School of Real Geometry in Fortaleza - ScReGeFor

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algebraic geometry classical analysis and ODEs differential geometry dynamical systems logic

Audience: Advanced learners
Conference dates: 24-May-2021 to 28-May-2021
Organizers: Maria Michalska*, Vincent Grandjean, Edson Sampaio, Helge Moeller Pedersen, Humberto Soares
*contact for this listing

Main aim of School of Real Geometry in Fortaleza is to present current topics in Real Algebraic and Tame Geometries. There will be five courses on topics in Real Geometry. The target audience is primarily Phd Students, Post-docs and young researchers.

All courses and talks will be available online in google meet. The links will be sent to registered participants some days before the event.

More information available on the website

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriMay 2816:00Fernando SanzNon-Oscillating Trajectories of Vector Fields, Lecture 4
FriMay 2814:45Armin RainerFrom Ultra-differentiable to Quasi-Analytic Analysis, Lecture 4
FriMay 2813:15Nicolas DutertreReal Equisingularity and Curvature Measures, Lecture 4
FriMay 2812:00Goulwen FichouRegulous Functions, Lecture 4
ThuMay 2716:00Fernando SanzNon-Oscillating Trajectories of Vector Fields, Lecture 3
ThuMay 2714:45Armin RainerFrom Ultra-differentiable to Quasi-Analytic Analysis, Lecture 3
ThuMay 2713:15Nicolas DutertreReal Equisingularity and Curvature Measures, Lecture 3
ThuMay 2712:00Olivier Le GalTopics in O-minimal Geometry, Lecture 4
WedMay 2616:00Fernando SanzNon-Oscillating Trajectories of Vector Fields, Lecture 2
WedMay 2614:45Olivier Le GalTopics in O-minimal Geometry, Lecture 3
WedMay 2613:15Goulwen FichouRegulous Functions, Lecture 3
WedMay 2612:00Nicolas DutertreReal Equisingularity and Curvature Measures, Lecture 2
TueMay 2516:00Armin RainerFrom Ultra-differentiable to Quasi-Analytic Analysis, Lecture 2
TueMay 2514:45Olivier Le GalTopics in O-minimal Geometry, Lecture 2
TueMay 2513:15Goulwen FichouRegulous Functions, Lecture 2
TueMay 2512:00Nicolas DutertreReal Equisingularity and Curvature Measures, Lecture 1
MonMay 2416:00Armin RainerFrom Ultra-differentiable to Quasi-Analytic Analysis, Lecture 1
MonMay 2414:45Fernando SanzNon-Oscillating Trajectories of Vector Fields, Lecture 1
MonMay 2413:15Goulwen FichouRegulous Functions, Lecture 1
MonMay 2412:00Olivier Le GalTopics in O-minimal Geometry, Lecture 1
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