Richmond Geometry Meeting 2023

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mathematical physics algebraic geometry geometric topology

Virginia Commonwealth University

Audience: Researchers in the discipline
Conference dates: 02-Jun-2023 to 04-Jun-2023
Organizers: Allison Moore*, Marco Aldi*, Nicola Tarasca*
*contact for this listing

The Richmond Geometry Meeting will focus on emergent research topics while bringing together researchers in algebraic geometry, low-dimensional topology, and mathematical physics.

In summer 2023, we will highlight developments in moduli theory together with new perspectives in Floer homology and low-dimensional topology. This year's format will be in-person, with lectures also streamed over zoom.

The zoom link will be available after instant registration. Please do not share the link, but instead encourage people to register as well.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
SunJun 0416:00Pavel PutrovAnalytically continued Chern-Simons theory on plumbed 3-manifolds
SunJun 0414:30Dragos OpreaCycles on the moduli space of abelian varieties
SunJun 0413:00Antonio AlfieriInstanton Floer homology of almost-rational plumbings
SatJun 0323:45Social EventSocial Event
SatJun 0321:00Poster SessionPoster Session
SatJun 0319:30Jim BryanThe enumerative geometry of nano banana manifolds
SatJun 0318:00Career PanelCareer Panel
SatJun 0315:00Reimundo HeluaniPBW bases of Ising modules
SatJun 0313:00Hülya ArgüzQuivers, flow trees and log curves
FriJun 0221:00Charles DoranMotivic Geometry of Two-Loop Feynman Integrals
FriJun 0219:00Beibei LiuSkein exact sequence in Heegaard Floer homology
FriJun 0217:00Slava KrushkalA 4-manifold invariant from topological modular forms
FriJun 0216:45Welcome messageWelcome message
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