Advances in Theoretical Physics 2022

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HEP - theory

Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 24-Jan-2022 to 28-Jan-2022
Organizers: Nakwoo Kim, Euihun Joung, Ryo Hanai, Junggi Yoon*
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriJan 2811:30Kaiwen SunNew dualities between 2d rational CFTs
FriJan 2810:00Viktor JahnkeHolographic teleportation with conservation laws: diffusion on traversable wormholes
FriJan 2802:00Dario RosaTBA
FriJan 2800:30Taiki HagaTBA
ThuJan 2711:30Chris CouzensDefect black hole horizons and new SCFT twists
ThuJan 2710:00Jesse Van MuidenJanus Interfaces, S-Folds, and Conformal Manifolds
ThuJan 2702:00Stephen AngusFractons, geometrically
ThuJan 2700:30Paolo GloriosoTBA
WedJan 2611:30Miok ParkIdentifying Riemannian singularities with regular non-Riemannian geometry
WedJan 2610:00Kanghoon LeeQuantum Perturbiner Method
TueJan 2511:30Matti JarvinenStrong coupling models for dense and hot QCD
TueJan 2510:00Pavel KovtunTBA
TueJan 2502:00Shota KomatsuAnalyticity and Unitarity for Cosmological Correlators
TueJan 2500:30Mukund RangamaniReal-time gravitational replicas
MonJan 2411:30Akhil SivakumarLecture: Schwinger-Keldysh formalism and open field theories
MonJan 2410:00Subhajit MazumdarKite and Triangle diagrams through Symmetries of Feynman Integrals
MonJan 2402:00Xin WangWilson loops in 5d supersymmetric gauge theories
MonJan 2400:30Tadashi OkazakiBoundaries and corners in supersymmetric gauge theories
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