00 | Virtual seminar on geometry with symmetries | Stuart James Hall | Rigidity to second order of compact irreducible symmetric spaces | |
Wed | Feb 12 | 16:00 | Topology and Geometry Seminar (Texas, Kansas) | Luuk Stehouwer | The Unitary Cobordism Hypothesis | |
Wed | Feb 12 | 17:00 | Metagovernance Seminar | No Seminar | No Seminar | |
Wed | Feb 12 | 20:00 | Harvard number theory seminar | Ryan Chen | Near center derivatives and arithmetic $1$-cycles | |
Wed | Feb 12 | 20:00 | Noncommutative geometry in NYC | Jun Yang | The Jacquet-Langlands correspondence of von Neumann dimensions over arithmetic groups | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 00:00 | UCSD number theory seminar | Santiago Arango-Piñeros | Counting 5-isogenies of elliptic curves over the rationals | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 12:00 | (ED-3S) Essex Data Science Seminar Series | Porf. Michael J. Daniels | A Bayesian nonparametric approach for evaluating the causal effect of treatment in observational cohort studies with semi-competing risks | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 13:00 | Seminar on Quantum Optics and Related Topics | J. E. Gough | Non-Markovian Quantum Stochastic Models | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 13:30 | Семінар з фрактального аналізу / Fractal analysis seminar | Mykola Moroz | Representation of real numbers by alternating Perron series and its metric equivalence to representation of numbers by positive Perron series | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 14:00 | MESS (Mathematics Essex Seminar Series) | Jesús Miguel Seoane Sepúlveda | tbc | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 15:00 | Florida Atlantic University Crypto Café | Ivana Trummová | Human Factors in Cryptography | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 15:00 | Selected Topics in Mathematics - Online Edition | Jeffrey Vaaler | Sums of small fractional parts and a problem of Littlewood | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 15:00 | Maths seminars at the University of Galway | Christopher Voll | Combinatorial aspects of lattice enumeration | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 15:30 | Gothenburg PhD seminar | Rickard Cullman | A taste of Ergodic Ramsey theory | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 16:00 | M-seminar | Nikita Nikolaev | Geometry and Resurgence of WKB Solutions of Schrödinger Equations - Part 1 | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 16:00 | Seminar on the Mathematics of Reaction Networks | Badal Joshi | Bifunctional enzyme action as a source of robustness in biochemical reaction networks: a novel hypergraph approach | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 16:00 | Number Theory Web Seminar | Emmanuel Ullmo | Bi-$\overline{\Q}$-Structures on Hermitian Symmetric Spaces and quadratic relations between CM periods | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 16:30 | Seminar on the Mathematics of Reaction Networks | Grzegorz A. Rempala | Likelihood Functions for Individual-Level Chemical Reaction Models | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 17:00 | Topos Institute Colloquium | Andrew Dudzik | Tensor Species: The Theory and Practice of Neural Networks | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 19:00 | Online logic seminar | Andrew DeLapo | Index Sets and Computable Categoricity of CSC Spaces | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 20:00 | Calgary Algebra and Number Theory Seminar | Matt Olechnowicz | Bad reduction of rational maps. | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 20:00 | New York Number Theory Seminar | Mel Nathanson | New problems in additive number theory | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 21:30 | SFU NT-AG seminar | Seda Albayrak | Multivariate Generalization of Christol’s Theorem | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 22:00 | STAGE | Xinyu Fang | Cohomology of algebraic varieties | |
Fri | Feb 14 | 08:30 | Algebra and Geometry Seminar @ HKUST | Andrei Neguț | q-characters for quantum loop groups | |
