Singular Problems Associated to Quasilinear Equations, June 1-3, 2020

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analysis of PDEs

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 01-Jun-2020 to 03-Jun-2020
Organizers: Quoc-Hung Nguyen*, Phuoc-Tai Nguyen
*contact for this listing

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedJun 0314:00Vitaly MorozAsymptotic profiles of ground states for a class of Choquard equations
WedJun 0313:00Julián López GómezUniqueness and multiplicity of large positive solutions
WedJun 0312:00Manuel Del PinoInfinite time singularity formation for the Keller-Segel system in R^2
WedJun 0308:30Philippe SoupletSome recent Liouville type results and their applications
WedJun 0307:30Chen HuyuanSemilinear elliptic problems involving Leray-Hardy potential with singularity on the boundary
TueJun 0215:00Igor VerbitskySome classes of solutions to quasilinear elliptic equations of p-Laplace type
TueJun 0214:00Van Tien NguyenSingularity formation in Nonlinear Evolution Equations
TueJun 0213:00Alessio PorrettaDiffusive Hamilton-Jacobi equations with super-quadratic growth
TueJun 0212:00Feng ZhouOn isolated singular solutions to Lane-Emden equation
TueJun 0208:30Patrizia PucciOn (p,N) problems with critical exponential nonlinearities
TueJun 0207:30Moshe MarcusLarge solutions for some nonlinear equations with a Hardy type singular term
MonJun 0115:00Nguyen Cong PhucWeighted and pointwise bounds in measure datum problems with applications
MonJun 0114:00Marta García-HuidobroSome results concerning the nonnegative solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations involving a gradient term
MonJun 0113:00Lucio BoccardoTwo maximum principles for two friends
MonJun 0112:00Giuseppe MingioneNon-uniformly elliptic problems
MonJun 0108:35Jesús Ildefonso DíazBeyond the unique continuation: "flat solutions" for reactive slow diffusion and the confinement singular potentials for the Schrodinger equation
MonJun 0107:35Juan Luis Vázquezs-p-Laplacian norms and operators. Recent trends
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