From Impact Factor to Influence Factor: Data Science and Policy for Social Justice

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Computer science Mathematics


Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 20-Jun-2023 to 23-Jun-2023
Curator: Shadira Presbot*
*contact for this listing

How can quantitative science inform policy decisions? This workshop is designed to help mathematicians and data scientists leverage their expertise to contribute positively to social justice efforts ranging from small town issues to global concerns. It is intended for those interested in data science, mathematical modeling, and policy interventions. The main technical skill that the workshop will focus on is data storytelling, specifically with an eye towards policy. Data storytelling includes a mix of rhetorical and technical skills. On the technical side, these skills include data visualization, conclusion description, crafting human stories from data (example: the “middle third” technique), all done effectively and ethically, with an eye toward the audience and purpose of the communication. Participants will be exposed to other technical skills through four projects, each of which will have its own project leadership team. In advance of the workshop, participants will be asked to review the project topics and the technical skills each project is meant to develop and will be asked to rank order their group preferences. The plan over the 4-day period is broken into two days of presentations with active participation and exercises, one day of group work on a team project, and one day of presentations/feedback/next steps.

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