Fri | Feb 14 | 14:00 | Algebraic and Combinatorial Perspectives in the Mathematical Sciences | Gunnar Fløystad | TBA | |
Fri | Feb 14 | 14:00 | University of Birmingham theoretical computer science seminar | Rini Banerjee | Fulminate: Testing CN Separation-Logic Specifications in C | |
Fri | Feb 14 | 14:15 | Symplectic zoominar | Richard Hind (Notre Dame) | Lagrangian intersections and the shape invariant | |
Fri | Feb 14 | 16:00 | GEOTOP-A seminar | Steve Levene | Unmasking a hidden DNA-supercoil relaxation activity in a site-specific recombination system | |
Fri | Feb 14 | 18:00 | Equivariant Elliptic Cohomology Seminar | Kamil Rychlewicz | The circle equivariant elliptic cohomology of a point | |
Fri | Feb 14 | 18:00 | VCU Geometry and Topology Seminar | available | TBA | |
Sat | Feb 15 | 14:05 | Knots, graphs and groups | Vuong Bao | Fox-Milnor condition for concordant knots in homology 3-spheres | |
Mon | Feb 17 | 08:00 | Tropical mathematics and machine learning | Baran Hashemi | Can Transformers Do Enumerative Geometry? | |
Mon | Feb 17 | 12:15 | CAM seminar | Simon Jacobsson | Approximating maps into Riemannian manifolds | |
Mon | Feb 17 | 13:00 | Paris algebra seminar | Dongjian Wu | Relative Bridgeland Stability Conditions | |
Mon | Feb 17 | 15:00 | European Non-Associative Algebra Seminar | Guy Blachar | Semiassociative algebras over a field | |
Mon | Feb 17 | 15:00 | Geometric and functional inequalities and applications | Serena Dipierro | TBA | |
Mon | Feb 17 | 15:30 | Knots and representation theory | Andrew Bartholomew | Using biracks to extract invariants of knots | |
Tue | Feb 18 | 06:00 | OIST representation theory seminar | Andrea Solotar | On the tau-tilting Hochschild (co)homology of an algebra | |
Tue | Feb 18 | 08:00 | BIMSA Integrable Systems Seminar | Paul Zinn-Justin | TBA | |
Tue | Feb 18 | 13:00 | Geometric Structures Research Seminar | Pepijn Roos Hoefgeest | Christoffel polynomials for Topological Data Analysis | |
Tue | Feb 18 | 13:00 | One World Numeration seminar | Neil MacVicar | Intersecting Cantor sets generated by Complex Radix Expansions | |
Tue | Feb 18 | 14:00 | Non-local operators, probability and singularities | Eryan Hu | TBA | |
Tue | Feb 18 | 14:00 | ANTLR seminar | Niccolò Guicciardini | The status of mathematics in sixteenth-century Europe | |
Tue | Feb 18 | 15:00 | Geometria em Lisboa (IST) | Ana Rita Pires | Infinite staircases in ball packing problems | |
Tue | Feb 18 | 15:00 | Malliavin Calculus and its Applications | Oleksii Rudenko | The set of joint intersections of trajectories for functions of several independent Brownian motions on Carnot group | |
Tue | Feb 18 | 20:00 | Harvard MIT Algebraic Geometry Seminar | Sameera Vemulapalli | TBA | |
Wed | Feb 19 | 07:30 | Moscow-Beijing topology seminar | Zhiyun Cheng | The construction of topological biquandles | |
Wed | Feb 19 | 10:00 | AUTH HEP-TH Seminars | Mohsen Alishahiha | Quantum chaos and Krylov complexity | |
Wed | Feb 19 | 10:00 | European Quantum Algebra Lectures (EQuAL) | Nivedita | Models for 2-Hilb and 3-Hilb as target categories for Functorial Field Theories | |
Wed | Feb 19 | 12:30 | Prague-Hradec Kralove seminar Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physics and statistics | Daniel Beltita | On the integrability of transitive Lie algebroids | |
Wed | Feb 19 | 14:00 | Seminar on Algorithmic Aspects of Information Theory | Qi CHEN | Matroidal entropy functions (Part 2) | |
Wed | Feb 19 | 14:00 | DEGAS Seminar | Ivan Dokmanić | Understanding and improving graph neural nets with the cSBM | |
Wed | Feb 19 | 14:00 | One FLAT World Seminar | Martin Kutrib | Cellular automata: Communication matters | |
Wed | Feb 19 | 16:00 | London number theory seminar | Samir Siksek | TBA | |
Wed | Feb 19 | 16:20 | Geometry of differential equations seminar | Jacob Kryczka | Singularities and Bi-complexes for PDEs | |
Wed | Feb 19 | 17:00 | Metagovernance Seminar | Austin Robey | Subvert: A collectively owned Bandcamp successor | |
Wed | Feb 19 | 18:00 | Virtual seminar on geometry with symmetries | Jade Brisson | Upper bounds, spectral ratios and spectral gaps for Steklov eigenvalues of warped products | |
