2020 Workshop on String Field Theory and Related Aspects

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HEP - theory mathematical physics

ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 08-Jun-2020 to 12-Jun-2020
Organizer: Nathan Berkovits*
*contact for this listing

Description: 30-minute seminars on string field theory and related aspects

Instructions for viewing link will be on webpage www.ictp-saifr.org/workshop-on-fundamental-aspects-of-string-theory/

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriJun 1215:30Renann Lipinski JusinskasChiral strings, the sectorized description and their integrated vertex operators
FriJun 1215:00Tim AdamoScattering in chiral strong backgrounds
FriJun 1214:15Osvaldo ChandiaThe pure spinor b ghost in curved backgrounds
FriJun 1213:45Sitender Pratap KashyapConstruction of covariant vertex operators in the pure spinor formalism
FriJun 1213:00Subhroneel ChakrabartiScattering of massive states in pure spinor formalism
FriJun 1212:30Yvonne GeyerTwistorial ambitwistor-strings: 2. Amplitude formulae
FriJun 1212:00Lionel MasonTwistorial ambitwistor-strings: 1.Models
ThuJun 1115:30Albert SchwarzScattering matrix and inclusive scattering matrix in QFT and string field theory
ThuJun 1115:00Ashoke SenDivergent to complex amplitudes in two-dimensional string theory
ThuJun 1114:15Xi YinD-instanton calculus in c=1 string theory
ThuJun 1113:45Shota KomatsuThe boundary state from Wilson loops
ThuJun 1113:00Leonardo RastelliMaximally supersymmetric RG flows in 4D and integrability
ThuJun 1112:30Oliver SchlottererTowards bases of worldsheet integrals for string amplitudes
ThuJun 1112:00Alak LaddhaDissection quivers, polytopes and scattering amplitudes
WedJun 1015:30Eduardo CasaliHigher genus monodromy relations and color-kinematics
WedJun 1015:00Kevin CostelloThe Green- Schwarz string from 4d Chern-Simons
WedJun 1014:15Lorenz SchlechterBosonic string tachyon potentials from the N=1 point of view
WedJun 1013:45Anupam MazumdarResolution of singularities in infinite derivative gravity
WedJun 1013:00Workshop organizersGeneral discussion on diversity
WedJun 1012:30Ivo SachsType II SUGRA from the spinning world line
WedJun 1012:00Toru Masuda1/K in open string field theory
TueJun 0915:30Ruggero NorisA simple solution for static backgrounds in cubic superstring field theory
TueJun 0915:00Mritunjay VermaOpen-closed superstring field theory
TueJun 0914:15Barton ZwiebachHyperbolic string vértices
TueJun 0913:45Nobuyuki IshibashiSFT for noncritical strings revisited
TueJun 0913:00Jakub VosmeraNew results on localizing SFT effective actions
TueJun 0912:30Carlo MaccaferriClassical solutions and background independence in OSFT
TueJun 0912:00Hiroshi KunitomoTree-level S-matrix of superstring field theory
MonJun 0815:30Jim StasheffGauge field theory: deformations, obstructions and higher structure
MonJun 0815:00Matej KudrnaSU(2) WZW model solutions in OSFT
MonJun 0814:15Harold ErbinAlgebraic structures of effective string field theory
MonJun 0813:45Ted ErlerMapping between Witten and lightcone SFTs
MonJun 0813:00Hiroaki MatsunagaPath-integral and quantum A_infinity structure of quantum field theory
MonJun 0812:30Hiroshige KajiuraWondering about an open-closed correspondence
MonJun 0812:00Yuji OkawaGauge-invariant operators of open bosonic string field theory in the low-energy limit
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