Legendrians, Cluster algebras, and Mirror symmetry

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algebraic geometry combinatorics differential geometry geometric topology quantum algebra representation theory symplectic geometry

Institute for Basic Science

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 04-Jan-2021 to 15-Jan-2021
Organizers: Byung Hee An, Youngjin Bae, Eunjeong Lee*, Yong-Geun Oh
*contact for this listing

School: January 4–8, 2021
Conference: January 11–15, 2021

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriJan 1501:00Eric ZaslowDimers and Mirror Moduli
FriJan 1500:00Tatsuki KuwagakiCluster coordinates from sheaf quantization of spectral curve
ThuJan 1402:00Sangwook LeeOrbifold Jacobian algebras and generalized Kodaira-Spencer maps
ThuJan 1401:00Yat-Hin SuenTropical Lagrangian multi-sections and smoothing of locally free sheaves on log Calabi-Yau surfaces
ThuJan 1400:00Benjamin GammageMirror symmetry through perverse schobers
WedJan 1302:00Hyun Kyu KimSL3SL_3-laminations as bases for PGL3PGL_3 cluster varieties for surfaces
WedJan 1301:00Naoki FujitaNewton-Okounkov bodies arising from cluster structures and mutations on polytopes
WedJan 1300:00Thomas LamPositroid varieties and q,tq,t -Catalan numbers
TueJan 1202:00Daping WengSymplectic Structure on Augmentation Varieties
TueJan 1201:00Linhui ShenQuantum geometry of moduli spaces of local systems
TueJan 1200:00Byung Hee AnLagrangian fillings of Legendrian links of finite type
MonJan 1102:00Honghao GaoInfinitely many fillings through sheaves
MonJan 1101:00Lenhard L. NgInfinitely many fillings through augmentations
MonJan 1100:00Roger CasalsLegendrian knots and their Lagrangian fillings: A conspectus on recent developments
FriJan 0806:00Tatsuki KuwagakiSymplectic geometry in algebraic analysis IV
FriJan 0805:00Tatsuki KuwagakiSymplectic geometry in algebraic analysis III
FriJan 0802:00Daping WengExamples of cluster varieties from plabic graphs IV
FriJan 0801:00Daping WengExamples of cluster varieties from plabic graphs III
FriJan 0800:00Linhui ShenAn introduction to cluster algebras IV
ThuJan 0706:00Tatsuki KuwagakiSymplectic geometry in algebraic analysis II
ThuJan 0705:00Tatsuki KuwagakiSymplectic geometry in algebraic analysis I
ThuJan 0702:00Daping WengExamples of cluster varieties from plabic graphs II
ThuJan 0701:00Daping WengExamples of cluster varieties from plabic graphs I
ThuJan 0700:00Linhui ShenAn introduction to cluster algebras III
WedJan 0601:00Linhui ShenAn introduction to cluster algebras II
WedJan 0600:00Linhui ShenAn introduction to cluster algebras I
TueJan 0507:30Yunhyung ChoMutations and toric degenerations IV
TueJan 0506:30Yunhyung ChoMutations and toric degenerations III
TueJan 0505:00Cheol-Hyun ChoHomological mirror symmetry via Lagrangian Floer theory IV
TueJan 0504:00Cheol-Hyun ChoHomological mirror symmetry via Lagrangian Floer theory III
TueJan 0501:00Honghao GaoSheaves in contact topology IV
TueJan 0500:00Honghao GaoSheaves in contact topology III
MonJan 0407:30Yunhyung ChoMutations and toric degenerations II
MonJan 0406:30Yunhyung ChoMutations and toric degenerations I
MonJan 0405:00Cheol-Hyun ChoHomological mirror symmetry via Lagrangian Floer theory II
MonJan 0404:00Cheol-Hyun ChoHomological mirror symmetry via Lagrangian Floer theory I
MonJan 0401:00Honghao GaoSheaves in contact topology II
MonJan 0400:00Honghao GaoSheaves in contact topology I
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