Wed | Feb 19 | 20:00 | Harvard number theory seminar | Naomi Sweeting | Some cases of the Bloch-Kato conjecture for four-dimensional symplectic Galois representations | |
Wed | Feb 19 | 20:00 | Noncommutative geometry in NYC | Noemie Combe | Quantum Information Geometry and the Connes–Araki–Haagerup Cones | |
Thu | Feb 20 | 00:00 | New York City Category Theory Seminar | Jacob Szelko | An Introduction to Compositional Public Health. | |
Thu | Feb 20 | 00:00 | UCSD number theory seminar | Zeyu Liu | TBA | |
Thu | Feb 20 | 02:00 | ANU Research School of Earth Sciences school seminar | Leandro Diaz (CIMA-University of Buenos Aires) | Observed precipitation trends in southern South America: drivers and uncertainties based on global climate models | |
Thu | Feb 20 | 04:00 | Computational algebra seminar | Lewis Combes | TBA | |
Thu | Feb 20 | 15:00 | Seminar on Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics | Adrian Vladimir Sotomayor Aguirre | On the formulation of a Bäcklund transformation in the Wahlquist-Estabrook sense for extensions of the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation | |
Thu | Feb 20 | 15:15 | [K-OS] Knot online seminar | Miguel Orbegozo Rodriguez | Homogeneous braids are visually prime | |
Thu | Feb 20 | 15:30 | Gothenburg PhD seminar | Anna Theorin Johansson | Zaremba's conjecture and the circle method | |
Thu | Feb 20 | 16:00 | M-seminar | Nikita Nikolaev | Geometry and Resurgence of WKB Solutions of Schrödinger Equations - Part 2 | |
Thu | Feb 20 | 16:00 | Number Theory Web Seminar | Valérie Berthé | A symbolic approach to bounded remainder sets | |
Thu | Feb 20 | 19:00 | Online logic seminar | Ulla Karhumäki | Pseudofinite primitive permutation groups of finite SU-rank | |
Thu | Feb 20 | 20:00 | Calgary Algebra and Number Theory Seminar | No Talk | No Talk | |
Thu | Feb 20 | 21:15 | CUNY Geometric Analysis Seminar | Stephen Preston | TBA | |
Thu | Feb 20 | 22:00 | STAGE | Mohit Hulse | Period maps and the Gauss-Manin connection | |
Fri | Feb 21 | 00:30 | UCLA Combinatorics Forum | Grant Barkley | The combinatorial invariance conjecture | |
Fri | Feb 21 | 01:30 | UCLA Combinatorics Forum | Robert Miranda | TBA | |
Fri | Feb 21 | 14:00 | University of Birmingham theoretical computer science seminar | Karteek Sreenivasaiah | TBA | |
Fri | Feb 21 | 14:15 | Symplectic zoominar | Pierre-Alexandre Arlove (Strasbourg) | Contact non-squeezing in various closed prequantizations | |
Fri | Feb 21 | 16:00 | CRM - Séminaire du CIRGET / Géométrie et Topologie | Ana Balibanu | TBA | |
Fri | Feb 21 | 16:00 | GEOTOP-A seminar | Sophia Knight | Logical undefinability and Truth Set Algebras | |
Fri | Feb 21 | 18:00 | VCU Geometry and Topology Seminar | Tianyuan Xu | TBA | |
Sat | Feb 22 | 14:05 | Knots, graphs and groups | Medhi Golfshan | Geometry, Factor Dynamics, Unipotent Flows on Tori, and Leading Digits | |
Mon | Feb 24 | 08:00 | Tropical mathematics and machine learning | Samuel Bernard-Bernardet and Benjamin Apffel | The spinorial ball : a macroscopic object of spin-1/2 | |
Mon | Feb 24 | 09:00 | Quantum Groups Seminar [QGS] | Sang-Gyun Youn | TBA | |
Mon | Feb 24 | 12:15 | CAM seminar | Jennifer Ryan | TBA | |
Mon | Feb 24 | 13:00 | Paris algebra seminar | Alessandro Lehmann | Curved algebras and deformations of triangulated categories | |
Mon | Feb 24 | 15:00 | European Non-Associative Algebra Seminar | Leandro Vendramin | Nichols Algebras over groups | |
Mon | Feb 24 | 15:00 | Geometric and functional inequalities and applications | Alexander Kiselev | TBA | |
Mon | Feb 24 | 15:00 | Sissa algebraic geometry seminar | Anis Bousclet | Two exercises in descent theory | |
Mon | Feb 24 | 16:00 | Mathematical and Computational Biology Seminar Series | Thomas Yankeelov | Personalizing interventions through mechanism-based digital twins | |
Mon | Feb 24 | 19:15 | Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar (NTC) | Lucas Villagra Torcomian | Perfect powers as sum of consecutive powers | |
Mon | Feb 24 | 21:00 | Carleton-Ottawa Number Theory seminar | Zhang Xiao | TBA | |